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about the Illuminati psychedelic conspiracy theory


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
25 Mai 2008
1 640

I am thick into composing my blog now which is exploring how psychedelics can help us see through propaganda.
Now I am sure your aware that some conspiracy theorists like Iona Miller, James Whale, Alan Watt (are there any others?) argue that: The whole of the 1960s Counterculture, along with LSD, free love, and other psychedelics used---that all of this was pre-planned by the Illuminati. And that the plan was to break up the family, cause chaos, and this would give the politcal excuse to impose a stricter more facist State..for more in-deth see In the Shadow of the Counterculture

Now, I dont know what you all think about this, but I see this as paranoid and propaganda, and playing into the very hands of the people they are beliving they're exposing.
Why? Well it gives the feeling that we don't have any power, and all our actions, however ecstatic and insightful are directed by the 'top of the pyramid'--they being the main puppetmasters

If you accuse these people that this fear of the family breaking up is patriarchal thinking they will bring the card out that the Feminist Movement was also pre-planned by the Rockerfeller family for the same purposes of breaking up family and society!

It smells to me like right wing Christian thinking, (but Iona Miller for example seems steeped in Kabballah and Chaos theory) As you know, some conspiracry theorists say the Illuminati are up to their tits in the Kabbalh and all that mystical stuff...so) but I am looking for other angles on it which i could include in my blog, hence i would love to know your views on it--preferably if you DON'T agree with it and why?

So what are your views please?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Nobody controls anybody... There is no illuminati. The illluminati is the same thing as the invisible hand in economics; an extremely complex system of governmental power and capitalistic power. They feed off of each other, but do not give these ideas human traits - they are far from a few simple humans. These are ideas of mass - socialogical ideas of grand scale that control us.

Nobody said one day "All suburbs will be mainly supported by the men in the family" until after the fact.

Nobody said that jewish (lol) people will run the most lucrative businesses on the planet.

Nobody controls anybody. If you think otherwise, you are giving way too much credit to a single person or group.

The way anything controls anything is by changing your ideologies and your morals. People thought it was ok to cut down an entire state's worth of forest 100 years ago because it showed the power of the individual - the power of man. That was the ideology at the time - press on ward and cultivate the land, make it yours and over power mother nature.

Now, thanks to alot of insightful people, the opposite is happening. People's ideologies now, wether for the right intentions or reasons or not, are changing to preservation of mother nature. There was not one group out there that said "ok it's time - we must now turn to green energy", no. Society has many different people, but when one ideology gets very powerful we contribute it to an illuminati.

I don't believe in it.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
25 Mai 2008
1 640
Allusion a dit:
stop watching alan watt, and start watching alan watts

HAHA its real funny you say that. I LOVE Alan Watts, and only found out about the Watt dude when i got online and tried to find Alan. post 9/11 when i got more involved with c theory i of course began listening to Watt, but when I started listyening to this dour Scot going on about how the psychedelic 60s were work of the elite it put me right off him, and later i found out more negative stuff about Mr Watt---like how he ripps off others ideas as his own etc

I am jut trying to aty least mention about all this in a blog about propaganda, because i think this is carry-on of propaganda against psychedelics whilst trying to further empower the rich.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
Allusion a dit:
stop watching alan watt, and start watching alan watts

the contrast of watching alan watts for some time and then randomly hitting alan watt is quite something.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
25 Mai 2008
1 640
BananaPancake a dit:
Allusion a dit:
stop watching alan watt, and start watching alan watts

the contrast of watching alan watts for some time and then randomly hitting alan watt is quite something.

How do you mean? Would love for you to elaborate? :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
Allusion a dit:
stop watching alan watt, and start watching alan watts

The ambiguous possibities and yet the non-dualistic resemblances in the same matrix can only be truly encoded in the English language. Red and Blue will always be a fact. Guess we just love to play. :P


Alpiniste Kundalini
7 Oct 2010
zezt, to give you my input on the question, I believe what Watt & Co are doing is attempting (as an earlier post has said) to give a human face/trait to a fundamental truth and that truth is the interconnectedness of all things.

The invisible hand of economics is a good example. We can see forces at play in the world that appear to be the result of conscious thought and action which could be ascribed to an individual or group of individuals. In reality what we are seeing is the consequences of millions of decisions (which on their own each decision is seemingly trivial) made by millions of people that shape the actions of actors of almost every level of society.

