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Je m'inscris!

The birth of clarity from illusion.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
Some light is beginning to seep through the cracks in humanities ego.

I’m proud to be amongst you all; observing wistfully, as resonant awareness blossoms like some pristine flower on a moonlight night, awaiting the sunrise to exhibit to the world its true beauty.

We as a collective, as an element of that which we experience, have grown to the point of epiphany, the limits of the ego, the boundary of self imposed suffering.
We have come to understand that we are the avatar of our experience.
And our expression, the avatar of us.

So it is within us, and only within us, that evolution resides.
We cannot await our deliverance from something outside of ourselves, for such a thing does not exist.
We are the sole arbiters of our own destiny.

We are the cartographers of hyperspace, of the unknown; the architects of possibility hope and love. Through our collective wisdom, our coalesced experience, our dynamic expression; we shall bring peace and serenity to a world wreathed in a darkness of our own design.

This is the chrysalis of our forthcoming evolution, the womb of our united resurrection into a transcendent entity, our combined liberation from the bonds of our own iniquity.

We are the gatekeepers; we are the dreamers of dreams. We are creation.

Love will set us free.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
ever thought of becoming a writer?
Ps i really like your altisonant way of writing


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
I like it and find it very edutaining , and having to google loads of words and learning new definitions to impress and baffle my friends is cool . Now they all think i`m not so dumb as i apeare .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774
I agree with your basic premise, buff. Some light is beginning to leak through, but is the rest of it going to come at such expense?

Look at the toll exacted upon millions of lives in the name of the darkness of ignorance and fear.

We are persecuted, it is a fact. Historically, all persecuted peoples end up at a crossroads, an inevitable one, that of throwing off the chains and lighting lanterns, or folding up their broken spirits and becoming fertilizer.

I know my viewpoint is usually too absolutist for many if not most psychonauts, but I firmly believe that it IS an advanced viewpoint, and that it is one due to arrive in the minds of many in the time to come,psychedelics willing.

This is a war, albeit an ideological one, a war of memes, if you will, buff.
I consider myself not a felon by US law, but an ex-POW, that spent 4 years in a concentration camp ran by enemy combatants.

.....this IS how I see it.

But humans MUST gain control over their baser urges, and conquer the wild animal that is alive within the genetics of each and every one of us.

There can be no freedom in the spiritual, practical or physical sense until we are free of our evolutionarily-derived urges to conquer territory and control disproportionate amounts of resources.

As AGent SMith says in 'The Matrix';

' every mammal develops an instinctive equillibrium with its environment, but you humans are different, you behave like viruses'

The only way they control and oppress us is that they manipulate the animal-like urges and drives that we only semi-consciously (at best) contro within ourselves. Their best device for these machinations is to make us afraid of each other, sowing distrust within the enemy camp, in their mindset.

We cannot remain wild animals in our sexual, emotional, and physical
practices and habits and transcend them at the same time.....we will have to LET GO OF SOME SACRED COWS for this to occur, and we are still in our infancy as a movement, with MUCH to come.

There is a difference between KNOWING the path, and WALKING the

And at some point, we will have to walk.


Sale drogué·e
6 Avr 2006
Very inspiring dude, many thanks. It's like exactly what's been on my mind lately, but I couldn't form it into words.


Edit: I couldn't agree with you more spice! we have become blind to the obvious, all because of the triviality of western science. But I feel that change is coming, as if we are slowly growing towards a big collective u-turn(2012 perhaps?)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
First come people like Buff and Spice and explain it to the masses so that they can understand and then when the penny finaly drops the masses do it . A sort of unequivical psychosocial evolutionary quantum shift .

I think that the u-turn that comes in 2012 , for those that believe that something BIG is going to happen then , is that the believers have to do a u-turn so drasticaly that they disapeare up their own arses ?


Sale drogué·e
14 Déc 2007
Funny. At some point today, I felt, in the depths of my being, what you wrote here buff. I thought about it, and felt exactly that. And now I arrive home and see my feelings articulated with words you wrote. Thanks for that.

