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Je m'inscris!

Strange "dejavu"


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
-__-' me too
thank u ppl


10 Avr 2007
Dantediv86 a dit:
oh my god what will be of us?

1) Slaves of a prehemted Preconseved Previsioned False life's, forever.
2) Consider the possibilities of this same mind control techniques for usage on people as weapons.. eg suicide bombers ect. mmm seems a great method.


Last night i dreamt my god (*not plasing any religious views on this) said to
blow up this station, and i have a couple of bombs with me over here miraculously.. . mmmmmmm? :? - i dont know the notion aint good.

Couldn't care less to which boundaries this concept occurs, genetically/religiously ect ect ect. World wars are not created by one man along.. not by just a hand full.. these puppets are the forefront of a invisible slaved human psykik level. Invisible dreams one night, then it mysteriously happens the next, nah. And the fact its hidden behind this wall of religion/karma/''dream'' states, in order to create the fall back that your crazy if you try to appose it even worsens the situation.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
Ok people...i've seen my scans
gee...the brain looks better when you see it on Discovery channel i must say

my brain seems perfectly normal....goodformeomygodthisissuchareliefyouhavenoidea............
and i had one of my attacks again last friday , but it was a light one....still the doctor says that it can't be epilepsy.....WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?????????
we could keep on peculating or let the argument drop until someone brings something new to the topic....


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Avr 2007
2 290
Just try to master it.
I bet it willl be there for a reason..


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
Dantediv86 a dit:
Ok people...i've seen my scans
gee...the brain looks better when you see it on Discovery channel i must say

my brain seems perfectly normal....goodformeomygodthisissuchareliefyouhavenoidea............
and i had one of my attacks again last friday , but it was a light one....still the doctor says that it can't be epilepsy.....WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?????????
we could keep on peculating or let the argument drop until someone brings something new to the topic....
edit: it's Speculating not peculating


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
Dantediv86 a dit:
Ok people...i've seen my scans
gee...the brain looks better when you see it on Discovery channel i must say

my brain seems perfectly normal....goodformeomygodthisissuchareliefyouhavenoidea............
and i had one of my attacks again last friday , but it was a light one....still the doctor says that it can't be epilepsy.....WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?????????
we could keep on peculating or let the argument drop until someone brings something new to the topic....
edit: it's Speculating not peculating


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
i think i figured it out
it is a strange feeling indeed
yesterday night i have tried DMT smoked fot the first time
it is just amazing i'm speechless
these rushes i got from my dejavu are exactly like the rush i got yesterday from the DMT , i'm still shaky as i write this (not cause of DMT, but for the excitement) i dunno i'm so confused
right after i toked three times the DMT i had the same symptoms for one of my dejavues and then of course i tripped, but this is another story i will write under the DMT section as soon as it is prettied up :) but the dejavues ....what were they...i never did DMT before yet the rushing feeling wasn't something new to me it hit me
and i never had mixes of any kind that could lead to a huasca mix hypothesis...
i'm shocked :shock: thrilled :o and happy at the same time :D it's just amazing and i can't stop laughing by myself everytime i think of it....


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Avr 2007
2 290
Seems like this trip did good to you :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264


Elfe Mécanique
5 Avr 2007
So from the above (and I also have personal experience) it seems MDMA, LSD and all the natural psychedelics, the ones which dilate the pupils, tend to stimulate the deja-vu sensation.

I don't have it on cannabis.

How about the plants and chemicals which make the pupils smaller, like cocaine? Anyone had deja-vu experiences on these?

Is there a relationship between the pupil size, and this deja-vu phenomenon?

If so, it would be an aspect of 'broadened perception', which means it could be real and a quality of Space, although perhaps misunderstood by our rational mind.




Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
Hi people it's me again the doctor wanted me to hava an EEG last week and they say that there is something out of place yet they say they haveno clue of what is happening it seems like i have a latent epilepsy yet the waves aren't in the right place to call it so........................................................
as i like to think it's a signal from my mind tuning to another plane of exhisstence

you guys
i'm not of this reality


21 Juil 2007
5 922
don't worry! i know what it is, but don't accept it like i say it, better figure it out on yourself.

don't know how to put it, but well: it's something that "yourself" want to tell to "yourself" and you do it by feeling it intensely instead of realizing it intelectually or by thinking.

it's kind of like a flashback, but not necessarily from when you were tripping...
it can be a flashback from a dream, too...

i've had the deja-vu sensation like 3 months in a row everyday and i almost went crazy, but then i figured that out.

this "attacks" you speak of is in fact really your mind turning to another plane of existence, but something in you resists it, that's why you can't "control" it. same like when you want to sleep, but you can't because you have to think about stuff or something, but the other way round.

i talk about this with certainty, because i experienced lots of this weird stuff, too, almost identical to yours and did a lot of research.

by the way i'm 21 too. :mrgreen:

i can recommend going with the flow, resisting it can be painful, when it's strong. and it's not epilepsy, it's more like pseudo-epilepsy. :P


10 Avr 2007
Dantediv86 a dit:
Hi people it's me again the doctor wanted me to hava an EEG last week and they say that there is something out of place yet they say they haveno clue of what is happening it seems like i have a latent epilepsy yet the waves aren't in the right place to call it so........................................................
as i like to think it's a signal from my mind tuning to another plane of exhisstence

you guys
i'm not of this reality

Dante, this is probaly one of the best topics on this site i have read since being here... sorry to hear about this however i might have some good news.. i have been doing some light studyes on vey basic neuro- sciences
and have come across this


its a great link to a company that specialises in neurosiences scecificaly within the side of epilepsy. See from what i understand this device that you will be pointed toward on this site, regulates the neuro pathways using a nuro tranmitter that can detect signals and signal variations that may occur pre- the occorance of the fit. (*basic understanding). Its amazing technology i have scene just recently but i would find out more about it from professionals.

Its an amazin product because not only does it regulate to neuro transmitions but can detect if there are viriations that are linked to a possible databased number of nero signals that would occur during the fit phases. i would imagin this would be different with each person, because not one person would have the same neuro pathways/send the same neuro transmitions. hence the reason for the interconnectivity via software. i guess the data base would allow for recording and preservanc of this data to effectivly measure on average systoms to allow a best avoidence of seazure across a scale of possible number of events that may cause the fit...

ok had to go back to read up on this again.. you were in africa!!? cool i am from around there.. annway 1) dude i am pretty sure you are of this reality and others.. maby lay off the drugs for a while(if you whant if this would make a difference), just remember the existance of life planes between this one and others(there are many about 7 i would believe) not only means that you surviaval on this one is linked to them also that it is minipulated from the other. There are methods and mean in which these minipulations occur, and reasons, (both truth and lies), if you could remember these dreams and experiances maybe you could find out what the y ''mean'', most of the time they are ''planted prevision''.

as far as plans of existance go remember the 70's didnt just happen and our age/time is such a funny occurance were the lack of knowelge/is the with holding of it. Freedom of information?? Bullshite.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
I have been refraining from replying to this topic for a while to see how it develops. Dante, do you remember saying that we have some profound connection? I think this is not too far from the truth. Yet it is not merely a factor between individuals; human or not…

You see, I don’t dream, or at least haven’t remembered a single dream or fraction of one for years. I sleep as if I were dead. I don’t have any cognisant elements to my unconscious state. After reading about the proximity of your DMT experience to the sensations of these ‘connections’ or brief periods in transcendence if you will, made sense of this phenomenon for me to some extent.

The concept, to which I speculate is the catalyst for these episodes, is that while I, and perhaps many if not all others sleep, the consciousness detaches from the material being completely; as a result of DMT coursing through the brain and releasing the being into infinity, just as death and birth bind this effervescence to your body or release it respectively.