This universe is so much more than any of us can know so it becomes comforting to some people (conspiracy theorists) to believe that things are being controlled by man, the truth, that we are merely bit part actors in a cosmic ballet that will continue long after we are gone, is a lot harder for many to accept.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482


Elfe Mécanique
23 Août 2010
wow my post didn't get posted

short version: jesus shut up and look up psy ops. it's even an MOS in the army

zest, as a rule, don't listen to religious conspiracy theorists. the counterculture was a mini revolution and completely anti establishment.
the powers that be want you stuck in a little bubble. the family does that. community helps you break free (it at least makes the bubble a lot bigger and more powerful)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
zezt a dit:
BananaPancake a dit:
Allusion a dit:
stop watching alan watt, and start watching alan watts

the contrast of watching alan watts for some time and then randomly hitting alan watt is quite something.

How do you mean? Would love for you to elaborate? :)

honestly, I don't know much about watt and his work; more honestly: next to nothing. I was just watching various videos by watts, that always are very uplifting. after that I hit one by watt, which seemed paranoid, talking about new world orders and illuminati and thelike. I admit I'm a bit ignorant concerning these topics.

however, I found it funny to see that the one dollar bill has a hidden owl on it, and a friend showed me something from the bohemian grove, where, as he said, they make rituals in front of a huge owl: link

alex shulgin also went to the bohemian grove, which "membership list has included every Republican U.S. president since 1923 (as well as some Democrats), many cabinet officials, directors and CEOs of large corporations including major financial institutions. Major military contractors, oil companies, banks (including the Federal Reserve), utilities (including nuclear power) and national media (broadcast and print) have high-ranking officials as club members or guests."
why shulgin went there, I have no idea. maybe he brought the substances for the party? :lol: I'd have a look as well.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
waygie a dit:
wow my post didn't get posted

short version: jesus shut up and look up psy ops. it's even an MOS in the army

zest, as a rule, don't listen to religious conspiracy theorists. the counterculture was a mini revolution and completely anti establishment.
the powers that be want you stuck in a little bubble. the family does that. community helps you break free (it at least makes the bubble a lot bigger and more powerful)

lol... yeah. Waygie, they are going to GET YOU!


Sale drogué·e
5 Août 2009
I can start with Scotland, or I can start in France, or talk about Egyptian history... hell even the Roman baths, all of it has marks of "secret societies". What I cannot understand is why someone would call that a big fucking deal. You're telling me some humans got together, and tried to pretend that they are more elite than other humans because they're now allowed into the house?

I'm not saying that there weren't many travesties as well as many large events that weren't to some degree manufactured for the purposes of human subjugation. What I am saying is that the fact that humans have tried to control one another, pretty much proves our own inadequacies as a species. Yes, animals have the common courtesy of following the rules of nature (i.e. brawn, strength, etc. wins), whereas we have to manipulate, con, cheat, and pretend, but the point is still the same.

Given an infinite amount of raw mental processing power, we have chosen to descend into playing puppet-master rather than transcend beyond caring about who/whats in control.

So yeah waygie, you're right, government and people have tried to do everything they can to condition us. Then they counter-conditioned us. Then they just played with themselves a little bit. Then they conditioned us again. Why are you acting that this information is so secret or private. It's not hard to understand that the people we are today is an outcome of people who tried to control us in the past (whether that be parents, religious figures, teachers, government officials, or whoever else spit into your sub-conscience while you weren't looking)?

I think there comes a point in everyone's journey, if they've gotten past that realization, when they see that to transcend they must be able to get past the exclusivity of this so-called "private information", and learn to be one with the bigger entity at hand. I mean if you are in tune with the universe, the world doesn't seem so important.

Sorry for the rant but I had a loooong night.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
25 Mai 2008
1 640
waygie a dit:
wow my post didn't get posted

short version: jesus shut up and look up psy ops. it's even an MOS in the army

zest, as a rule, don't listen to religious conspiracy theorists. the counterculture was a mini revolution and completely anti establishment.
the powers that be want you stuck in a little bubble. the family does that. community helps you break free (it at least makes the bubble a lot bigger and more powerful)

Hey waygie that is a BRILLIANT point! :) Yes, the 1960s and psychedelic revolution encouraged people to commune--This is not that many years past when there was one of the biggest most irrational witch-hunts in the States against the 'commies', known as the McCarthy years!
So that shows how they fear commune-ism. It is good for them to create itemized families all in their conformist bubbles as you say, but they aint saitisfied with that. They want people itemised and divided from each other.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
zezt, do you believe that anybody actually believes that;

That if the family is not the 2.1 children with a wife and husband and a dog, that someone sees it as a threat? Or is there, as previously argued by me and someone else, something more complex going on?

When you can simply label these socio-economic ideas to a single group, and a single action, and a single motivation, you are simplifying the subject way too much. There have been people researching capitalistic, socialistic, communistic and ehtier economic impacts for decades.

