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Hello, What's the best way to smoke Salvia extracts?


Matrice périnatale
22 Déc 2008
I just ordered a "newibe pack" from this site> http://www.blackhatbotanicals.com it contains 1gram each of 5x strawberry, 10x apple, 20x natural. I think I should've asked for a good website before doing it, but I have a good feeling about the one I chose.

I've read a lot of things about salvia, and now that I had extra money to buy some, it's on its way right now, I checked several online stores and the one above was the one I liked, because it has this "newbie pack" that I felt related to at a fair price.

But I realize that I don't really know that much about using salvia, or I haven't found all the info I need, so this is the reason I'm posting here, like, can I smoke it with a pipe, just like tobacco? I'm thinking on rolling it like I do with tobacco, and what strenght you recommend to do for the first time?

So, tell me guys, what can I do to improve my first experience with salvia? What are the risks? Any advice will help.

I'd watched those videos on Youtube and they look like having fun.


Matrice périnatale
15 Août 2008
i wouldnt always trust youtube videos. They cant prepare for the intensity of a good salvia trip. the way i've always smoked it was in a pipe, although im sure it's not even close to the most efficient way.

I was originally told to load up the bowl, light it, keeping it hot to get the salvinorum or whatever its called to enter your lungs, and hold it as deep in your lungs as possible for a few seconds. After you breathe out, you'll start to feel the effects. This is the way i've always done it, and i've definitely had a few intense salvia trips.

As a first timer, i'd definitely go with the 5x. If that doesnt work, then try the 10x, and then 20x. I've seen people that go insane off of 5x, and some that dont even feel 20x, so i'd slowly ease into it, so you dont over-do it. The only things i can advise are have a sober buddy present, remember that the trip isnt that long, so if it goes bad it'll be over soon.

also, i personally need an empty cup near by. I tend to drool while under the effects of salvia, and something to catch it is definitely a good idea for me haha

hope this helps, and safe journeys!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
have someone present and smoke it through a small pipe (HOT). Toke toke toke boom.


Sale drogué·e
20 Mar 2008

They have flavoured Salvia?!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Oct 2007
1 022
Yep all kind of flavours, never tried them do.

Don't use something like a 25 cm bong to smoke salvia........ It's just to much. Small pipes are the best and make sure that you are sitting down and that you can't fall over :wink:


Elfe Mécanique
9 Déc 2008
Smoking salvia never worked for me with a regular lighter, even though it works for some people. My 10$ butane torch (2400°F!) never failed me though.


Sale drogué·e
20 Mar 2008
But doesn't anybody find the concept of flavouring salvia a bit disturbing?


Elfe Mécanique
9 Déc 2008
It's like putting Christmas lights on an atomic bomb...

But I do have weird-tasting salvia burps after the trip (tastes a bit like seaweed perhaps, I can't put my finger on it).


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
10 Déc 2008
2 724
I was swirling seaweed in a cup of juice as I read this...

dun dun dun... thats even more scary than flavoured salvia !

But yeah, I agree... but you wont let me explain to you why such things happen... so shush.



Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
blackcat a dit:
I just ordered a "newibe pack" from this site> http://www.blackhatbotanicals.com it contains 1gram each of 5x strawberry, 10x apple, 20x natural. I think I should've asked for a good website before doing it, but I have a good feeling about the one I chose.

I've read a lot of things about salvia, and now that I had extra money to buy some, it's on its way right now, I checked several online stores and the one above was the one I liked, because it has this "newbie pack" that I felt related to at a fair price.

But I realize that I don't really know that much about using salvia, or I haven't found all the info I need, so this is the reason I'm posting here, like, can I smoke it with a pipe, just like tobacco? I'm thinking on rolling it like I do with tobacco, and what strenght you recommend to do for the first time?

So, tell me guys, what can I do to improve my first experience with salvia? What are the risks? Any advice will help.

I'd watched those videos on Youtube and they look like having fun.

