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Je m'inscris!

We are not the brain but a mind (a soul)


Elfe Mécanique
3 Juil 2008
I read a book that was about the Toltec teachings and how to go beyond fear and find happiness and freedom. It was about Don Miguel Ruiz a toltec master and he said we live in a dream. He called our reality the Earth Dream.

This book made my dreams very lucid and it wen't so far that I started to become awake and asleep at the same time. I didn't know how to sleep and this is when I went into a psychosis (that's what the doctors said).

I thought that I was asleep in my bed for 3 days and that everything that happened to me was a dream. The third day a very close friend of mine visited me at the hospital and told me that he was in our reality and that I was in a hospital. I believed him and the next day after a nights sleep I was back to normal.

When I was in this psychosis I was experiencing amazing things and I got a taste of what the future would be like.

We are all one being (god or the creator or infininte intelligence) that is experiencing itself subjectivley. So we are all gods yet we are part of a greater god that creates and keeps the creation going.

We tend to believe that we are the brain and body, and on one leve its true, but we are also a mind and spirit. We are a Mind/Body/Spirit complex and we are the mind and soul experiencing life through a body.

The soul and mind cannot die it will always exist, but the body dies. A mind can forget itself but will remember itself if it chooses to, since we are all God.

The teachings of Toltec wisdom is similiar to alot of other teachings, even the Bible and the Holy Quran, and alot of other esoteric teachings. Even science can prove today that we are connected. The work of Gregg Braden, Dean Radin and David Wilcock are good sources for the ones who are intrested.

Another thing that is very intresting is that time is an illusion and the only thing that makes us aware of life itself is that we will never again forget ourselves (unless we choose to). Thoose who believe in death will die and their minds will be lost. When I say lost I don't mean forever since god is all aware and infinite. But a mind can be lost for an infinity until again aware of itself.

We are living in the end of times like so many prophecies have told, and we have the choice of becoming eternal beings or again forget ourselves (to die).

I have choosed to be eternal and is never again going to die. The proof of this is that I am aware. I know that I am dreaming right now and sharing this dream with others and the common word for this dream is: Reality.

Another very intresting thing is Quantum Jumping. (link)

I used it to Qunatum Jump to the worst reality I could find myself in, and it was an eternity that laster forever until I finally woke up, and this was one or two days before I entered my psychosis. My psychosis happened because I realised that I was living in multiple universes with multiple versions of myself. I also realised I was dreaming 24/7 and I have also been into alot of esoteric materials and secret society stuff and also UFOs and everything converged into a complete picture of what life was.

I became asleep yet I was awake and my reality became very different from everyone elses. I thought I went to bed and fell asleep but I was up and I thought I was dreaming but I was awake. I shifted in and out of this reality (that we share) and my family found me in a confused state. I wasn't delirous or mad or anything, I was just not making sense. I was in a future and shifted back and forth to the eternal moment (our dream/reality) and the future.

When I wasn't in our present moment I was somewhere else and when I wasn't in my body I was talking about black holes, the end of times, and etc. My family really thought I had lost my mind. But I just had figured out how reality works :) I was aware and everything was very logical and rational (for me).

In retrospect I learned alot and the teachings that teach us that life is an illusion and that we are all dreamers is something I truly believe in, mainly because I experienced it first hand.

At the same time I know that we are not our brain but we are a soul. And our soul is alot more intelligent and aware then our body or awake state. Our awake state is the state I have now writing on a forum on Internet and sharing a reality with other MIND/BODY/SOUL complexes.

We have a consciousness and we can be aware in different levels. Some aren't even aware that we are spiritual. They only believe in the brain. And beyond the consciousness we have a subconsciousness. Beyond this we have the ultimate mind, the mind of god, the Super subconsciousness. Booth Carl Jung and Edgar Cayce agree on this and I totally agree with them.

I don't believe in death, but I do believe we are in a school now, a school where we are learning love. There are two ways of living, egoistic and hateful (being sarcastic, evil and etc) or being of service to others (loving, careful, trying to understand and generally helpful).

The goal of our school is mainly to learn love, since only love can accept all realities and all parallell realities and universes. But hate must exist aswell, but in the end hate is a cancer.

When a cell is becoming a cancer it kills and infects other cells. And this is exactly what is happening today. We all share a mind and the hate is the cancer and its creating separation. We all are one and if you hurt someone else you hurt yourself. And what happens to cancer? It gets destroyed, and that is what will happen soon in our word, and after that we will have the long awaited Golden Age.

Even Michio Kaku (a well known scientist) is warning the world of a giant solar storm around 2012 that will knock out our technology. This is a time where we will shift our realities and create a new world and a new dream.

People that dies never dies, nothing can die, but you can be lost forever until you or someone else will find you in the nothingness and allness of the almight creator that is Infinite.

So, do you accept your soul or do you dwell without a soul? :)
I dwelled without a soul for most of my life and I am forever grateful for our creation to give us the tools to be able to find the soul.

If I had lived in a time without science and the work of people such as Jill Bolte, Gregg Braden, Dean Radin or David Wilcock I would have been lost in time forever (having a psychosis). But since science such as the Torsion Wave technology the Russians have developed I can back up what I am saying.

Of course there will always be skeptics and you have all right to be it, sooner or later you will find your soul, but the longer you wait the harder it will be. Especially in this time when we are about to experience the upgrade of life through the increase of the vibration on the energy level that will affect the molecules, atoms and etc.

And if you want proof of what I am saying, look up all names I've mentioned and their work. Also to really find the ultimate truth you must go inside yourself without the help of anybody else. You are God, and you are living in a loving creation that constantly try to teach you love. Remember though tha the opposite of love is fear and hate. Its not as strong as love and will never be, so there's nothing to fear but fear itself.