As simple as you think human's interactions are, or as simple as you think heirarchies are, you are most definitely not seeing the grand web of things. Everybody's decisions effect the ideologies of everyone else - just like the example of the butterfly spurring a hurricane - one idea has great power if it is accepted by the right people.

There is no illuminati. There is no grand chairmen of earth.

There ARE conspiracies that are true - psy ops, psy warfare, psy management. Its called advertising. We are subjected to it every day. Coca-cola ads are not put on by the illuminati, Obama doesn'y


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
[Edit I guess it did get posted]
Yeah accidently pressed the back button - no post.

In short:

If you think you can condense socio-economic actions of a country, nation, or even the world down to a person, group, or even large community, you are terribly mistaken. The complexity of sociological ideologies that govern the way we think, the way we shop, the way we learn, and what we believe in are so much more complex than what a single group could ever have done.

The "illuminati" is a construct of the additions of all the governmental, media, political and economic views that are pervasive in a country, funneled down to a imaginary group.

Waygie, I seriously thought you were a troll for the first month you were on here. Now I'm just confused what to call you..


Elfe Mécanique
23 Août 2010
you're right. some people are pushing for societies (and schools) based on people with the sane psycholgical makeup. what growth us their to be had if everyone is the same? that would be the ultimate bubble, it leaves you happy because you are surrounded by like minded individuals and no one is left out. thus it makes you more productive and satisfied. while at the same time you're getting stuck in your little bubble seperate from the uniqueness of society as a whole


Elfe Mécanique
23 Août 2010
i'm not, at all, saying everything that happens is intentional. i'm just saying that there are people out there that have seen past cause and effect abd seek to intentionally change things. you know that the government does psy ops. you know that the government doesn't work for coca-cola.....so what is it that you think they do? lol
it's an enlisted MOS in the army meaning it's a *big* thing. what do you think the CIA psy ops people do? try to figure out the latest fashion trend a year in advanced? lol

during the great depression there was a guy from the house of representitives (forgot his name) that was into economics. he started speaking out against national banks and saying that the depression was intentionally done. people called him a conspiracy theorist. he was shot at twice but the person missed (was never found). he was poisoned at a banquet and a doctor friend of his had to pump his stomach right there. then he was eventually poisoned and died
the funny thing is when I looked him up on wiki they called him a conspiracy theorist and mention he died but didn't say how and didn't even talk about the survived assassination attempts

there are obviously much more (unconscious) factors than the powers that be. but they are the ones trying to consciously do it.
do you realize you're talking about the same government that participated in mk ultra? lol
or were they just trying to get then to buy coca-cola?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
25 Mai 2008
1 640
IJesusChrist a dit:
zezt, do you believe that anybody actually believes that;

That if the family is not the 2.1 children with a wife and husband and a dog, that someone sees it as a threat? Or is there, as previously argued by me and someone else, something more complex going on?

When you can simply label these socio-economic ideas to a single group, and a single action, and a single motivation, you are simplifying the subject way too much. There have been people researching capitalistic, socialistic, communistic and ehtier economic impacts for decades.

As simple as you think human's interactions are, or as simple as you think heirarchies are, you are most definitely not seeing the grand web of things. Everybody's decisions effect the ideologies of everyone else - just like the example of the butterfly spurring a hurricane - one idea has great power if it is accepted by the right people.

There is no illuminati. There is no grand chairmen of earth.

There ARE conspiracies that are true - psy ops, psy warfare, psy management. Its called advertising. We are subjected to it every day. Coca-cola ads are not put on by the illuminati, Obama doesn'y

If you accept psy ops, and psy warfare ( have you seen this film? Psywar It's a must-see! and was in big part what inspired me to do a blog about propaganda) Then you must dig that these ops get money from somewhere right? And it is where this money COMES from which is the elite rich small minority that controls where the money goes

Its no big deal. You dont have to make it all complex. In fact it is the idea its all vastly complex and beyond the ken of the common person to understand whats going on that is also part of the propaganda they do on us. But it is quite crudely simple

I still dont think they are omnipresent though and can predict everything and its outcome--like the 1960s psychedelic era. These people are souless, immoral, and are very cunning and have a lot of money. So they have the time and luxury to see the world as some kind of monopoly game, or chess game. Power game.

In the last 50 years there has been a merging of corps into about 5 major corps that control all the media and thus are in control of propaganda which can form our worldview. They depend in the entertainment circus keepin us hooked. Psychedelics can see right through this tinsel if respected enough. Suere you still can get silly trippers doin the vid games (ooops hope i dont offend anyone :wink: ) --ya know mindlessly buzzin off the tinsel. But this is why critical thinking and psychedelic experience must go hand in hand. We have to see the urgency of the situation for our communities, nature, and get more responsible.