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Trip Exhaustion


26 Fev 2010
I'm fairly new to psychedelics. I've done some very small doses of mushrooms a couple times in the past, but mostly for recreation purposes only. Recently, I have been experimenting with DXM, since it's cheap and readily available. I started out small with my first two trips being at 300mg and 350mg, no other active ingredients. My experiences with these were very enlightening, but seemed rather short and mild in scope. Sort of like introductory lessons... My third trip however (450mg) took on an entirely different life. I can't say that the trip was an experience of full on OEV hallucinations or anything of that nature, obviously I didn't have a high enough dose for that type of experience. However, it was very mental, cognitive, images in my mind, extremely stimulating. In fact, I can only describe it as "The Expressway to Enlightenment." It went on for what seemed like forever and although I felt in a state of almost Godliness and that I was seconds away from crossing over a threshold, through a door, i felt so mentally exhausted that I could not go any further. In fact, I ended up going to sleep. And I slept for a very long time. And when I woke up, I could remember the trip, but even trying to think about the aspects of it and bringing it all together made me exhausted and I had to lay down and sleep again. I just woke up and I am writing this... Even this seems to be draining me and I feel like I must go back to sleep again.

Has anyone experienced anything like this? I guess this was just a mindblowing experience that kept going long after my mind was blown... It wasn't ready for it. I feel like I've seen something that I shouldn't have seen yet.


19 Jan 2010
Quite frankly, this is why many of us prefer ayahuasca, mushrooms, acid and cacti, because if you take any of those at a reasonable time of day, you will wake up next morning completely clear-headed, refreshed and invigorated, regardless of the intensity of the experience.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Never done DXM, never will. It's too synthetic for my taste, not as well studied as others, and I've heard much too many negative trips from it.

I would just stay away from it if you agree.


26 Fev 2010
The synthetic argument is one that I entirely agree with however I do like DXM, because of it's dissociative aspects. I think this is probably the main cause of reported bad trips, just because people aren't mentally prepared for it. I can definitely see someone freaking out when they can no longer feel their heart beating or themselves breathing... Personally, I find these things extremely relaxing. It's like having a psychedelic and a sensory deprivation tank in one.

The thing that I believe drained me so much mentally is that I came to a point where I felt like I was being forced to make a decision of utmost lasting consequence without being entirely informed and I was not prepared to make such a decision. I think my mind was just completely overwhelmed and shut down. Like I said, I think I seen something that I wasn't prepared for.

It might also be a factor of how frequently I've been tripping. I've just been so obsessive in my quest that maybe this was a sign that I need to slow down.

Either way, I do want to try other, more natural hallucinogens as well. It's just a matter of getting my hands on them.

Thanks for the feedback, it's much appreciated.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
It might also be a factor of how frequently I've been tripping.

MM yup.

I don't think any vision or idea you had would be mentally exhausting... That just doesn't make sense neurologically.


Glandeuse pinéale
28 Fev 2010
Personally, I don't buy into the synthetic vs natural arguments. However, I don't use DXM, for the same reasons that I don't use any substance that is addictive. In my opinion, a true Entheogen won't try to make you its slave.


However, it sounds as if you may be particularly suseptible to this drug, and as such what for most people is a heavy dose, may in fact be overwhelming. If you do choose to keep taking it, I'd avoid using that much of the substance again, at least until you are better able to judge its effects on you.

I can certainly understand being overwhelmed by new discoveries, particularly if you haven't encounted similar experiences through other substances, or practices, such as meditation. If this happens, don't worry. Just take whatever time you need to process the experience before launching off again. Sometimes you'll feel that the best thing to do is to launch yourself right back in, but in this case it sounds as if your intuitions are telling you otherwise. My advice is to always listen to your intuitions; with Entheogens, they will rarely lead you wrong.

Personally, however, I'd suggest that you look into Shrooms, LSD, and DMT (in that order) and continue your wise practice of starting out with low doses, before moving on. Keep in touch with people who can assist you in making sense of your experiences. A discerning ear will allow you to shift those who just like to get shitfaced, from those who are engaged in a spiritual journey. :)

It is an awsome trek that you've started on and one without any real destination, beyond exploration of the Infinite and the Divine Mind. I'm positive that you'll see the rewards soon enough! :-)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
You want the biological persepective or the psychological perspective on synthetics arguement greg?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
I tried DXM for tripping and I absolutely hated it. I only had like 350mg and the trip was very uncomfortable in a way that I always seemed to lose consciousness for a few seconds, then regain it, then lose it again. At least it felt this way - and I totally hate that feeling when I am clear for a second and can't seem to remember what happened in the last 10 seconds.
I really don't know how a trip on even more DXM could be working out for me because I think I'd be totally losing consciousness/control.

The only thing DXM is good for is as a painkiller when you have a cold, drop 30-60mg and you're feeling great again. That's my only personal use for this drug. It also goes very nicely with alcohol in that dose, but be careful - a little too much alcohol and the loss of control over what you're doing might be higher than you'd expected. Better don't do it with alcohol. I try to not do it anymore :)

What I'm trying to say is: Better try some other drugs for enlightenment, they might be less exhausting.
DXM can be pretty bad stuff. I read a report from someone who claimed he had raped a girl on dxm and couldn't remember a thing about it. And I really believe this is possible...