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sharing with y'all latest ruminations on psychedelics


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
my position on the topic basically is: big doses, rarely. i know we all want to trip at some party or wherever or just have some fun but yeah man i've tried, i've been there, the results were consistently bittersweet. besides, to have some fun and still blast your mind a bit we already have the perfect thing: weed. my advice to those out there that are using lsd or shrooms or dmt or _____ to just get kicks is to stop messing around and take a dose to just get there and catch the message.

on my last lsd trip i shared a blotter with this girl. now just calling this girl from the beginning was a big mistake and we ended up having an argument and her storming out of my house. but i'm glad it happened. it showed me i was wasting my time calling her and all that. the thing is after she left i was alone in my room, a bit pissed off. so i tried to sleep it off... and yeah of course i couldn't. so i listened to some deftones and some dredg and some fennesz and then some hours passed and i felt a bit down from the lsd so i tried sleeping again. i ended up rolling around 3000 times in my bed and didn't actually fall asleep until the sun came out.

and this is the main thing. because i was just there with eyes closed, thinking about all the stuff i've been doing in the past months. and thinking about past trips. and it was just the same. i was the same guy having the same thoughts. my old demons were still there and my view of life, the universe and everything was not altered in any way by that trip. so now i just feel zero desire to go through it once again. maybe in some years. when i move out of my house or something. for now i just think i got the message. so yeah i'm hanging the phone for some time.

just for the record i did the messing around late in my dabbling with lsd. i mean, i got hold of 1 blotter and that was my first time. i felt confused, intrigued, excited and wanted more. some time later i ate another blotter with two friends at the beach and it was cool. epic conversations and all that. but i wanted the whole roller coaster so 3 months later i fasted for 3 days and then ate 3 blotters at the same time. yeah that was the trip of my life, literally. if i had had a glimpse of how hard those three tabs would hit me i would not have done it! after that i have tripped 7 times more and each and everyone: bittersweet. nothing ever compared to those first three experiences, in terms of awesomeness and lessons learned.

so yeah. i have completely lost all interest in just tripping for kicks. now, i am not one to be satisfied with just reading about other people's experiences, that is precisely why i have gone through the experiences i have. so i just tell this to resonate with your own experiences and create cross-reference.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
well i have been there and here i am!!!! i feel what you say, as that reflects what i experienced to some extent!!!! so thats strange but nut too strange, considering we can't have one without the other??? if we elevevate our consciousness it'd often be eventually be stuck in dualistic battles, quarrels, fights over the limelight....
why can't we accept the darkness inside ourselves??? it seems to be needed there, to absorb, to consume, parcel the light and send it thru the intracraniumcellnetworks......


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
i have accepted the darkness within myself. i think that's why i feel like i do :)


21 Juil 2007
5 922
yeah better accept the darkness yourself, than the darkness accepting you! if that makes sense lol!


Sale drogué·e
5 Août 2009
Life is a trip. If you're tripping without appreciating life, what's the point? If anything, a good trip, is one where you're not tripping balls, but where you're tripping wise, have a notebook, and enjoying nature. In fact, my favorite part is the come down, where you look at what your soul has been through, and realize how amazing life is if you let it be. Hopefully this doesn't come off as too preachy, I've had my fair share of shit days too, but I guess that's what makes the highs more memorable.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
thats cool mate... it complies with a perception of mine!!! i think too life is like a trip or like a 1-way-ticket. also i think gratitude is important, because without gratitude how can you really appreciate life?? basically it is just amazing, but some people tend to forget that they have to let it unfold gently instead they try to use force to open it. it's an emotional defect imprinted on many.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
Our human dark demons appear particulary when we do not evolve in life or when we're going into "evil" directions instead of the "good" ones. Without too much of our notice, we homo sapiens can be stubborn and obstinate for our own ego, reason or greed.

To me it's essential to hold the note that an entheogenic experience runs on the mind, and the mind runs on life. Which means that if lots of positive changes in life have taken place, the experience will most likely be a blast too because of the living time I had. I'm becoming so extremly aware of that while drifting, that it puts me into a state of bliss with fluids. Possibilities become endless.

Trips with a great intensity (after one had his wake up experience with a beginning and the "message") only have a brand new point again if you've been into serious evolvement and after abstinence. Particulary like if one moved away from his parents into his own home, or accomplished an education course, or found a new long-term relationship. If such a thing happened and one hasn't tripped for a long time, such an experience with a big dose will yet again put one into a state of utter divinity and inherently with that, transcending one's self, shifting up to yet again an higher level while time still hasn't expired.

You're still young Colombian fellow (as I am :P ), we're not a Church so if a break or step back for an undecided amount of time feels the best the forthcoming period/years, way to go. 8)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
hehe thanks for your words brugs. yeah well, maybe i'll return to psychedelics landscapes when i finally move out and live on my own. if things go according to plan, that'll be withing a year or a year and a half. it's a lot of time, and a lot can happen in between, but just the thought of me having a job (i've never had one) and paying my own space... that'll be a trip in it's own merit :mrgreen:


21 Juil 2007
5 922
good luck in creeping in the asses of those who have money!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
yeeeeaaah thanks man! :mrgreen:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
If you want to trip, because you want the feeling, do you know what this is? Addiction.

Hate the word, cast it out, but your society has played it's definition, it's not a bad thing, it's not a good thing - it's just what it is. People don't like the fact that they can lose control over a medium outside their body - but are you not addicted to being happy? Do you not want to always be happy?

Point being - you should trip only when it's necessary - and when deep down you know you don't want to, but that it's necessary. I find psychadelics to only create motivation for change, and if that is not going to be an outcome, there is no use.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
accurate wording, but for me your display of supposed facts seems psychologically disadvantageous to a not so cryptic-levelled-embedded mind. i think "telling yourself" not wanting the feeling if you clearly DO want it, might start a vicious cycle of self-betrayal, if that makes any sense. but well the speech-barrier is there, and alone awareness of it, doesn't make it vanish, at least not for all participants. the power of suggestion is strong, but of course i might be mistaken too. :P