Be well, and I hope my spiritual journey can inspire someone else. And if you have come to the same conclusion that we are a mind (A soul) and not the brain. Please share your experience and spiritual journey! I would love to read about it!

Much Love!
- Enivid


Elfe Mécanique
18 Déc 2008
This post has been edited by me, Jamapricotica, for the simple reason that I am attempting to cleanup and/or improve my presence on this forum.

Sorry for any inconveniences this may cause.


Elfe Mécanique
26 Fev 2008
I like your dream. We are all dreaming up our very reality in front of our eyes. How lucid are we?

We exist so that existence may experience itself! I agree.

The time is near, where we will understand these bonds of attachment and create this new dream!

However, I would have to say that time is the only thing that is not an illusion and the polar opposite of love is fear. Otherwise I love it.

And fear can equal hate so i'm just in a blah blah word technicality.

People that dies never dies, nothing can die, but you can be lost forever until you or someone else will find you in the nothingness and allness of the almight creator that is Infinite.
We are a collection of consciousness and information. If you're never remembered you might sleep forever... ish.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
I became asleep yet I was awake and my reality became very different from everyone elses. I thought I went to bed and fell asleep but I was up and I thought I was dreaming but I was awake. I shifted in and out of this reality (that we share) and my family found me in a confused state. I wasn't delirous or mad or anything, I was just not making sense. I was in a future and shifted back and forth to the eternal moment (our dream/reality) and the future.

I had this happen to me.

Except I came to the complete opposite conclusion that you came to: The brain makes reality, the brain can create reality. If they brain isn't functioning normally then memories can be implanted, erased, and interchanged with dreams. It's a mechanism where your memory does not distinguish from reality and dreaming..

I am just a brain - there is no such thing as a soul, unless you are talking about something far, far more complex then conciousness. And you're not.


Matrice périnatale
9 Déc 2008
Except I came to the complete opposite conclusion that you came to: The brain makes reality, the brain can create reality. If they brain isn't functioning normally then memories can be implanted, erased, and interchanged with dreams. It's a mechanism where your memory does not distinguish from reality and dreaming..

I am just a brain - there is no such thing as a soul, unless you are talking about something far, far more complex then conciousness. And you're not.

To add to that, reality is real whether the brain recognizes it or not.

There are 'somethings' there even if it's beyond our perception, which would also put it outside the "human" order of magnitude. It doesn't affect us in any relevant way so it's probably not real. It may or may not exist.

I hate it when people defy that argument when arguing religious or spiritual viewpoints, unless something is testable you can't make a conclusive statement on it's existence, and it can't be refuted by "how do you know you exist?" because I'm here right now typing this.

I think therefore I am.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
To talk about reality is not real is just a childish assumption "Oh my god what if this is all just in my head"

1. If it is - it kind of is, but this still makes it real. Its in your head. It's real.

2. If it isn't - everything is real woh!!

I'm not insulting you, creator of this post, I like you're view points, its mostly very intellectual what you have written, but there are parts you have to consider still... and you will find.

A soul is a very wonderful image to behold, but the complexity that arises without it, I find more amazing.


Glandeuse pinéale
5 Avr 2009
There is no such thing as reality- or more aptly- reality is a construct we,as society, have agreed upon. When we are born, as children, we see so much more. But then,at societys beckoning, we place filters as it were, on our brains, so we can share this expierment called earth.
everything from psychoactives to sleep deprivation can subvert these filters- allowing us to see again. a bit of a tangent- but have you ever noticed cats see a world we usually can't- and sometimes when you are high- you see what they see?
Some of the top minds in physics now get me as high as any drug- for they explain exactly what I have learned.
Sorry- long day at work- I'm rambling and my spelling is crap...but reality is a lie...

a basic example- for einsteins theories on relativity to be correct- time MUST flow in all directions- yet we, as adults, see it as linear. If you are lucky, you will rember, as a child, time was not linear- it could flow in all directions. But how could what we call reality today, exist and function, unless we agreed to see time as linear?


Matrice périnatale
9 Déc 2008
How is reality a lie when you readily agree that relativity exists?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
I love when people on this forum try to talk about advanced physics.

Reality is a construct of your imagination, yes. But in order to be a construct in said terms, it is built on something. There is something there that one oculd eventually narrow down to reality. You take away all opinions and lace them only with facts and you have reality.

No blue's no greens, no good no bad, no happy no sad, no soul no love, only laws and predictions and you come to reality. Luckily, the mind is a beautiful thing, and can exaggerate what it computes, and what it views and much more than "yes" and "no".


Sale drogué·e
20 Oct 2008
shall i finnaly admit it?

guys u are only existing in my reality, i created it for all of u :P


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather.
bill hicks

a wise man, if you dont know of him look him up (though im sure most of you have)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Crimzen a dit:
Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather.
bill hicks

a wise man, if you dont know of him look him up (though im sure most of you have)

He's right... mostly. But there is no "we". There is no experiencer... There is the illusionof experiencing.


Elfe Mécanique
29 Nov 2007
i had a remarkably similar experience on mushrooms. I came to the conclusion that 'I" was god, not I as myself the supreme ruler, but I 'am' god and so is everyone else, and God is love, i like this read, just goes to make ya think!!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
IJesusChrist a dit:
Crimzen a dit:
Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather.
bill hicks

a wise man, if you dont know of him look him up (though im sure most of you have)

He's right... mostly. But there is no "we". There is no experiencer... There is the illusionof experiencing.
for an illusion to exist there needs to be an observer though