May the winds of Love, Wisdom and Life express within us and the ones that surround us.

The path of the Oneness we share was, is and will always Be Here and Now.

Love to all


Glandeuse pinéale
31 Jan 2008
dude totaly like ur umm writing? :roll:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
hippietrhggr a dit:
dude totaly like ur umm writing? :roll:
man, call me stupid but if it's a joke i don't get it...can you explain it?
or maybe is some american joke on analphabetism?


Glandeuse pinéale
17 Déc 2006
This is like the wordless thing I am becoming more aware of every day.
I used to have to stretch to imagine it, but now it comes much easier and all I have to do is marvel at it. Once I was obsessed with giving it words, now I know how transcendent it is.

I think what you are speaking of is a revolution of communication within the human brain itself. We have gained the illusion of separate existence from the illusion of separated objects in logical speech, and only now are we moving beyond that logic into something fluid and pristine, beyond assertion and negation, the unopposable all encompassing reality.


Elfe Mécanique
18 Mai 2007
man that was beautiful i loved your analogy to the nightflower sometimes when i get in the right mindset i can write some pretty poetic stuff it just seems like i never have a pen and paper at those times :) i was feeling kind of shitty a bit earlier you know? like valentines day and im just sitting at home its kind of shitty but i feel alot better now after having our whole essence put into perspective well i feel better cause i got high too haha love and peace


Glandeuse pinéale
31 Jan 2008
Dantediv86 a dit:
hippietrhggr a dit:
dude totaly like ur umm writing? :roll:
man, call me stupid but if it's a joke i don't get it...can you explain it?
or maybe is some american joke on analphabetism?

lol stupid. it snot a joke. i dont know what its called. lol. i like what he wrote. i just wasnt thinkin at the time :shock:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
ok next time put down the spiff before typing and take a deep breath...if the oxygen rush doesn't knock you out then you might notice you were writing with your Cannabis instead of with your brain...


Glandeuse pinéale
31 Jan 2008
lol hehe :prayer:


21 Juil 2007
5 922
hey bro!! that's some nice writing, Morpheus! you speak the truth! love will set us free... or rather we will set ourselves free thru love!! 8)

hehehe i think it's cool letting the cannabis write instead of the brain!!! :prayer:


Glandeuse pinéale
31 Jan 2008
i have discovered and asked many very big questions that i never would have ever asked if it werent for cannabis. i used to be sucked into thinking war is good and shit like that untill. i started cannabis and i noticed many things wrong with civilization.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
i never needed anything to come up with that, really....(with this i'm not stating that i'm superior in any way)
however i used mind expanding drugs to see over the boundaries of my, very limited, knowledge.
EDIT: but it's good that you started questioning the world around you anyway...


Elfe Mécanique
3 Juil 2008
Thanks for thoose words topic starter.. It's so true, I've started to see things now, still I need to work on it a little but I understand life to an extent, the meaning that we all are one.

Im sittin' here high on cannabis, and its makin' me lazy - what can I say? But still, I've slowly programmed myself into believin', cause it all comes down to that, what u believe in.

I truly and deeply in me believe in the words you speak of buffachino.. We see a war today of the mind, a war to either bind the mind of people to the "Dark" side and that is the NEGATIVE force that says "Its all separated" and on the "Light" side we have the POSITIVE force that says "We're all the same".

And 2012 is the point where POSITIVE and NEGATIVE meet and create the balance, this happen to your EARTH and our EARTH evovles into the next dimension of "AWARENESS".

You don't want to be all awareness, its nice to be who you are right now that reads this. But soon we'll be able to literally create our own reality, and that's where things become complicated, even if its really simple to understand the basic of it when you realise life is based on emotions and feelings and the mind of what you believe in... We are programmed into what we are and who we are - but we are all the same.

You can find me in other posts with more ramblings from a stoner. I've started to wake up and I hope to spread some light so more people wake up. Its all information and that's what Im sharin'

Enivid singin' off