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Tarot and Entheogens


Glandeuse pinéale
12 Sept 2008
McAllister a dit:
I found out pretty early on that I had no ability whatsoever to predict the future using Tarot Cards.

You will not find many genuine tarot readers these days who claim to predict the future, although some may experiment with it. They can be used in many ways from meditation to overcoming writers block. Personally, I like them best for self development and journalling. I have started reading for others but use them to present new options the the sitter not predictions.


Glandeuse pinéale
12 Sept 2008
Pariah a dit:
I think what st. bot was refering to was tarot being somewhat open to interpretation, or that it relies on your own ability to find patterns in chaos... also in that respect can show alot about your state of mind - just like inkblots.

OK, that makes sense, i´ll buy that.


Glandeuse pinéale
12 Sept 2008
braha_kahn a dit:
Still the Tarot is an interesting tool, yet it needs too much study imo. A coin doesn't need any study at all...

I have plenty of time on my hands to study but i agree with you, tarot is or can be a lifetimes study.

And it is not very good at yes/no decisions which is where the coin comes in, or in my case a dice or pendulum.

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
I noticed something this past week.

I started studying English vocabulary. I've tried to memorize over a thousand difficult words. I do this by listening to mp3's while I brush my teeth, cook or drive in my car.

What I noticed was that the same synchronicities that occur when you consult the Tarot (for example) also happen when you learn new words. For example, at the exact moment a word is mentioned, I might see something related to that word. It didn't happen once, it happened over and over again. And although some of these occurances might be trivial, some were extraordinary, freaky even. The psychedelic involved was cannabis.

I won't go into detail here (no time), but I can only say that I started noticing it again and again. If you do the same, you will notice it too.

Now words are pretty mundane compared to the "esoteric" Tarot set. But somehow synchronicity occurs with both, if you immerse yourself in them deeply. And inhale deeply I might add. ;)

Recommended vocabulary programs:

The Verbal Advantage (22 CD's, I listened to them thrice)
Vocabulary Booster (200 words)
Word Master (500 words, with Baroque music in the background)
Million Dollar Vocabulary (500-1000 words, using various meta learning techniques. Fun and exciting.)


21 Juil 2007
5 922
interesting... maybe you heard of a guy named daniel tammet who calculates sick calculations, which even for a good computer isn't "easy" to handle... he stated seeing for example the numbers and then a lightning and then the result of the ligthning striking the numbers as the result of the calculation or something along those lines...

i think it could be "seeing your own thoughts while thinking them", which is in fact quite amazing and in my opinion an impressive skill.

peace. :weedman:


i'd be happy if someone layed the cards for me.
magickstar, would you do so ?
i'm curious and not expecting nothing at all.

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
i'd be happy if someone layed the cards for me.
magickstar, would you do so ?
I don't think tarot cards should be used that way. The client and the reader should be in the same room (or use a telephone / Skype), and have a dynamic interaction. Tarot cards are too vague to use in other ways, unless the reader is genuinely psychic.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
magickstar do you want to lay the cards for me too?? with skype maybe ???


Glandeuse pinéale
12 Sept 2008
Hi daytripper and BrainEater. I would be happy to turn some tarot for you both. I quite understand the reservations expressed by CaduceusMercurius btw. My husband would also agree with him and says i am quite mad, even though he has read the positive feedback from online readings i have already done.

The best thing would be to start simple. If you could both post a question you would like answered, i will draw one or more cards and try and answer it. If your question is private you can pm me. Avoid questions that would require a y/n answer and those that ask when something will happen. The best kind of questions are those that ask for insight or guidance into a situation. For example:"How can I move forward in situation x?"; "What would be a good course of action for me regarding my relationship with y?"

I don´t want to use skype for this at the moment because i may possibly panic and go blank when put on the spot (i did say i am a novice reader). How i get around the lack of interaction is to use a card that represents you as if you are present. This is called the significator. There are many ways to choose a significator, including letting the sitter choose one for themselves if they know the deck. However a common way and the method i use, is to use a court card. This is selected by age and sex i.e. are you a knight or a prince, queen or princess and by astrological sign, so i will need your birthdate too (again pm if you want to keep this private).

I am quite keen to try this as an experiment as i really want to know if there is anything psychic about it at all. Previous readings i have done with friends and tarot forum members and they are somewhat predisposed to see the positive in what i have told them. I am sure a bunch of skeptics will give me more honest feedback which is all i ask from this exercise. If the reading is way off, please tell me and also tell me exactly how i am off the mark. Hopefully, you will both say i am wonderful reader and amazing psychic but i can take it if i am shit :D.


