What is so wrong in our society?

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Why is capitalism so wrong? How has the government esthablished the control over us? Why is this system our enemy?
Where do I start?

To lazy right now, but i have an quote interesting enough to share:
"When someone realizes that it is immoral to exploit another person, and
immoral to oppress another person, and when they refuse to do so, that
person has become an anarchist, as far as I am concerned." -- Valerio Isca
Brugmansia a dit:
Why is capitalism so wrong?

Capitalism is not that bad of an idea. Money has just grown too big and important in many places. 100% socialism would be pretty boring, imho. I think there should be a balance between these two (and all the other) ways, something that doesn't have a name yet. Probably.

Brugmansia a dit:
How has the government esthablished the control over us?

If "they" would have total control over "us", "we" wouldn't be having this discussion on a forum focused mainly on illegal drugs, unless "they" wanted to.

Brugmansia a dit:
Why is this system our enemy?

It's not. Everyone is a part of the system, and we can effectively change it only from the inside.
Brugmansia a dit:
Why is capitalism so wrong? How has the government esthablished the control over us? Why is this system our enemy?

Capitalism is wrong because it's not working out. It's a dead end in a way.
The international banking system is putting everyone in dept.

The government has control over us, because the people let them take control by giving away there responsibility,s.
Fear is the oldest trick in the book for getting control over people.
In the middle ages people worked as slaves for there lord, what he did in return was give them protection.
Nowadays nothing has changed. We still work as slaves, mainly because we want security for ourselves and our family.

Why is the system our enemy.
I don't believe there is one system controlling everything.
The situation is more complex. There are many players on the field, not just one.

A system that is taking away a lot of your freedom could be seen as a enemy.
Humans are herd mammals. We need our community.
We have our tribal hierarchy system and we follow the male with the biggest balls.

back in the days, when everything went according to plan, this was the right thing to do. Until one males ego was not happy, because his balls were too small, but he wanted to be the bigball motherfucka.
He started to deceive, lie and cheat. and a few caught on and start doing the same.

some assholes ego was to big. as it was back then, it is now.

there should be some sort of ego-measurement. if its size could be trouble for communal harmony, blow it, dose him, reduce the ego. lsd and therapy.
It's no longer the bigness of your balls but the money in your pocket that counts.

if it was balls and cock the world would be run by porn stars.
:lol: 8)
I think when people mean capitalism, they really mean neo-corporatism.

On a small scale, capitalism is a great idea. It theoretically allows people a chance to do what they want to do for a living. People can run their own businesses out of their houses, or small shops, or offer services.

On a large scale, as soon as big business, corporate lobbying, etc is involved it is corrupt not to mention extremely dehumanizing (but certainly no more dehumanizing than any other market system out there that has been tried on a mass scale). Off topic, It's interesting that it is this very aspect of modernization that the Luddites were fighting, they weren't necessarily anti-technology (as the term has come to mean)
magickmumu a dit:
It's no longer the bigness of your balls but the money in your pocket that counts.

Same thing in an evolutionary sense. e.g. females recognize money as big balls.
On a large scale, as soon as big business, corporate lobbying, etc is involved it is corrupt not to mention extremely dehumanizing (but certainly no more dehumanizing than any other market system out there that has been tried on a mass scale).
Corporatism destroys democracy. For example: who selects the next US president? The citizens or the corporations paying for his election campaign (thus expecting/demanding certain favors from him in return)?

As far as "dehumanizing" is concerned, see the thread about urine testing.
Or,like in "Zeitgeist" total control of humanity with so called V-Chips(am I right?)
I agree, but I think that ultimately democracy destroys democracy as well (especially with a larger population base).

In the case you mentioned I don't think it is as simple as just lobbying. Democracy breeds partisan politics. Either you take one pill or the other, no room for shades of grey (I think this is starting to happen in Canada now as well, with a strong Conservative base growing). Sponsored ads and lobbying is all preaching to the choir. A democrat isn't going to be convinced by a neo-con tv spot, but a democrat will have his/her belief system reinforced by seeing a democrat tv spot and vica versa. Conservatives will ignore McCain's connection to a crazy fundie pastor while going off about Obama's connection. Politics has little to do with common sense or rational thinking, and much more to do with agenda-pushing at all costs, and lots of mud-slinging.

I think the real problem here is what one believes the function of government should be in the first place. I would argue that no matter what system of government, too much power (without accountability) inevitably leads to corruption.
Well,democracy doesn't seem to be so democratic when you think about it.
black & white thinking or black & white feeling... = the main issue ???
Currently, there is no democracy. We vote for one person, that takes decisions in the name of thousands of people, and these thousands of people haven't got a word to say, cause they voted for the person that made the decision, so for sure they agree with that person!

We need direct democracy, where for EACH decision, EVERYONE can vote. THAT would be real democracy.
Psychoid a dit:
Currently, there is no democracy. We vote for one person, that takes decisions in the name of thousands of people, and these thousands of people haven't got a word to say, cause they voted for the person that made the decision, so for sure they agree with that person!

We need direct democracy, where for EACH decision, EVERYONE can vote. THAT would be real democracy.

that would be a lot of decisions to be voted for !!! isn't it easier to let it do the person you voted and trust in that person???
man I'm really not in the mood to vote for stuff all day
that would be soooooo boooring and eventually everyone would say fuck this shit I want someone to do it for me

its easy to pick someone and let him make the decisions and afterwards we can bitch at him for what he decided

but it's not really the voting that i'm worried about, voting doesn't mean much to me anyways

its more what goes on beyond the voting behind the socalled "scenes"
look at europe we almost got ourselves a "United States of Europe" with a president, but ofcorse its all for the benefit of us, riiight
most people probably wont notice the difference, but people like us do.
right now we have our own man ---> Balkenende <---- but what does he really decide ?? we have our "2e Kamer" what do they really decide ??

a lot of important decisions are made by the people in brussels ,well maybe not decisions but they put on the pressure to decide what they want. (socalled international pressure)
and did any of u choose anyone over there ? I don't even know who is in control there, Quite frankly I didnt take the effort to find out either.
but my point is that,democracy is just another curtain to cover up what is going on behind the scenes.
ProStoner a dit:
man I'm really not in the mood to vote for stuff all day
that would be soooooo boooring and eventually everyone would say fuck this shit I want someone to do it for me

its easy to pick someone and let him make the decisions and afterwards we can bitch at him for what he decided

The problem is, I have no trust in any politician. And it is not true that "eventually everyone would say fuck this shit I want someone to do it for me", actually people would only go vote for decisions that they feel is important. There would always be at least a few hundred people that would go and vote, that would be better that just 1.

How can we let a bunch of idiots that we don't know and have never seen in person decide for us what is good for ourselves?
"How can we let a bunch of idiots that we don't know and have never seen in person decide for us what is good for ourselves?"