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Adverse Entity Encountering Anyone?


Elfe Mécanique
24 Mai 2007
This is a story from about a year or two ago. I had some 80x salvia that had been sitting around for awhile, so I decided to smoke it. Breathed in, held it, exhaled, and next thing I know, I have become aware of a thriving society of "others" whos existence plays out in the spaces between matter. It felt as if I could see through the walls of my house, not to the outside, but to what was between the matter of the walls. Amazingly enough, I discovered this wonderful world of seemingly individual "others" that displayed a kind of collective consiousness. That is, one of them "noticed" me, and subsequently the attention of the entire group shifted to me. At first I was cool with this, till I felt their consiousness reach out to me. A Decidedly malevolent feeling engulfed me as I realized that their perception of me was like a hungry predator returning to its lair to find a big fat prey creature all ready sleeping there, Free Lunch in other words!

The next part is where it gets worse. Now that I had the evil attentions of these creatures they proceeded to "activate" some kind of process, which turned my world upside down. My center of gravity shifted to a single point beneath me, and the bounds of reality began to fold up around me. Literally I began to see the floor and walls start sloping up away from me and it hit me that the "others" were trapping me and drawing me fully into their dimension in order to perpetrate whatever awful things they desired to do to me. I looked around desperatly, and noticed the door to my bedroom getting higher and further away so I dropped to my belly and rock climbed to my bedroom, where gravity returned to normal. I looked back out the door, and could see extremely far down into my living room. Like I was looking at something at the bottom of a huge pit. I then recieved another extremely negative conscious pulse from the creatures which felt like the most concentrated form of dismay I have ever felt.

Reality gradually returned to me after lying on my bed for an unknown period of time.

I'm sorry if that's extremely hard to understand. Has anyone else had such overtly negative experiences regarding entities? This felt like I had been discovered by something so incredibly alien that it couldn't in any way appreciate the needs of my existence, and saw me only as a totally inferior plaything. The two of us (I say two because while there were many different creatures, they all spoke through the same voice) could never share any mutual understanding. Its level of existence was seemingly waaaaaay beyond my own, and it was aware of this and delighted in it.

maybe I'm just weird though


13 Oct 2009

What did they look like?
No matter how weird, weird can always make for a good movie. This sounds like one. Wow, free realistic cinema. Writer's block? Try salvia.
Never used it myself though.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774
From all I have read,salvia doesn't really offer much in the way of insight like the classic psychedelics....it appears to be somewhat hallucinogenic, but without the insights and realizations....in which case,

what, again, is the point?


Sale drogué·e
5 Août 2009
^^^^^ I don't really agree with this, primarily because READING about using psychedelics is like looking at a picture of a piano and deciding you don't like the music it produces. Salvia has a lot of potential on it's own, and as an additive to cannabis.

As for the evil creatures, I have to say I've been sober before and had poor vibes around me so anything is possible. That being said, from my experiences salvia at high doses (80x is an awfully high dose after all) has the ability to choose a subconcious thought at random and bring it to the front. So did you have any confrontations with anyone that day, or were you feeling particularly upset about someone prior to smoking?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774
....and OBVIOUSLY, you have reading of your own to catch up on, wiseguy.

I have written here extensively of my experiments using Salvia.

Since I am familiar with all the major psychedelics, I feel that in comparison, Salvia is a second-rate example of the class, on it's BEST day.


Elfe Mécanique
24 Mai 2007
I have personally never considered it a true psychedellic. Before that particular usage, I had only ever gotten mild gravity distortion effects, and some interesting OEV's.

I had no confrontations with anyone previous to that and was in an extremely happy point in my life. I thought about this hard at the time because my first reaction was that something in my recent past had triggered it.

Now thinking about the experience in retrospect, the most salient feature of the entire event was the glaring intelligence of what I was facing. An intelligence so alien that there was no way to obtain a common ground or a mutual understanding. I could only comprehend that it was sentient and vastly beyond my perceptions of reality. What it comprehended about me who can really say, but its intention to do me harm in ways unimaginable to my brain was evident.

My point was the reason there is a question mark in the topic title. Has anyone else had any Adverse Entity Encountering Experiences they would like to share from salvia?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774
sure, I experienced something similar, but I saw no benefits from it whatsoever, just feeling bad.

WTF can you get out of that?

Also, has it occurred to anyone that what they are 'probably' in touch with is the piece of the human psyche that is interested in conflict and domination, etc....

I feel it is much more likely than experiencing a malevolent alien.

(other than the hidden bedrock in our psyches, which is alien enough to everyone)


13 Oct 2009
I think i found one. Not sure if he's an alien or talking about aliens. He does have a special ability. He can make you fall asleep.


