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    Votes: 19 63,3%

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
I think women, in most respects, do not like to wonder very often - this may be completely incorrect, but from my personal experience women who tend to think alot are very anxious and possibly even depressive - they don't like to think deep... Now, alot of people take psychadelics without even experiencing deep thought, so again this may not even have anything to do with women's use ofpsychodelics.

I think overall women tend to me more prone to anxiety than males. They tend to not like to challenge deep thought, thought that in the short run may not be beneficial. I.E. realizing negative thoughts about past/present/future...

It may also be that the female psyche is just set up to not want to explore these realms - there is just no curiousity there. Males are more daring and risk taking, which would lead to the first experience, trips there after would be based on some other psychology.


Glandeuse pinéale
30 Juin 2009
This thread desperately needs a female opinion.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
why, they are dumb and can't drive

In serious though, I spoke with some on geniusforums (god damn what a crock pot website) and they actually agreed that they themselves are only wishful thinkers of 'genius'. They basically enforced the idea that women are subpar to men... IT was odd and I was kind of pissed off they didn't attempt to stand up for their own behavior.


10 Mai 2010
Ok So Ill try to be the voice of female reason... though no one can quite decide what that is

I can't drive but Im certainly not dumb

Whats the question again?

''I think women, in most respects, do not like to wonder very often - this may be completely incorrect, but from my personal experience women who tend to think a lot are very anxious and possibly even depressive - they don't like to think deep...''

This is a massive generalistaion I resent, Im a female and theres nothing better for me to get deep and think and my whole life i have wondered.

I would say there are as many men who don't like to wonder as women, and actually i would argue that statistically young men are far more prone to depression.

In response to women being into the way they look and dumb magazines etc, well sure there are loads like that, in the western world. but also there are many men who wear perfume and are only attracted to women that society has decided are attractive( generally airbrushed). It always works both ways.

Having said all that, clearly there aren't many females here, so It confirms what is suspect, that im not a typical female, in fact a lot of the time I don't relate to most women, I have a few select close female friends, when i rarely connect with them, but a lot of women are bitter and superficial and just don't think about the bigger picture, they either don't see or don't want too.

I prefer men because they seem a bit more straight down the line, there's not much bullshit or gossip or mundane talk about pointless things like celebrities and make up.

As for women wanting to take Psychedelics i can only speak for myself. I want to search for truth. Many people find its easier to live in denial. Men and women. However the western world is still very male dominated. Women are still not encouraged to be dominant and powerful. A lot of men want power over women so I don't think many women are brought up to believe they are goddess, or the life giver. Many men continually treat women like shit and like they are nothing but sex objects, this generation of young men, have warped views about women and sex, because they look at porn which is unrealistic and scripted, nothing like true life, they re-author this sense that women must be like porn stars, which is why you see young girls looking like hookers.

Once in a while you meet a decent guy who isn't sucked into all that shit, but it takes a strong man to go against the crowd. Sadly there seems fewer and fewer men like that, especially in England where they are brought up with no idea of how a man should act and lack any kind of balls.

Since the dawn of time people have sought visions, escapism and experiences which seek to confirm some beliefs about life and the universe, and I would say many of them have been women, then the witch hunt trials practically wiped out all the women that had traditionally been medicine women, with ancient plant knowledge, but now things have changes for the worse, and women have forgotten that they are important, and men have happily let this happen because men like power and women like harmony. At least this women does.

Im sure I have totally strayed from the point....

ah well I like it here so I might stay a while


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Hey, thanks for not agreeing with me. I posted that same exact message on another board... and much to my surprise (and anger) all the women agreed with me, even the ones I highly respected explained themselves and simply "under" males. I dislike that thought completely, and I dislike that it is, in some way, taught to women.

You did stray a little, hah "Man guys suck but some are cool".

I agree, there are many men who wear flaming bejeweled skulls on their shirt and wear sunglasses at night, hoping to score with a chick who wears stripper boots and looks like a girl from a magazine he once spied upon. I'm not going to guess on how many stupid or dumb men or women there are, or what the ratio is, but I know they outnumber the intelligent.

I'm glad you like it here. I'm glad you're looking for personal enlightenment. I'm glad you're not afraid.


14 Nov 2009
I don't think that educated men have a innate tendency towards the use of psychedelics…It's more of a cultural thing. From my limited experience, I have known a lot of "lets get wasted" types, but not many men who where intellectually curious about entheogens…On the other hand I have a female friend who is very interested in the philosophical aspects of it but that doesn't dare to try it...

In my opinion, it's not about women or men, but about femininity. Civilization has suppressed the feminine nature and encouraged more people into rigid left brain thinking. But by this I'm not not implying that we should prescind of analytical or rational thinking,…I'm just suggesting a more holistic approach to things, where we get to see "the big picture"…And here is where psychedelics play an important role, I think.

"Where wisdom reigns, there is no conflict between thinking and feeling." Carl Jung

And back to the question...I am a 20 years old male living in northern Europe.
I've been working for some time now but I will be going to the university this year. I want to graduate in ecology and anthropology.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
"statistically, young men are far more prone to depression"

i want to say that is correct, but of course have no statistic to show you. could be an underlying cause to this strange male dominated dilemma though. maybe the man is simply seeking a sense of "control" over his life, that he feels he does not have, and acts this way in all aspects of life, not simply sexually. he chooses trying desperately, to force control over the variables he knows not about, especially in the way of their function, instead actually taking the time to learn and know how to do it. clearing out a pathway to allow entry, vs forcing whatever through the path

men are conditioned this way, but we cannot rely on stereotyping for an accurate picture, merely an approximation. both men and women will always be faced with the challenge of accepting their own, as well as one anothers "typical" traits. assimilating both masculinity and femininity as whole.


24 Juin 2010
This thread has been dead for awhile. I'll just add my $.02 in regardless since I'm in the minority in terms of sex.

http://www.armageddonconspiracy.co.uk/T ... um(1267783).htm

I personally feel women, generally, need them more than men for many of the reasons cited. I think this is due to almost exclusively sociological, not biological, reasons. As mentioned, the self-fulfilling prophecy is present in stereotypes such as "women are bad at math." Women are still tacitly seen as inferior to men in my opinion -- you can see this in everything from double standards to the literary canon, in which almost only men are represented, to politics.

Both sexes can of course see great benefits from psychedelics if they are willing to open up their minds to it. I'm being really stereotypical in these accounts and am actually going more off of objective experience more than subjective. It really depends on the sample you're looking at. In the past, I've had 3 female friends that used psychedelics to reinforce their egos, but at the same time, my best friend is female and inspired me to drop LSD myself. She's seen immense benefits along with her significant (male) other. Then again, I feel guys are more willing to have metaphysical discussions (once again, in general) while girls are more willing to gossip. I still stick by what I said - females need them more than males, but just by a small margin.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
cool, glad that was one of your 12 posts... I feel likea biased idiot when speaking about sexist issues.