Some element of my being, although not ‘me’ essentially, must infiltrate your (if not a universal) mind-space during sleep; or whenever the ‘spirit’ is not bound to this ‘reality’ or domain. This I see as a constant for all life and being on this physical plane. As we disassemble during sleep and death and become 'one' once more, a connection not unlike the uploading of information to the internet is made, that can be tapped into, even unconsciously by the waking minds of those more prone to this higher state of being; psychonauts, or even those unaware of this entirely. This is not removed at all from the psychedelic experience, apart from the fact that your conscious during that experience and your waking and thus physical mind is doing the best it can to translate this infinity into legible information; a process which cannot be complete in entirety during life. Whilst bound to the ego and body.

So you see; you are merely picking up on the entirety of ‘entity’ in the universe to some debilitating degree. This is why it has an effect on your brainwaves that cannot be explained with ‘insanity’ or disease. You are a cosmic beacon for the infinite and are unwillingly picking up on an entirety of emotion and life through the pupil of your third eye. This, during everyday consciousness, is much too immense and profound for your mind to handle at the time, thus resulting in your collapse. This is also a result of your ego, which during life one cannot escape and is bound always to some degree to its need for conformity and regulation.

I too have unexplained periods of brief deja’vu like experiences during my day to day life, yet they always spawn from nothing and it was as if I can only remember the dream that spawned it when it occurs.
The strangest thing of all is that the only one I have had in recent times during my dreamless nights period (years long to date) has been the exact point in time when I first discovered psilocybin mushrooms growing in my front yard and was showing them to my best friend and loyal psychonautic partner. The exactness of the ‘premonition’ was too intense and profound to mean nothing. Some ‘plan’ seems to be falling into place somehow.

I’m just as ‘freaked out’ as you over this and can only close by saying that we all have a part to play, and that the ocellation, expansion and contraction of our energy is what binds us into a cosmic chess game; one where we, the psychonauts, are the pieces, the board and the players themselves.

And to Getaphix; this manner of control you speak of, both physical and mental, is already in place. You need merely watch TV, read newspapers and listen to your ‘less informed’ friends talk; all based off a hideous web of lies spawned purely to constrict our thinking and the concepts which drive that process; yet they don’t control our dreams or our trips and never will. These concepts are far beyond those who think in a closed fashion, to any degree. Free your mind from this constriction…



10 Avr 2007
buffachino a dit:

And to Getaphix; this manner of control you speak of, both physical and mental, is already in place. You need merely watch TV, read newspapers and listen to your ‘less informed’ friends talk; all based off a hideous web of lies spawned purely to constrict our thinking and the concepts which drive that process; yet they don’t control our dreams or our trips and never will. These concepts are far beyond those who think in a closed fashion, to any degree. Free your mind from this constriction…


for a person whom has never drempt before ( in the physical sleep phase of sleep/almot tranced state of unconsusness), please allow me to reasassure you that your dreams are controled, there are no mistakes, with dream phase synthisis, however tha fact that you dont dream is quite entruirging, and you then follow to sayy something along this lines, makes me wonder weather or not this thought process is you construct and weather the constriction is that because the reasons come to your mind in this manner as said above you will believe even that to what your right.....

this is similar to having a dream and believing that it just happened and was not created.

Perhaps when i mentioned the states of reality i didnt explain correctally see i class thie reality the state of being awakw and the state of being asleep in two different catigories. Two completely different universes. both being controled but forces that are actualy harnesed but human control either in this dimention or the next... dreams anot not much more than a video or a Quicktime .OMV file in neuro impulse form... the notion is put there like anything else in the nature of the universe.. it dont just exist, theres no divine force that majically put it there, only with holding of understanding/controle and mind minipulation.

think about it if inever explained this to you, you would have an induced dream were you would go to the ''Gates of heaven'' and see a bright light!! (of instance), then wake up proclaiming ''i do beiev there is a god'' then on the other side a person can give you a book and say here read about your god now not only deas this other person have the power in which to contorl your thoughts but the implications of imgination*(dreams) but also has you believing that god told you.. aswell..


