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Je m'inscris!

10000000 X total shit


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Myy saliva was 10000000000000000000000 X and one only had to walk past it and one got a hit . I know its true because i`ve read the adverts that the dirty , faschist , capitalist hippy scumbag that so kindly sells it so cheeply and then goes to Goa with the money for 6 months a year told me .

Someone tell me what all this shit about X times is . What does it mean ? How is it made ?


Elfe Mécanique
5 Mar 2009
Mesmerizing post there GOD o.O

From Wikipedia:

"More concentrated preparations or extracts, which may be smoked instead of natural strength leaves, have become widely available. The enhanced leaf is often described by a number followed by an x (such as “5x,


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Yes and no .

Whats the highest concentration thats posible ? How much can an extraction of that sort be concentrated and how much can one get of it on how much leaves ? From what i`ve read things above 30 or 40 times are complete fantasy and adverts from said gready people .


Elfe Mécanique
5 Mar 2009
I found this on another forum, and it seems accurate enough.

"100x means 100x stronger than salvia leaf. If 1x = 2.5mg/g of plant material then 100x = 250mg/g of plant material. As there are 1000mg in a g, then the max concentration = 400x"

So, according to this, the max concentration (which is just pure Salvinorin A) would be 400x

I also found this (not sure if it's accurate though):

"you can't smoke 100x
you can't even smoke real 80x
at smoking temperatures, even torch smoking temperatures pure salvinorin gets runny and melts and goodbye."


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
As to the first bit . 100 x would mean the contents , a raw extraction , of 99 leaves put onto 1 leaf . Think about that and think about if its possible and if it would burn or as was said in the 2nd more sensible quote just melt . Its a bit like someone claiming that they have 100 X ecstacy pills = 100 extacy pills in one pill .( yes i know that that wasnt said very well but its an indication of what i`m talking about ) .

Thats what i mean with 30 or 40 X being about the maximum concentration .


Elfe Mécanique
5 Mar 2009
edit: removed the quote as not to induce the wrath of GOD upon me :D

Well, I wouldn't know.. but anyway, I think that 30~40X is more than enough. In fact, it's quite intense.. last time I did a 35X I was really weirded out by it, and I was somewhat glad when I came out of my trip and everything went back to normal.. it sure is no walk in the park!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
What quote ? I`m all for people saying what they want and i didnt / dont have any feelings of wrath .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
GOD a dit:
What quote ? I`m all for people saying what they want and i didnt / dont have any feelings of wrath .
He means he did this.

I'm, not trying to brag I did 60x, thats just what the guy told me, I had no idea what it meant before yesterday either.

They just do extraction of whatever is in salvia as the active compound, then dissolve it and paste it on some other leaves. Yes 100x means they take 100 grams of leaves, extreact content, and soak it up with 1 gram of leaf - this seems impossible and would look more like crystals than leaf.

I'm sure 20x is the maximum yield you can actually do, the rest is probably inefficient and 60x turns out to REALLY be ~22x or so...

Salvia is by far the WEIRDEST thing I will ever experience.


I have read that there is no true salvia extract past 40x.
The 60x and 100x are unrealistic ploys to get your money.

Although, perusing through some Bluelight threads now, I found that someone is saying that the average salvia plant contains 2.5mg Salvinorin A per one gram leaf. Pure Salvinorin would be around 400x extract.
He goes on to say that while this means that 100x is possible, its useless. The amnesia effect kicks in around 20x and becomes more and more prevalent in higher extractions. Meaning that anything around 20x (for some people) to 40x or higher, is really just a waste of time, you won't remember the trip at all.

On why I believe companies should not market herbal highs:
They are heisting people that have no chemistry background apparently.
Besides, the people who are selling Salvia 100000x are the companies that we as a community need to avoid. Purple Sticky, for instance. They sell their products as herbal highs within the United States. I think companies selling herbs and entheogens that do produce a high, have a moral responsibility to keep these herbs and botanicals marketed as something other than things to get high on. Which is why you wont see BBBotanicals marketing Mimosa Hostiles as a way to extract DMT. You'll see it marketed as a clothing dye.
The government is more tolerant than you think. They aren't out to get all of us. They don't really give a shit if a handful of people in each state brew some Ayuhuasha, because they know that mimosa is a herb with a great background. It should be preserved and available to the public as a novelty, or dye. Like within the army, they employ "don't ask, don't tell" with homosexuals. We need to keep companies from selling sacred, traditional herbs as ways to get high. Otherwise the extreme rightys will force them to be taken off the shelves.


Elfe Mécanique
5 Mar 2009
Psychoid a dit:
Over 5x is useless anyway so why should we care?

I'm sorry, but I don't think this is accurate. Again, I'm no expert on the matter, but based on my personal experiences, there is a much noticed difference between 5X and higher. For me, 10X was a really smooth trip with uncontrollable laughter and feeling of sinking into the floor. But 25X (or at least that was the label) sent me into a whole different world, and while I was there, I wasn't aware that it was a "trip", it became my reality for the duration of the trip.

Realistically speaking (with no proof that can confirm or deny it), I think that you reach a maximum potency around 20~30X. I have not tried any extracts labeled with anything higher, but comparing with IJC's experience.. it seems like it.

@GOD: I meant I edited the quote of your post when I replied, and I was referring to this:

"Guy your a total dickhead when you copy whole posts for no reason and then only write 6 words after it ."

it was just a joke:D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
So basically, instead of trying to put down the people that buy the 60x lets make it clear that 20-40x is the best run for your money.


Elfe Mécanique
5 Mar 2009
Well, it also depends on what effect or intensity you're trying to obtain. Some people might prefer lower concentrations.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
Before assuming larger doses don't fit on should realize active doses of savinorin a are measured in micrograms, not mg. Active doses are probably not even visible with the eye.

You should be able to calculate roughly how much you can theoretically stick on a given volume of leaf.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Theoreticaly yes , but thats with the pure "drug" and the extracts that one can buy are raw extracts not pure chemicals .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
19 Nov 2004
1 674
from the book Salvinorin, by D.M. Turner

Salvinorin A can be efficiently consumed by inhaling the vaporized crystalline powder, or by smoking, providing the crystalline powder has been placed on a substrate such as dried Salvia divinorum leaf. Used in this manner, the effects of salvinorin A can be distinctly felt from as little as 200 to 500 mcg. Most who have tried salvinorin A have reported 'full" effects at a range between 800 and 1200 mcg. The distinction of "full" effects is arbitrary, as the intensity and diversity of the experience increases with the dosage. It should also be noted that as with any substance, there are a few people who will be unusually sensitive to salvinorin A, and will require a smaller amount to produce the same level of effects.

so a normal full dose would be 0.8 to 1.2 mg, that would be something one can see me thinks. in a 100x extract you should be able to see white powder or crystals between the plant matter I guess.

edit: forgot to mention the name of the book


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
Haha, well, the whole extraction labels are greatly abused by the Matrix anyway. The mcg's range is nice theory and that's where it stops.

Why not smoking normal Salvia leafs every evening, and then pumping the lungs up till the max with 10 x extract through a good bowl, at the end of the week?

It was enough to make me see people building bridges, ultimately locked up in myself in this room I cannot leave even though there are a thousand exits, and twice as many eyes.

20 x makes no sense. Unless you want to catch amnesia in a spinning wheel of terror.


Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
Let's get bloody simple here.

Say you have 5x. That's the power of five leaves put into one.
10x, the power of 10 put into one.
And so on.

keep it simple, for gods' sake.