The evolution of Stropharia Cubensis

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Elfe Mécanique
Yesterday I read this article where Terence McKenna spoke on a symposium on Consciousness and Quantum Physics at Esalen, December 1983.

This part he spoke about alien contact I found an interesting idea, that I've thought about after my first trip. I thought who, or what was watching in my head? God, my own unconciousness and even "alien conciousness" had crossed my mind.

T.McKenna a dit:
Naturally, as a result of the confrontation of alien intelligence with organized intellect on the other side, many theories have been elaborated. The theory that I put forth in Psilocybin: The Magic Mushroom Grower's Guide, held the Stropharia cubensis mushroom was a species that did not evolve on earth. Within the mushroom trance, I was informed that once a culture has complete understanding of its genetic information, it reëngineers itself for survival. The Stropharia cubensis mushroom's version of reengineering is a mycelial network strategy when in contact with planetary surfaces and a spore-dispersion strategy as a means of radiating throughout the galaxy. And, though I am troubled by how freely Bell's nonlocality theorem is tossed around, nevertheless the alien intellect on the other side does seem to be in possession in a huge body of information drawn from the history of the galaxy. It/they say that there is nothing unusual about this, that humanity's conceptions of organized intelligence and the dispersion of life in the galaxy are hopelessly culture-bound, that the galaxy has been an organized society for billions of years. Life evolves under so many different regimens of chemistry, temperature, and pressure, that searching for an extraterrestrial who will sit down and have a conversation with you is doomed to failure. The main problem with searching for extraterrestrials is to recognize them. Time is so vast and evolutionary strategies and evironments so varied that the trick is to know that contact is being made at all.
I'm not sure if I understand correctly, could you "translate" it into more understandable language? Quite wtf tbh..
Spreek je ook Vlaams?

Als ik het goed heb begrepen is de Stropharia Cubensis volgens de Magic Mushroom Growing guide niet op aarde geëvolueerd. In een trip is McKenna nader geïnformeerd over hoe de Cubensis in staat was te overleven. Er zou ooit een cultuur hebben bestaan die volledig de genetische structuur zou hebben begrepen en een systeem hebben ontworpen die zich zelf aanpast (ontwerpt) en op deze manier zijn voortbestaan waarborgt. De Cubensis doet dit door middel van een soort mycelennium netwerkstrategie die bij contact met het oppervlak van een planeet en sporen verspreid door het heelal kan overleven.

Zoals we nu bezig zijn met contact zoeken met buitenaards leven leek hem gedoemt te mislukken, omdat het zo cultuurgebonden is. Het leven in het heelal is onder zulke wisselende omstandigheden: temperatuur, druk, e.d., dat het hem onlogisch leek te zoeken naar een alien die vanuit de ruimte met ons aan het kletsen is via de radio.
I was wondering, did you guys ('n gals) allways fully trust the mushroom?
The first time I did shrooms I had the feeling some kind of intelligence was watching in my head, looking in my archives of my unconciousness. A privacy I allways had, seemed to be shared with some other intelligence (or was it some other part of myself? How can I know?). The most reliable thing I thought to be the shroom trustworthy was that it gave me insights in myself, making more progression in myself, than I could have done myself. But that feeling I only got on Philosophers stones. On Cubensis I became a bit more suspicious.

After reading this stuff about the evolution of the mushroom, I began to wonder even more: am I using the shroom, or is the shroom using me? The fungus is known to be a parasite (just like humans :wink:)

I mean, it could be the shroom needs our conciousness to get the power to genetically modify its self. Maybe we have, without knowing exactly how, the power to create (like making water into wine or so), and the shroom uses this, without us knowing that it is letting us do that. The shroom is taking over, that's why we feel uncomfortable when starting a trip.

Oké, say I'm a suspicious paranoid nuthead, but did you ask yourself why to trust the experience of the shroom?

I thought it could be like the colonianists in the old days, trading mirrors and pieces of coloured glass for whatever they wanted from Aboriginal cultures. Couldn't the fractals, the euphoric feelings be like the mirrors and the coloured pieces of glass?