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
Again, I find it difficult to understand where it is your attempting to place dreams; within the realms of our reality or within some construct, not unlike the prison of control in the matrix.
I disagree that they (our money hoarding overloads) have this degree of power over all of us beyond the methods employed already, especially in the infinity of a dream state which is not unlike a psychedelic or near death experience in its own right.

I am a critical, questioning, open person who has not swallowed the Christian faith even after 12 years of being bombarded with its rhetoric and scriptures throughout my Lutheran education. If anything it made me what I am now; critical of established belief and absolutism. I’m in no way swayed by mental conditioning, and it is in no way infiltrating my unconscious.

I have dreamt before my man, just not for a long time (a few years, two I think) and yet I have many flashes of lucid dreams before the onset of sleep that translate into some manner of perceived meaning. For instance, Dante said he had one of these ‘attacks’ in his kitchen; well I distinctly remember one of these flashes where I was standing in a kitchen, unlike my own or any that I have been in before, and I was on the ground within seconds of realising I was standing somewhere. More as if I blacked out as soon as I saw the scene, yet in no detail as to ascertain an exact.

This is basically what some have described as the butterfly effect. And is like the sketchy Hollywood film by the same name, although much more profound and inexact. We simply switch between lives, the conscious experience of life itself through the eyes of a separate or many perceived individuals. Basically put; whenever your not conscious, your being is somewhere else, living life in some way, shape or form. This is simply because we are all one being, one mind. The only separation is in the physical.

I can also correlate chaos fractal theory into this; where all existence is in a constant ballet between chaos and order, known and unknown, 1 and 0. From this, an infinity of points can be created, all the same essentially, yet all different at the same time. Just like a fractal. You can zoom consistently into one space and you will always see more detail.

This is the universe; the only restriction to this is the 'human' perception of this infinity, which whilst bound to one scale or realm or dimension, the essence of the known, of the 1, whatever you want to call it, you can only see so far in both directions before its seems to disappear completely.

Think the big ‘bang’; was it in fact a starting point? Of course not, how can something infinite begin? It can’t. It was simply contained within a smaller and smaller space to which an outside observer would either not be able to see or perceive as very small. And when anything far away expands at a constant rate, there will come a point where it seems to burst out of nowhere and slow down. This is our view of the universe as it is now, Stuck in a scale that we cannot escape or explore until the event of death or through a metaphysical journey with the aid of psychedelics or during sleep; although sleep is bound still to the pronominal of the known, thus ego and physicality.

To say that our dreams are merely the product of some insidious plot to control our minds on an earthly scale is a closed and unconstructive mindset my friend; although I see and respect your point, I don’t think that those in power, with their lust for wealth and simply more power, would even dream (excuse the pun) of the infinitum that dominates the ‘universe’ and all existence itself. It’s simply beyond their reach. You need only look at religion to see their closed view or perception of what they call reality. But I call a box. They only want to make it appear finite so that you don’t question, you don’t dream, you only follow and believe spouted facts about 'absolute' truth on the physical plane. This is control. Where science is only another means of control, one which constricts the mind further into a system of false parameters, ones to which infinity, chaos and 0 are no longer factors or are attempts at an overall explanation. This cannot happen. The equation moves periodically in a non linear fashion, constantly rehashing the answers to the previous generation into a new facet of the question. Science can show you the method, but it cannot show you the truth.

An anecdote I perceived whilst on a mushroom trip is that every person is just another pronominal to add into the equation, then re-examined with the new material for all eternity; constantly reasserting itself to enrich the wealth of matter in the universe. For matter cannot exist without anti matter which is simply a question. How else could it be? And then it manages to find out, but their are still questions to be answered, and their always will be.

Basically, you must free your minds from this perception of absolutes; take on board the manner of the equation but not the answer itself for it is a mere superficial number. A point on a line.