And some should definetely not use it! [/url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IU3idOeDNww[/url]

Salvia + Alien. [/url]http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=salvia+alien&search_type=&aq=f[/url]


13 Oct 2009
Dear Necridous,

Have you read "Spirit Guide Contact" by Bruce Goldberg? There is this part he mentions about entities in the lower astral plane that might resemble the aliens you're referring to. page 42 i believe and more on page 60/61.
I'm reading the book at the moment. I'm at page 64. Was reading about the lower astral plane when I remembered your post. So here you go. Hope this helps.


13 Oct 2009
Astral Plane

The Astral plane is divided into an upper and lower component. We can ascribe a misty or foggy environment, the presence of bizarre and evil inhabitants and feelings of confusion and bewilderment to the lower Astral plane. No spirit guide is found in this part of the Astral plane, as there is no possibility of spiritual growth in the lower astral component.
(Taken From 'Spirit Guide Contact through hypnosis' by Bruce Goldberg)


Elfe Mécanique
24 Mai 2007
thanks for the info biksem, im gonna read into it and get back to you to let you know if any of it sounds familiar


13 Oct 2009
ok take your time :D


Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
Salvia's either full-on, or nothing at all. It's a hard psychedelic to meditate on, really. It's one of my favorites, but It's hard to get much out of it because the trip is so short-lived and once you come out of it, it's hard to reconnect what just happened since the jump back to reality is so fast. It's dammed interesting though. :P

Personally DMT, though short-lived as well is easier to meditate on since you remember a bit more than you do with Salvia.

Good luck on it though. Sounds like you had an interesting tip. Do remember it's all a state of mind. If you're scared that demons and shit are gonna stab you in your third-eye, don't do it. Otherwise, experiment with caution and respect. (:


Elfe Mécanique
24 Mai 2007
of course! And yes, DMT was bewildering on my first try (swim's first batch!) but very much more meaningful than salvia has ever been close too.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774
The astral plane, huh?

.....and where is this astral plane?

Really, why drag that into a discussion about the effects of drugs?

There is no way to objectively verify the prescence of this 'astral plane', therefore, what exactly is the point?

You may as well be discussing how many angels will fit on the head of a pin.


Sale drogué·e
6 Avr 2006
Sorry to barge in with a very specific question. But Spice: have you experimented with Salvia orally? I suggested it in antoher thread that this might be a way of getting more out of it spiritually(considering traditional usage was orally, and smoking was considered an absolute no-go).

And wtf is your problem against the hocus-pocus-esque 'astral plane', is it too speculative for you? I mean that's all we are doing here anyway, speculate, we are not scientists(well maybe you are :wink: ). If people want to express their esoteric ideas then let them...(this is not the first time someone draws a link between the astral plains and psychedelics, regardless of how nonsensical it may be from scientific perspective. But again the emphasis is not necessary on the scientific perspective)

Sounds like a weird trip Necridious, but gladly you managed to crawl out of there man! I am wondering how sure you were that these beings were malevolent? Could it be that you projected your interpretation onto them? I mean maybe they appeared sinister because you were not prepared for such a meeting? (yes I know they may very well be projection of the mind themselves...)


[Edit]: The point of discussing the astral plane is that his experience seems to have similarities with things said about the astral planes. No, we won't prove jack...but experience goes further than the safety-zones of science if you catch my drift, thus he could ignore the experience(because it's so not scientific) or he could try and find useful information from esoteric resoures that do tread quite a way beyond the boundaries of science. And heck for all we know it might even help him in understanding his experience!


13 Oct 2009
@ spice

All fair questions. But if we want to discuss, why won't you allow? Just skip my posts. I'm trying to find links. what exactly is the point? Why do you want to know? Maybe there is something? I want to know for sure? Deduction, trial and error, finding my way, maybe helping along the way, killing time, small talk, what if. And the list goes on and on.


13 Oct 2009

And be careful what you wish for. :arrow: You may as well be discussing how many angels will fit on the head of a pin.

Interesting. Hmmmm. i'll get back to you. Let me first have a truffle.


13 Oct 2009
how many angels will fit on the head of a pin.

When I was sober my answer would have been, It don't matter.

Now that i'm no longer sober my answer is, at this point the question only has an entertaining factor. A funny factor


Elfe Mécanique
24 Mai 2007
I do not believe in gods or goddesses or organized religion, but I do have Faith in the impossible. Maybe this astral plain fits under the banner of impossibility? If it does, that alone would prove its existence, for if you are a true philosopher you understand and accept this faith in the absurd.