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Unexpected Lucid Dreaming


17 Déc 2006
All week id been waiting for this weekend hoping a few of my friends would come over and bring some pot and id get some mushrooms and we'd also get datura stoned since i knew were a datura bush was growing just a few blocks from my high school, i also knew an area were psylocibe mushrooms grew on the side of a pathway on my way to were i catch the bus and i started hoping to collect the datura before hand so thursday i grabbed a leaf and so did me friend and i had eaten a small amount of the leaf during 5th period and was experiencing an odd euporic high with a lot of stimulation and then i started getting confused because i had a spanish exam and i went to 6th period and i continued eating small amounts of the leaf and some things started getting a little wierd but then went back to normal i had to walk a mile through town to get a ride with my mom and i felt like i was walking on a cloud everything felt good and just real smooth i still had over a leaf and a half left and i had read about small amounts of datura taken before sleep can help enduce lucid dreaming and i ate about a leaf maybe a little more and took a shot of scotch which reminded me of how disgusting it was and i went to bad and had a little trouble settling down i also started to panic fearing i had maybe taken a little more than i should have feeling completely lost in my body but i sat up and settled back down i felt like i had slept for weeks even months like i was dead and when i woke up in the morning i was some wat distraut i felt like i had a horrible trip last night just more like a bad nightmare but the way i remember it was just small flashes of a extremmely bright vivid dream and i went to the bathroom and i looked in the mirror my pupils were diff sizes and some of that day i was depressed and distraught i pushed it aside and wondered if maybe it could be enhanced so that day me and my friend got two more leaves he never wanted me trying it in the first place reading about the trips but i was just thinkin hell with him i ate both leaves before the end of 6th period nothing extremme just a slight jump of energy and i left school and saw the datura plant and kinda ignored it walking past it i continued to the spot were i kno about the mushrooms and dug around in this sorta wierd stringy grass and all i could find was one liberty cap that was alright size but their pretty dam potent i ate the liberty cap on the spot and let me tell u they taste way better than datura i got on the bus and had a few laughing fits while talking to my friend he wasnt able to come over but i walked home from the bus stop and got home and i had a small fly agaric mushroom i had gotten a day or two before and i had heated it dried it and then i got home and reheated it and it was smelling extremmely rank i managed to get it down very easily but it was so small i would have been happy if it had any effects on me but it didnt i chilled the rest of the night and went to bed and i woke up at four in the morning to a dream which i dont remember i then woke up to a dream about 45 minutes later and then another dream a little while later the dream i remember the best was the most extrordinary dream of all i remember looking at the clock and it said 733 and i just thought jesus im having a hell of a lot of dreams and i just wanted to sleep and i fell back asleep and went straight into a dream and i remember seeing ppls faces and them talking to me and the words they said i also remember eating some pot and then watching some cops chase a car and the car ended up exploding and it was pretty fuckin awesome i also had a conversation with my friends to a man and his two twins who were from country like south america and it was in a forest the had large rocks and bolders and vines and i remember trying to climb a large rock that was covered in moss and i was almost to the top but realized i was affriad of heights and i just told my self im dreaming and i sat straight up in bed i looked at the clock and it said 742 and i was straight up baffled and happy i had accieved lucid dreaming...


Elfe Mécanique
11 Nov 2006
This story is like 1 big sentece. Use paragraphs and a bit of interpunction, I can't read this and I doubt anyone else can.


Alpiniste Kundalini
4 Oct 2005
This way of consuming datura and mushrooms is waiting for something to go VERY bad.. :(


Alpiniste Kundalini
4 Oct 2005
This way of consuming datura and mushrooms is waiting for something to go VERY bad.. :(


Glandeuse pinéale
27 Nov 2006
Haha, damn, I tried but that's just unreadable:-)
One big crazy sentence!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
9 Juil 2003
1 246
it's cool actually without any ponctuation i could perfectly read it just the content is not thaaaaaaaat interesting :wink:



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Mai 2006
1 258
Thanks alice.

Now I am 100% sure I am not going to attempt the read. :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Juin 2004
1 974
I was able to read it but I also strongly recommend you still do not try to achiece lucid dreaming this way ..
its a really bad idea m8 :)