I'm hoping you haven't already taken a hit. If you have, here are some ground rules:

This is BY far the most important thing. Turn off all lights, radios, cd players, ipods, etc-- anything that makes noise. If you're comfortable with taking your shirt off in front of your sitter-- do so. Salv. A increases your blood pressure, hence making you very hot for a few minutes. You will sweat. (I've noticed the feeling 'hot' and sweating part fades away with more use.)
Do not have any air on. Salvia makes your skin very sensitive, so anything that touches it, even your own breath will annoy the hell out of you. This, I think is mainly due to Salv. A's effects on the K. opioid receptors. (If you research the K opioid, you'll see why.)

Salvia does NOT enhance music whatsoever. If anything, it makes it downright annoying. Anything with a drum, or even a piano, or cello, etc-- will be way too intense for you to handle. It's best to do it in total silence.

I prefer to do it laying down. I've experimented with different body positions; standing up, laying on my hand-- etc.. I've found that simply laying down is the most safe, and the most comfortable.
Do not interlock your fingers, or place your hands behind your head. This too, will annoy you. Place your hands at your side. If you choose to have a blanket over your body make sure it's light-weight. Only cover yourself up to your upper chest. You can, if you wish, cover your whole face, but I've noticed that it makes it difficult to breathe.

State of mind:
Second most important thing. Have nothing on your mind. If you have things to do in 20 mins, do not do Salvia then. I'd suggest that you meditate for a good 30-60 mins before doing Salvia. Do not meditate with the aid of any substance. Just sit down, close your eyes and clear your head.

When you're going into the Salvia trip, just let your mind guide you. Do not force your trip-- it'll ruin it. If you wish you can have your eyes open or closed. I prefer closing my eyes because I've found that the opened-eye visuals you get on Salvia are not as powerful of a journey as when your eyes are closed. I've theorized that Salvia opened up some receptor in the brain, along with the K opioid, which makes you dream. Salvia is very dream-like with enhanced effects. You might picture yourself in a spinning tunnel, which is wallpapered with the same images, or you might see fractals, or relive some memory from your childhood that you have forgotten. Each individual is different, hence Salvia cannot be defined alone by one persons trip. It's unique.

As far as how to smoke it:
Use a butane torch lighter. Salv. A becomes more powerful when it's very, very hot. You will get effects form a normal lighter, but I do not recommend it. If you're cool with holding in hot smoke, then you can use a hand-healed pipe. If you're not and you're afraid that you'd cough it up, use a water pipe.
Unlike Cannabis, you cannot re-burn Salvia. Once it's ash, Salv. A has been burnt up. You cannot reuse it once it's ash.

Sitter rules:
There's a lot to this, really, but I'll get to the basics. I'm an experienced psychedelic, so I do not like working with a sitter. I prefer to have my journey on my own. That's just me. However, if it's your first time with a psychedelic, have a sitter present. Salvia is by far the most powerful psychedelic I have ever come across. Even though it's short-lived, it makes mushrooms look like THC. It's incredibly powerful.

Tell the sitter to make no sounds. Salvia sometimes makes you laugh at the absurdity of things. The sitter might think your reaction to a thought is funny. Tell him/her not to laugh. You are on a journey. Any sounds, or flashing of lights will ruin it. All your natural senses are enhanced on Salvia. As I stated before, it makes you sensitive to everything. This is why it's best to do it in silence. Do not have a strobe light on. On Cannabis, it looks awesome-- on Salvia, it gives you a headache.

When the experience is over (when you stop tripping) lay there for a few minutes to let your mind regain knowledge of this present world. If you are not sure where you are, ask your sitter. She/he will tell you and make you feel calm. Allow yourself enough time to bounce back. Do not rush it.

The side effects you may experience is a sense of irritability. This fades in 15-30 mins. You may also get a headache. Avoid any Tylonol for a good hour or two. Instead, drink tea, or if you smoke-- smoke a cigarette. Some have reported that cigarette smoking after Salvia makes their headache worse. I'm not telling you what to do here, these are just suggestions.

Lastly, and by far the most important of them all: RESPECT Salvia. It is a powerful herb. If you've already experimented with it, you know what I'm talking about.

As always-- happy hunting! :D


Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
I forgot to mention the reverse tolerance thing:
Unlike Cannabis, or any other 'drug', where you have to take more of it to get its effects-- it's the opposite with Salvia. You have to take more of it to get a result in the first place. This does not mean smoking 1-2 bowls per meditation. (Do not smoke more than one bowl.) This means, you will have to smoke it more often to gain its full effect. After you have a breakthrough, then mostly every Salvia trip from that will have the same effect.

Salvia is not addictive, so no worries there.

I would say start at something light until you know how it affects you. Start with 5x and work your way up to 15x. If you still aren't getting any results (I know it's expensive to buy) -- try doing 15x for a while. If this sill does nothing for you, bump it up to 20x. If no effect happens, you might have an extreme reverse tolerance. I, myself have this extreme case where my body wanted to flush Salv. A out so quickly that I barely had a trip at all. In time, it wore off. After doing a pure 100x hit, I can now smoke 20x or lower and get the same type of trip as I did when I took a hit off of 100x. Once the reverse tolerance thing has gone away, keep in mind that the higher extract you smoke, the more intense of a trip you will have. Know your limits.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
Salvia does NOT enhance music whatsoever.

Our experience clearly differs on this one point :) One of the best experiences I ever had on salvia was listening to some minimal ambient and hearing the music suddenly turn into a choir of chanting voices... or hearing the music sllloowww dowwnnnn.. ah.. the audio hallucinations...

What I can't handle is blinking lights. I once came up on salvia and felt like someone was knocking me in the head over and over. till i noticed it was in perfect rhythm with the blinking led on my computer (which i promptly covered)


Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
st.bot.32 a dit:
Salvia does NOT enhance music whatsoever.

Our experience clearly differs on this one point :) One of the best experiences I ever had on salvia was listening to some minimal ambient and hearing the music suddenly turn into a choir of chanting voices... or hearing the music sllloowww dowwnnnn.. ah.. the audio hallucinations...

What I can't handle is blinking lights. I once came up on salvia and felt like someone was knocking me in the head over and over. till i noticed it was in perfect rhythm with the blinking led on my computer (which i promptly covered)

Hmm. Very good point. For the most part with me, music of any kind gets to me. I've experimented with different genres of music. From Pink Floyd to Sigur Ros, Explosions in the Sky, Mogwai... the list goes on.

I'd like to know the name of the artist you experiment with. Perhaps it would guide my experience in a different direction. Have you tried listening to any Gregorian Chant music? I find it very relaxing while I smoke Cannabis. I'm not too sure what it would be like with Sally in my system.

Blinking lights get to me as well. I wanted to experiment with a rotating strobe light-- something like looks awesome while THC is in my system. It ended up annoying me. It took me a while to bend back up and switch it off. It's amazing I didn't fall over or something.


Matrice périnatale
20 Mar 2017
I realize I am SUPER DUPER late to this thread but that's okay because as a moderately experienced tripper myself I must say that your advice for a first time salvia tripper was outstanding. You manage to cover all the bases responsibly and most importantly respectfully and convey it in a way that would best prepare one for a solid first trip done right. I was just saddened to hear that music didn't work out for you so far so I felt compelled to join this 8 year old thread. Check out Air - Moon Safari. Exclude the 2-3 tracks that will not work well (I think it'll be pretty obvious which ones I'm referring to). I usually only manage to get through 3-5 tracks before my trip is over depending on when I start. There are a few others like Mum that work out nicely but Moon Safari has been my favorite ever since the first time I heard it during my first trip.


6 Mai 2015
5 995
C'pas moi, mais je vais les delete manuellement.