Glandeuse pinéale
9 Mai 2008
hmmm. tarot reading for other poeple-for me anyways, is really intense. i turned some cards for a friend once and interpreted them for him-he didnt ask a question or anything, it was just general, kinda seeing what his energy would bring out-but they were all completely spot on, we both ended up crying in the end it was so intense, i did it for another friend and it was the same, i find that other energy in the room while im reading cards is intensified to the point of hallucination sometimes. you should let someone else read your tarot for you unless you are completely comfortable with them and letting them have an in to your spiritual/personal being.

im a healer, so my favorite deck is the herbal tarot, which is always, no question right on, which i really enjoy and use a lot if the patient is willing. rider is also amazing. McAllister, i tried using a toth deck, well not really, i picked it up and dropped the deck all over the floor of my friend's place-dunno why, it was sortof instinctual. the pictures are beautiful, but for me at least, the enrgy is incredibyl dark, as is anything associated with crowly. a friend sent me some writings and pictures from him from some rare books and the dark energy around it was almost visible-which at the time was super intreaguing (sp? lol) but eeek hes really not my style, id be interested to see if anyone else found this.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
3 Nov 2007
4 166
It's a reflection of the self.
the darkness is within, and so is the light. :wink:


Glandeuse pinéale
12 Sept 2008
mountain-girl a dit:
...i find that other energy in the room while im reading cards is intensified to the point of hallucination sometimes. you should let someone else read your tarot for you unless you are completely comfortable with them and letting them have an in to your spiritual/personal being.

Could you explain more please - sounds interesting point but i didnt quite understand :?


Glandeuse pinéale
12 Sept 2008
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
Recommended vocabulary programs:

The Verbal Advantage (22 CD's, I listened to them thrice)
Vocabulary Booster (200 words)
Word Master (500 words, with Baroque music in the background)
Million Dollar Vocabulary (500-1000 words, using various meta learning techniques. Fun and exciting.)

What i need is a technique like that to help me learn Portuguese. Serious! ...

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
Try this one. It's Brazillian Portuguese.

Proibição não, regularização!


Glandeuse pinéale
12 Sept 2008
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
Try this one. It's Brazillian Portuguese.

Oh man, sorry to be ungrateful but in my region it is better to stumble over bad European Portuguese than to be fluent in Brazilian. Sorry to any Brazilian psychonauts - it´s not my opinion, just the way it is.


Elfe Mécanique
7 Juil 2007
O, how I love you guys! You're great! :)

Sometimes I feel so happy to be so fortunate as to be able to visit a group of like-minded---although all so different---people through this thing called 'teh internetz'. You guys are a blessing! Just by reading your posts I engage in so much self-reflection... I guess that's because we're all connected 'ey! Err... connected... lolz :P

Back on topic, I bought a tarot deck earlier this year. It came with a small book which introduces the newbie to the principles and practice of tarot and describes and explains all the cards. There was also a board on which one can lay out the cards, but I wasn't patient enough to learn, or maybe it was just that I wanted/needed to do things in a different way.

So I sat down and said to my higher self or whatever: "O hai higher self, I'm going to draw three cards, plz let them be the right ones. I can has some insight? Ktnxbai!" And I went ahead and did so, and the cards were right on point, describing three phases of my life. One I had just moved away from, one I was in and one I was moving towards. That was a great experience.

Haven't done any serious taroting since then, but after reading this thread I feel like taking out my cards next time I'm high, although I vaguely remember I did that some time and I just didn't care for the cards at all then.


Glandeuse pinéale
12 Sept 2008
lol*fan a dit:
Haven't done any serious taroting since then, but after reading this thread I feel like taking out my cards next time I'm high, although I vaguely remember I did that some time and I just didn't care for the cards at all then.

It would be great if you did feel like it sometime. We could try reading for each other!


Matrice périnatale
6 Oct 2008
I have a Thoth Deck (Crowley) that i used to use a lot back in my psychonaut days. I would fan out the deck close my eyes and let my left (the feminine side) hand slowly pass over the cards - if i felt a coolness I would pick the card up. Only 3 cards.
After that I lay them out and then focus on the card that seemed to jump out at me - I would then follow this up with about .5 grams (insufflated) of ketamine. The card would often come alive or be incorporated into my trip.

While I have never though of the cards for divination - I do believe in Jung's idea of them as universal archetypes for different aspects of our consciousness and/or personalities. They were (are) an excellent window or mirror in ourselves. I feel like they made me more mindful of both my lighter and darker sides of myself. I hardly ever used them to read for another person as I found the whole process extremely personal and raw (if you are brutally honest with yourself). Like a few others here I simply found them to be enlightening as a tool to look at myself and more so at times when I was on a trip and lighting up the dark recesses of my mind. 8)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
synchronicity. never got as far as keeping a synchronicity diary but ive tried to synchronise myself with the universe over the years - something easier done than described. if you can see the subtle paterns you can "go with them" for a while. does that make sense?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
I think I see what you mean.. like taking cues from the universe and acting upon them. But I guess it's the old method of going with your hunches that everyone practices at some level. Though what's interesting is if it's possible to develop and improve this ability, like tuning yourself to the universe. I know we all feel like the most perceptive humans after a dose but... have we really sharpened our pattern recognition abilities or have we instead become conscious of our ability to recognize our pattern recognition abilities :?: