You guys are luckey that you don't live in the united states. There is no MDMA labs here in the US so prices are unbelievable.
First off we cannot get pure MDMA crystals anywhere. Unfortunatly what we do have are ecstacy candy pills. The average ecsatcy pill here contains 100mg of MDMA with a cocktail of other drugs. Normally Ketamine, caffine, Ephedrine, and sometime Methamphetamine. each pill normally costs about $20. So I guess that means the street price for MDMA is about $200 a gram... /forum/images/graemlins/tonofbricks.gif WOOOOO
I never paid that kind of price because I used to be well connected too /forum/images/graemlins/wink.gif
First off we cannot get pure MDMA crystals anywhere. Unfortunatly what we do have are ecstacy candy pills. The average ecsatcy pill here contains 100mg of MDMA with a cocktail of other drugs. Normally Ketamine, caffine, Ephedrine, and sometime Methamphetamine. each pill normally costs about $20. So I guess that means the street price for MDMA is about $200 a gram... /forum/images/graemlins/tonofbricks.gif WOOOOO
I never paid that kind of price because I used to be well connected too /forum/images/graemlins/wink.gif