Cacti cuttings... What should I do ?


Alpiniste Kundalini
Well, hello. :)
I ordered cacti cuts a while ago, and they jsut arrived today. Two finger-size cuts : San Pedro and Peruvian Torch. I'm not in a hurry, so I want to make things right. I heard it was better to wait until the weather get a lil bit warmer (I'm from France) before I can put them into the ground. Is that okay to keep the cuts one or two months before I do so ?

When they arrived, they were just wrapped in kraft paper. They look okay, except for a small black spot on the torch. The "root" has dried, and they're not rotten (or rotting).

I think I'll get cacti soil to plant them. But what about he planting method in itself ? I heard I had to cut the root of the cacti so we can see its flesh, and then put them in a wet soil. Will it be okay ? A friend offered a book that talks about cacti, but it doesn't tell anything bout this special case. So, if anyone can help... I'm from the french part of the forum, but I was told there were more cacti grower on the english part...
Yes .

Yes .

Dont cut the roots off . The cacti will grow new ones if it needs them .

Dont put cacti with fresh wounds into anything .

Read your book . Cacti cuttings are cacti cuttings so just follow the instructions for cacti cuttings .

Read your book and it will answer most questions . If you have more please ask .
In fact I was using the word "root" for the "basis" of the cacti (they have no actual roots for the moment). Right now the down-end part has dried, and the rest looks good. The probem with the book I read is that it explains how to put a cut on the top of another cactus, but not how to put it straight into the ground. And byt the way, is there any special instructions for psychedelic cacti, like, do they need something different from the others ?
You dont need any special methods for the cacti you have .

Wait till it startts getting warmer then either spray the dry crust where the cacti has been cut of the mother plant ocasionaly with VERY little watrer and wait untill roots start to apear and then / or just put the cacti in the growing substrate deep enough so that they dont fall over and spray the growth substrate with VERY little water ocasionaly . When you can see that the cacti is growing you can give it a bigger quantity of water each time . Dont let it have direct sun light untill you can see that it is growing . First it must start growing roots .

Cacti need cacti fertiliser not anyother sort of fertiliser .
Okay, thanks, I'll think it'll be okay. I'll ask the old lady of my local cacti store if I need further informations. I just wanted a psychonaut's advice too. :)

Edit : after a few search on the net, it's quite easy, I just have to put the cut on the right soil, and spray some water once in a while (not much if the weather is already wet). And then, let the magic begin !
A local cacti store is always handy to have if one needs info , so is a library , but dont talk to them about psychoactivity or tell them what sort of cacti your trying to grow .
Of course. I'll just tell them I got random cacti cuttings from friends or friendly growers. :roll:
never put a fresh cutting straight into wet soil (cacti)

let the cut air dry until it has a skin on it, prefrably untill it starts to spontaniously sprout roots. 10 or more days.

then place the cacti onto only-just-moist compost or whatever medium you choose. the roots will grow down towards the moisture .

if you use shop bought compost the level of moisture it has when you open the bag is the ideal level to stimulate roots
Hello, I'm back ! I've put the two cacti on a dry special cacti soil, but after ten days nothing has happened. I maybe have to wait more, but one of the plants (the San Pedro) became to turn nearly white on some of his edges, is that still okay ? The peruvian torch looks a little better (even though it didn't sprout any roots yet).
If your in europe youve planted them to early . How warm is it ? How much sun do they get ?

How do you know that no roots have grown ?

The white bit doesnt sound good .
I just had to take them from off the ground and look under to see there is no roots. Someone told me the white marks could be the sign of over-exposure to sunlight. But it's not that sunny here, and the flat is kinda warm...
put them somewhere cooler immediately. no sun and lots of warmth are cactus destroyers. does the cactus gets soft and mushie? or soft but still firm?
No, they're still firm to the touch. Now they're near my living room's window.
I could move them to another room, which is way more shiny, especially in the afternoon... But is that a good idea ?
light is always a good idea with cactus, but be careful they don't get sun burn. and its almost time to break the winter dormancy and thats the time the roots wil start to grow :)
Some told me to put them under some lamp (the ones we use for growing weed for exemple), but I won't be able to do that before a week or so, and I'm not sure it will be the best (maybe too strong).
You have been told that cacti have a dormant period where they need less light , heat and no watering , and that they need to grow roots before they get put somewhere with more light . Read the thread again .
But what if it looks like slowly dying, and not sprouting roots at all ?... :?
Stop moveing it , stop touching it , leave it alone and stop looking for roots or you will kill it .