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The Daemonic


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
whole article

are you possessed?

Paul Levy a dit:
To quote noted psychologist Rollo May, the daemonic is "any natural function which has the power to take over the whole person [or whole nation]...the daemonic can be either creative or destructive [i.e., demonic]...violence is the daemonic gone awry...ages [such as ours] tend to be times when the daemonic is expressed in its most destructive form." The daemonic is not an objectively existing metaphysical entity in the Christian sense, but is an archetypal function of human experience, a psychic as well as an existential reality in which we all participate.

The daemonic is an archetypal energy which can take over a person, group or a nation. Jung writes, "We know that an archetype can break with shattering force into an individual human life and into the life of a nation." Archetypes are living, dynamic entities, psychological instincts or informational fields of influence that provide the underlying template which patterns human behavior, perception and experience. The daemonic announces itself by drafting people into its service, enlisting human beings as instruments of its full-bodied revelation of itself. Jung comments, "One does not realize yet that when an archetype is unconsciously constellated and not consciously understood, one is possessed by it and forced to its fatal goal." The daemonic expresses itself by conscripting us to its cause and compelling us to unconsciously act it out so as to give living form to itself in the third dimension.

The word daemonic is related to "the devil," which in turn is related to the word diabolic, whose inner meaning is to divide, separate, and dis-integrate. Being divisive, the diabolic splits us into multiple fragmented and compartmentalized pieces. Jung comments, "Possession by the unconscious means being torn apart into many people and things, a disiunctio. That is why, according to Origen [an early Christian theologian], the aim of the Christian is to become an inwardly united human being." Becoming a true follower of Christ, who is symbolic of the wholly integrated Self, is to transform the diabolical nature of the disiunctio into a sacred coniunctio, where all the parts of the psyche are connected and the opposites unite. This is why the greatest protection against demons is to be in touch with our intrinsic wholeness, which is to be "self-possessed," -- in possession of the part of ourselves that is not possess-able, which is the Self, the wholeness of our being. The antonym of diabolic is the word symbolic, which, in addition to being the language of dreams, means to unite, bring together and integrate. The daemonic is a quantum phenomenon, in that it contains both the symbolic and diabolic encoded within it in a superposed state, which is to say that hidden within the daemonic is the creative seeds of its own transformation. Both constructive and destructive forces are fully present in the daemonic simultaneously, and either energy can potentially manifest, depending upon how an observing consciousness interacts with it.

To quote Jung, "...the daemon of the inner voice is at once our greatest danger and an indispensable help." Hidden in the daemonic is our inner voice, our guiding spirit, our angel, and our genius. Jung refers to the daemonic as the "not yet realized creative," which is to say it is creativity not yet "made real" or actualized by the ego. Developing a healthy and strong ego is crucially important in entering into relationship with and creatively expressing the daemonic energies within us. One of the most destructive things in the human psyche is unrealized creativity.

If the daemonic is not honored and treated religiously (i.e., carefully considered with reverence and a sense of the sacred), however, it constellates negatively and turns truly "demonic," in the destructive sense of the word. Jung comments, "Generally speaking the daemonic is that moment when an unconscious content of seemingly overwhelming power appears on the threshold of consciousness. It can cross this threshold and seize hold of the personality. Then it is possession." Before an archetype can be consciously integrated, it will always manifest itself physically, because, in Jung's words, "...it forces the subject into its own form." In its negative form, which is a truly virulent form of madness, we, because of our unconsciousness, become a living conduit for the incarnation of an inhuman, malevolent, predatory, rapacious energy that only cares about feeding its own insatiable narcissism, ultimately victimizing, consuming, and cannibalizing both ourselves and others in the process. Describing this moment of being possessed, Jung elaborates, "The beast of prey seizes hold of him and soon makes him forget that he is a human being. His animal affects hamper any reflection that might stand in the way of his infantile wish-fulfillments, filling him instead with a feeling of a new-won right to existence and intoxicating him with the lust for booty and blood." This in-toxic-ating energy, which is the narcissistic ego running wild as it entrances itself, is the fuel which animates any form of addiction. "Intoxication," to quote Jung, is "that most direct and dangerous form of possession," as unless it is reflected upon, and therefore illuminated and transformed by the light of consciousness, it inevitably leads to self-destruction.

Jung reminds us that "Insanity is possession by an unconscious content that, as such, is not assimilated to consciousness, nor can it be assimilated since the very existence of such conditions is denied." We then fall into the infinite regression and self-perpetuating feedback loop of denying we are in denial, a self-created strain of madness that I have given the name "malignant egophrenia," or "ME disease" for short. This is a form of self-deception, dissociation and psychic blindness in which we are ultimately lying to and hiding from ourselves. At a certain point this process entrenches itself within the psyche such that it develops sufficient momentum to seemingly become its own self-generating, autonomous entity. We've then become a "problem" to ourselves, creating our own Frankenstein monster in the process, and it is us. We can then be said to be the incarnation of ME disease in the flesh, its revelation in human form. Similar to being possessed by a demon, being taken over by ME disease is simultaneously its own self-revelation; encoded within the apparent pathology is its own medicine.