Last trip I had this vision of me, the coloured energy of my thoughts being part of a radiative shroom mycellium throughout the universe, ending up dreaming I became 3 Cubensis shrooms myself, so I couldn't really move when the alarmclock went off. I was growing somewhere on a smooth surface in the universe.

Maybe it's because of the article I read, coming up first from my conciousness, but still, it doesn't sound impossible.
Funny Pass... I wrote a long post about this in relation to Walschs 3rd book where he talks about highly evolved species/culture in the universe. I knew this rap of Mckenna before I read Walsch and somehow, the mushroom perfectly fits Walschs description of a highly evolved lifeform.

I like the remark where he says that compared to the mushroom, Buddha is a mass murderer, which is true by comparison.

Another raakvlak maybe, a few weeks back I saw K-PAX again with a friend. Halfway through the movie we where sure, Prot is the musrhoom. And we where completely sober ;)
The fungus is known to be a parasite (just like humans Wink)

This is not true at all.

There is a big difference between a parasite and a symbiot. Mushrooms are symbiots meaning, they share something with another lifeform. The sharing is for the benefit of both lifeforms. This is completely different from parasites which just feed of the host.

Trust issues with mushrooms? Dont say THAT aloud when around mental doktors :P
I mean, it could be the shroom needs our conciousness to get the power to genetically modify its self.

No, but obviously they kill brain cells.

Sorry, couldn't resist!
The first time I did shrooms I had the feeling some kind of intelligence was watching in my head, looking in my archives of my unconciousness. A privacy I allways had, seemed to be shared with some other intelligence (or was it some other part of myself? How can I know?).

The scanning of another lifeform into the brain reminds me at the famous book of R. Monroe: "Journeys out of the body" or "Uittredingen" in Dutch. Before he had his first OOB he saw a light in the North, he could not move his body and he felt that another lifeform was scanning into his brain, he could not stop it and it takes 5 minutes or so. This happened a few times in his life. I think that the light in the north is the electromagnetic field of the earth, that is used as medium by the other lifeform.

I think that this other lifeform "takes" or "uses" people with great spiritual capacities. I think that this is also the link with the mushrooms. If you are on mushrooms or mescaline for example, your awareness of everything is much stronger and another lifeform on the other side can use this occasion to do things that most people are considering as impossible!!!

I think that this is also the link with the mushrooms. If you are on mushrooms or mescaline for example, your awareness of everything is much stronger and another lifeform on the other side can use this occasion to do things that most people are considering as impossible!!!

But there is a very specific quality inherent to the tryptamines (psilocybin/DMT) that is reported again and again. This contact of 'the other'.

By the way, near the end of his life, Terence more or less moved away from the notion that 'the other' which is contacted through these tryptamines, is an alien intelligence. He was more leaning towards the thought that we explain it as alien because it looks so different than anything we know (something in sync with Jungs Ufo theory).
I was thinking when mushrooms are growing on a tree, it will lead to the death of the tree, but you're right: in the end it is for the benefit of the ecological system. We humans mostly tend just to think about our own lives above any other forms of life.

And I'm glad there is a forum like this. Imagine talking to some shrink about being a shroom, just after another guy who thinks he is Napoleon :lol:

You can probably see I still did doses where I still am able to fight the shroom, that's probably one reason why I still don't fully trust the mushroom.

I had my first concious dream on shrooms last week. I just read about when you want your dream to become lucid, you should decide to look into a mirror. As soon as you see yourself, you will become concious of the fact that you're dreaming. I even didn't practice before going to sleep: looking in the mirror, closing your eyes and visualising the reflection, etc..

Maybe you already read that I saw some strange dimension between sleep and wake. The moment I became aware of my trip in my sleep was when I saw a very bright coloured frame, with behind it the reflection of myself. And to point out there was something strange about my own reflection, it was in black and white. I noticed so far the shroom mostly brings up one of the last things from my unconsiousness I saw or read about. On higher doses I think it will become from the deeper unconsiousness (archetypes for instance).

Between the frame and the mirror it was like there was a hole in space, well, it's hard to describe. It was like parallel spaces floating near each other.

