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Vegetarians read this!!

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion IJesusChrist
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 482
So, my personal belief for vegetarianism is I don't buy meat (besides fish). If I am offered meat - I will eat it however.

BUT! Important, all people need B12, but B12 is extremely hard to come by in plant matter other than microorganisms and algae/sea-weed.

So! Either take a b complex pill, or buy some sea-weed once in a while, or eat alot of foods with micro organisms (??)

That is all.
Vegetarianism doesn't exclude eggs and dairy (both rich in B12), veganism however, does.
Brugmansia a dit:
Vegetarianism doesn't exclude eggs and dairy (both rich in B12), veganism however, does.

oh hey nice!

Anyone ever hear of people who only eat things that don't cast a shadow? I.E. they will only eat things that grow or are found underground? :roll:
IJesusChrist a dit:
Anyone ever hear of people who only eat things that don't cast a shadow? I.E. they will only eat things that grow or are found underground? :roll:

Why the hell would anyone do that?
cause they feel that everything that is touched by the sun is conscious... or something.
anything organic, touched by the universe is conscious. mythbusters hooked up a plant to a lie detector type machine and received electrical impulses from the plant when the person in the experiment had the intention and idea to burn/cut down/eat/destroy the plant. true story, im sure you could find it on youtube

something conscious must die in order for something else conscious to live.
I thought they proved it false? (mythbusters)
You can get B12 from supplements and fortified foods as a vegan. The soy milk I drink has 50% of my day's need in 1 cup :D I'm not sure how the vegans in India would get it, so maybe the whole thing is bogus. When you get down to it, there's not a whole lot that a human really NEEDS, it's all in the mind. The physical requirements of the human body have been and are being overcome, but you have to be really high to tap in to that!
Meat is also necessary for our body!
I like this post and really appreciate you to write this article.

^^There are very little vegans in India, I think only the Jain. Most people there drink a lot of milk and eat eggs and cheese. There are also a lot of meat eaters in India.

B12 deficiency is a nasty thing. In the US, most people diagnosed with this deficiency are meat eaters, because their intestines are clogged up and they can't reabsorb the B12 like a healthy human with cleaner intestines would.

Vegetables are rich in fibres, which help clean the intestines.

Connect the dots.
I'm more in favor of being vegan as a dietary choice, not a statement. I understand that you might feel like you're sending a message, but that's like driving a Prius and thinking that you have completely diminished pollution impact from driving.

I know some vegans that eat all kinds of tropical fruits (I do so myself as well, I haste to mention), which were imported from halfway across the globe. Impact on the environment is still big. Those mangoes don't swim here by themselves.
I am not a typical vegetarian but i like vegetables more than meat and chicken and i eat vegetables in my diet and thanks for updating me as it is a nice post.
I am a great lover of vegetables. Vegetables are best for health. Thanks for sharing this information. I suggest everyone to eat vegetable daily.
YEs i am agree with u because every food has its own nutritional values . i am also vegetarian and i eat meat because of some health issues . That's why i try to take some vitamin in pills forum . Now i ithink my body have alos deficient for Zinc . Because i am not eat meat since last 3 years .
a note about indian food. virtually all "south indian" restaurants serve vegetarian only...

b12 is added to most drinks like that. not just soy milk, but rice milk, almond milk, hemp milk, etc, however, im not sure how bio-available that b12 is since it's not naturally occurring. Spirulina (a sea vegetable) has an enormous amount of naturally occurring b12, with 100% of ones RDA in 1.5 grams.