One of the main ways that demons become empowered within us is when we are unconscious of our shadow. Jung says, "Anyone who is unaware of his shadow is too wonderful, too good, he has a wrong idea of himself, and to that extent such a person is possessed." The extent to which we are unconscious of our shadow is the extent to which we are unaware of our potential to unwittingly enact our unconscious in a way which could be hurtful. Jung writes, "If we don't see the negative side of what we do, what we are, we are possessed...Only through understanding of unconscious aspects, as a rule, can we liberate ourselves from possession." Understanding "unconscious aspects" is to shed light on darker, asleep parts of ourselves - "the negative side of what we do" -- which is essentially the act of becoming conscious. The demons act themselves out through our psychic blind-spots. Jung comments, "...the demon that is always with you is the shadow following after you, and it is always where your eyes are not."

The places where we are possessed by our unconscious are the places in ourselves where we are not able to see, where "our eyes are not," where we are unable to self-reflectively speculate. Symbolically, this is like a vampire who casts no reflection in the mirror. Jung writes, "Since nobody is capable of recognizing just where and how much he himself is possessed and unconscious, he simply projects his own condition upon his neighbor, and thus it becomes a sacred duty to have the biggest guns and the most poisonous gas." Interestingly, Jung simply refers to "shadow projection," a process in which we project our own un-embraced aspects (our "own condition") onto our neighbor, as "the lie." One of the meanings of the word "devil" is "the liar." (Please see my articles "Shadow Projection: The Fuel of War," and "Shadow Projection is its Own Medicine"). Projecting our shadow onto others is an activity which is itself an expression of the devil who is hiding within us, lurking behind the projection. Speaking about how easy it is for the "demons" to find a new victim, Jung comments, "...that won't be difficult. Every man who loses his shadow, every nation that falls into self-righteousness, is their prey."

Jung comments on the state of being possessed by an archetype such as the daemonic when he writes, "For an archetype has a life of its own; the life that is proper and peculiar to the archetype shows its autonomy by the fact that it can swallow one's own life. It is so strong that one can be swallowed up into it and be nothing but that archetype. Of course, one does not know it." The formless, invisible archetype has in-formed itself and made itself visible through the person, group or nation which it seizes. They can be said to be the living incarnation of the archetype, as they are its full-blown revelation in form.

An essential quality of being possessed by the unconscious is that we don't know we're possessed, for if we knew, we wouldn't be possessed. To quote Jung, "When you are just at one with a thing you are completely identical - you cannot comprehend it, you cannot discriminate, you cannot recognize it." When we are identical with something, we are not able to differentiate ourselves from it, which is to say, we have no freedom of choice relative to that with which we are unconsciously identified. When we identify with and act out the unconscious, we are truly unconscious.

Jung conjectures, "suppose I am identical with an archetype; I don't know it and the archetype of course won't tell me, because I am already possessed and inundated by the archetype...Just as I pay no attention to the hammer I use; I use it and afterwards I throw it away. It is not a personal hammer. That is the way the archetype uses man, simply as an instrument, as a tool of a most transitory kind." Even though an archetype expresses itself through individuals, an archetype is impersonal. Archetypes enlist us for their purposes, taking possession of us like a piece of property, and drop us when we are no longer of use. Jung continues, "But the man is of course in an awful situation. He is possessed, and he cannot defend himself, for he doesn't even know that he is possessed, and that is a wonderful opportunity for the unconscious." Not knowing we are possessed by the unconscious, it is as if the parents aren't home, creating an opportunity for the kids (the unconscious) to act out without restraint.

Jung says, "The forces that burst out of the collective psyche have a confusing and blinding effect." The emergence of unconscious forces out of the collective unconscious typically evokes confusion and blindness, i.e., unconsciousness. Jung continues, "...as the influence of the collective unconscious increases, so the conscious mind loses its power of leadership. Imperceptibly it becomes the led, while an unconscious and impersonal process gradually takes control. Thus, without noticing it, the conscious personality is pushed about like a figure on a chess-board by an invisible player. It is this player who decides the game of fate, not the conscious mind and its plans." It is as if an invisible coup has taken place within the psyche. Falling into self-deception, the conscious mind is under the illusion that it is deciding, that it is in control, while it is actually being led and manipulated like a puppet. To quote W. H. Auden, "We are lived by Powers we pretend to understand."