Last trip sunday was on tea from just one dried mushroom (when fresh it could've been no more than 3 of 4 g, dried it is allmost nothing not even 0.5 g). I followed Brewmaster's advice: first orange juice. Then the tea. The only thing I ate of the Cubensis was the cap. After the tea I took two spoons of lemon juice and the rest of the orange juice. I waited an hour, but nothing really happpende, so I went to bed.

When I woke up I had a hard time finding reallity, because I was tripping quite stronger than expected. I went out of bed, and felt hyperenergetic, like the guy with the green mask (you know the movie "The mask?"). Allmost like I had speed (I never had speed, but I imagine it could feel like that). It was an euphoric feeling and I could almost hear some voice say: showtime! The walls were bending a bit and had a hint of greenish and yellow colour. I went downstairs feeling a bit drowsy and sat down. Then I saw this vision about the mycellium I told about. And spinning bright blue and white wheels and all kinds of colours.

After about 45 minutes the trip faded out and I went to sleep again. In the morning I was dreaming I was 3 mushrooms. Nice bright white stems with a beautiful round brown cap standing there motionless on a nice smooth light surface. Maybe I am 3 of the shrooms in your growbox, and one day you're gonna eat me... :D
I was thinking when mushrooms are growing on a tree, it will lead to the death of the tree, but you're right: in the end it is for the benefit of the ecological system. We humans mostly tend just to think about our own lives above any other forms of life.

Misconception, you are talking about parasites while mushrooms are symbiots. Symbiots dont kill eachother, they help eachother. Its called synergy, the result of 1+1 is greater than 2 because of the combined effort.

Amanita Muscaria is an excellent example of a symbiot.

And I'm glad there is a forum like this. Imagine talking to some shrink about being a shroom, just after another guy who thinks he is Napoleon

Find a shrink that did shrooms, and you have nothing to worry about, its as simple as that :)

You can probably see I still did doses where I still am able to fight the shroom, that's probably one reason why I still don't fully trust the mushroom.

I dont trust and dont mistrust the shroom. Trust is a human business I think. Why should I distrust a shroom? How will it shortchange me? Is it flirting with my girlfriend? Aiming for my job?


I had my first concious dream on shrooms last week. I just read about when you want your dream to become lucid, you should decide to look into a mirror. As soon as you see yourself, you will become concious of the fact that you're dreaming. I even didn't practice before going to sleep: looking in the mirror, closing your eyes and visualising the reflection, etc..

Nice! There are many different methods. One is try looking at your hands (Carlos Castaneda) or try switch off/on the lights (Waking life). Another is agree with yourself that whenever you see a certain object in your dream, you realize you are dreaming (an 'unusual object like a hat should work). THere are many different methods, all are fine, as long as you stick and commit to one :)

I noticed so far the shroom mostly brings up one of the last things from my unconsiousness I saw or read about. On higher doses I think it will become from the deeper unconsiousness (archetypes for instance).

There is a certain load of bullshit in all human beings. Stuff you need to work through before you get to the really amazing stuff. There is always some psychological stuff that needs to be resolved. If you dont want certain things presented to you in a trip, a good method is while you munch away the shrooms, or drink the tea, meditate about these issues that you think will come up in the trip and you dont want to. Look at them from all sides, accept etc.. Chances are that once the shrooms start to hit, you are so tired with your own mysery that it wont get in the way of your trip.

A lot of people are commenting on this: When you start shrooms, its always tailored to a personal experience, psychological, healing etc.. Once you fixed yourself (became a shaman more or less), more dimensions open up and are accessible. This is not hard science, just a shared experience between many.

When I woke up I had a hard time finding reallity, because I was tripping quite stronger than expected. I went out of bed, and felt hyperenergetic, like the guy with the green mask (you know the movie "The mask?"). Allmost like I had speed (I never had speed, but I imagine it could feel like that). It was an euphoric feeling and I could almost hear some voice say: showtime! The walls were bending a bit and had a hint of greenish and yellow colour. I went downstairs feeling a bit drowsy and sat down. Then I saw this vision about the mycellium I told about. And spinning bright blue and white wheels and all kinds of colours.

Somehow I find your planning of trips challenging....taking them without enough time, finding yourself tripping waking up? They say I'm crazy because of my high dosing but I make goddamn sure I have 1) enough time and 2) my setting is safe. Interesting experience though :)
Somehow I find your planning of trips challenging....taking them without enough time, finding yourself tripping waking up? They say I'm crazy because of my high dosing but I make goddamn sure I have 1) enough time and 2) my setting is safe. Interesting experience though.

Curiousity won. If I have to wait untill I have enough time, I'll probably be waiting for the rest of my life. Two opportunities passed when I thought to have all day for myself. I waited 2 months for these opportunities, and in the end I had to let pass these days, because things went different than planned. Seems like a clear sign from the universe (or just coincedence).

But still, you're right, I would feel better if I had plenty of time. I said hello to the shroom now often enough, and I'm not afraid to go deeper. But it will be in a different setting, with more time. From now on I'll wait and be patient.
Understood :)

I can imagine that curiosity wins...

Honesty commands, few months back when I did my third dmt extraction, I didnt have time but wanted to test quickly if the crystals I had, where indeed active (duh). I took a small toke, had to cancel my appointment when I came out of it 30 mins later ;)
Now that I allmost gained my trust to the shroom back, I just read this experience, where I recognize some things:

(Vol. VII, No. 3)

Four grams of Psilocybe cubensis, eyes closed and immobilized
in my camping tent. My inner vision revealed what looked
like a dank moss-green hospital emergency waiting room. I
was sitting on a bench in this room, and it occurred to me
that it was odd that there were no patients being wheeled in
or out of the room. Kinda quiet for an ER.
After some time, I noticed a few off-white football-sized larva
floating about three or four feet off the ground in various
spots. Following one of these with my eyes, I then saw a big
insectoid entity (about the size of a small dog), whose back
was turned to me. It had a long mosquito-type proboscis,
that I could only partially see. Suddenly, it turned quickly,
and—realizing that I saw it—it made a high-pitched buzzing/
shrieking sound
. (I got the impression that it was sending
out some type of a warning alarm.)

Then the entity initiated telepathic communication with me.
It explained that it was quite surprised that I could see it, as
this usually didn’t occur. It said that it lived by extracting
human thought/emotion.
It explained that human thoughts were both the currency of its kind, as well as their sustenance/
energy source. (The needle-like proboscis was looking less
friendly by the minute.) I was given the impression that different
types of thought/emotion were valued differently;
those with a more intense energy charge, such as fear or love,
were worth more.
The entity explained that it existed in another dimension in
order for it to be able to feed off of human thought unhindered.
[b:dy8ryauk](I got the feeling that the relationship wasn’t symbiotic;
perhaps these “thought drainers
I'm about to give up Pas.

If you want to mistrust something/one and look for arguments, you can be sure to find some.

[quote:3ssorv19]I got the feeling that the relationship wasnt symbiotic;
perhaps these “thought drainersâ€
I don't blame the shroom for opening these dimensions for me. If I feel like thoughts are being sucked out, it probably has to do with my own fear somewhere beneath the surface of my conciousness. I recognize it now, it's like explaining dreams. It has to do with my choices on responding to the situation and how I'm feeling at that particular moment.
Well I've heard dozens of stories where people had a bad time on mushrooms, but somehow this never ever influenced my trips.
I can hounestly say I never ever had a bad trip.

And yeah, it's very much like explaining dreams, although I have the feeling I get a bit more "truth of reality" then in a dream

I hope for you there will come a good time to have a good experience with enough time.
And don't be scared, if your mindstate is excellent you won't have anything to worry about ;)
I think i had this sort of feeling while tripping.. Like there were entities all around trying to feed on my mind. It felt like they were 'jealous' and interested in my thoughts.
I interpreted them as lost souls, trying to find the way to the other world. A world they couldn't reach on their own. That's why they needed my thoughts and visions to remember maybe.. I don't know what to think of it yet. But the impressions were very clear and not too scary.

I was also told that night, that some returning dreams were guided by the big (mushroom) mind. This i understand to be human evolution. We are not god, was my message that evening.. That is also still a dream to be understood :)