Jung says, "The devil is the aping shadow of God." When we are possessed by the unconscious, a more powerful, archetypal energy shape-shifts and takes on our seeming form, which we absorb into, identify with and believe to be who we are. Bamboozled and hoodwinked by the slick "salesmanship" of this imposter of ourselves, we "buy" into its version of who we are. We then live a simulation of ourselves, miming ourselves, becoming a master copy, a duplicate of our original selves. To the extent we are unconsciously possessed by the daemon, it is as if a psychic parasite has taken over our brain and tricked us, its host, into thinking we are feeding and empowering ourselves while we are actually nourishing the parasite. It is as if our soul has become hijacked by a deeper, archetypal force, and has been replaced with a pale imitation of ourselves, and, to the extent we are taken over, we don't even realize it. Archetypes, Jung points out, "have the most disagreeable quality of appearing in your own guise." The spirit of the unconscious impersonates us, fooling even ourselves, as it cloaks itself in our form. This mercurial spirit has "put us on" as a disguise, appearing as ourselves, or at least who we imagine ourselves to be.

whole article


Matrice périnatale
3 Nov 2009
the daemonic is a sensibility that brings individuals into contact with divine knowledge socrates was also inspired by a divine voice known as his daimonion.


Sale drogué·e
6 Avr 2006
Thanks so much for posting this! I am so glad I took the time to read the whole article, as it is very inspiring, and as always came about on a synchronistically perfect moment!

Jung ftw! Oh and do you have any idea which specific book Paul Levy keeps quoting? I would love to dig a little deeper.

And to Srolahans: read the whole article, the notion of a 'positive' daemon, as indeed some wise men have described, is also explained. The word daemon is a bit ambiguous but that's precisely the point.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
Everyone is posessed by the demons. The difference is how much will you let the demons control you and how much will you control them.


Glandeuse pinéale
12 Nov 2008
wow, is the start of what i have to say about this article, very illuminating of such things needing to be seen, ive read some of jung's work here and there, mostly quotes and articles, but he has a very truthfull esoteric sound to his work and views on the mind.

as in the quabalah goes, the demons of earth are ours to master and control, but yet at the same time not being completely sepparate , for as jung stated they are the powerfull seeds of creative/destructive power deep within our psyche with alot of cross reference and relations of other religious traditions and teachings not of christianity.

i guess since we are all different, with our own catigories of problems, it could be said that this force is androgenus and manifests intself is thousands of possibilities , probly being where we have such a classification of demons and gods.

thnx for the awsome post!!!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
13 Sept 2007
1 362
I watched Paranormal Activity and wonderd, Demonic haunting and possesion or Extreme stress and Electromagnetic field interference?

I noticed the more the Boyfriend pushed her and her demon the more stressed she became and undoubtedly she stabbed him. After watching him for hours and then screaming like she had, had enough down stairs.

Of course. Just a film, But got me thinking...... :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
13 Sept 2007
1 362
Ooopppsss, Sorry was tired when posted. I'll have a read and contribute some on topic input :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
13 Sept 2007
1 362
This post is actually very interesting, "Archetypes use man".

I suppose, Hitler was quite possibly possesd by an archetype. Same goes for cults that take thier own lives?

What are these archetypes exactly? The shadow of God?? Does God have a shadow???

Sounds like man is at the mercy of organised control on an unconsciouss level.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
so demons can be classified as shadows of god?? lol but well it would be logical as god would be the one who created everything in the first place and everything could include demons if god were almighty etc etc


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
13 Sept 2007
1 362
Surely, 200 fallen angels condemnd to an eternity on earth would fit the Demonic archetype???


21 Juil 2007
5 922
obviously?? or obviously not??


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
13 Sept 2007
1 362
Far from obvious, Im just curious...

Wish I could ask Mr. Jung himself :P


21 Juil 2007
5 922
so archetypes are possible demons and also possible angels??? sounds a bit far out but if you think about it it makes some sense, but it makes more sense when you get rid of all your conditioned ideas about these subjects...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
BrainEater a dit:
so archetypes are possible demons and also possible angels??? sounds a bit far out but if you think about it it makes some sense, but it makes more sense when you get rid of all your conditioned ideas about these subjects...

exactly, we're not talking about horned winged demons with red skin that fly around and kill people, nor feathered haloed fools... this is basically explaining how you should be careful of the words you use, as well as their intent, because even a statement made semingly benevolent, with the wrong intent, could be promoting a negative activity, group, person, or just simply negativity in general... taking the bible literally for instance... :evil:


21 Juil 2007
5 922
indeed... i think taking the bible literally is either VERY stupid or "to be based" on very profound knowledge when interpreting it ....

i think on the ONE hand there's what you can give infinite names and on the OTHER hand there's what can't be named. this might seem paradox, but i suggest seeing it metaphorically!


13 Juin 2010
IMO its a nice and probably ancient methaphore for mastering ''culture creation'' a verry powerfull tool/insight recognised since ancient times. I do call manipulating peoples unconsious without them consiously knowing magic, but dont take that literal. Thanks for the nice read.