Salvia seeds

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion SkunkPower
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I don't think you'll find seeds. Salvia blooms as good as never, so there as good as no seeds. But why do you need seeds? Just buy scions....
if seeds are somewere availeble they are alsmost always fake, Sali D seldom blooms and when she blooms there are never actualy seeds produced. just search for a cuting
Yes.. i wanna buy some salvia seeds too..
If anyone can tell me where can i find it..

Yes.. i wanna buy some salvia seeds too..
If anyone can tell me where can i find it..

Yes.. i wanna buy some salvia seeds too..
If anyone can tell me where can i find it..

salvia seeds are useless and quite rare, i dont think there are vendors selling them, and if so i wouldnt suggest buying them
Azarius never had them, and be wary of any shop that offers them. They are very rare or perhaps even not to be found. Perhaps this is why cuttings are so expensive. A cannabis cutting (or called clone here in Holland) costs 2-5 euro , while a Salvia d. cutting is 12.50 euro, makes you think.

As far as i know, few have ever seen salvia divinorum seeds, and sprouting seeds . never

Salvia D. naturally prefers propagating via "cuttings", after growing too big, it breaks and falls to the ground where it roots and so on..

you can only get "clones" (from 2 or 3 original cuttings .. wasson, hoffman & co..)

I got my cutting for free over internet forums, after i scourged the net for something cheap (didnt find any)

So if you find any seeds, come back and post the news here, some scientists might thank you for that :) and give you big money
even if you find seeds, usually they dont germinate. a dit:
Q. Where can I obtain seeds for Salvia divinorum?
A: Salvia divinorum seeds are extremely rare. For reasons not well understood, the plant almost never produces them (even when carefully hand pollinated). You are unlikely to find them offered for sale anywhere. Salvia divinorum seeds have a very low rate of germination and often the seedlings do not survive. Typically, one can expect no more than thirty percent of a batch of seeds to germinate, and only about seventy percent of those that germinate are likely to develop into healthy plants.


Master Siebert a dit:
Unfortunately, the Salvia divinorum seeds that I obtained this year are not viable (none of the 30 seeds that I tested germinated). Apparently they are too old (they were harvested in the fall of 2004). Hopefully, I can obtain fresher seeds next year. Check back here in January or February of 2007.

Just buy/get cuttlings ...
I don't see any benefit/point in growing sd from seeds, it's just more difficult/expensive/....
there are enough other vendors selling salvia cuttings, just google some.
hey, i'v been searching all over the net for weeks now for salvia cuttings, every single site is out of stock. what's going on? does anyone know of anywhere that sells cuttings, or if not, would anyone be so kind as to send me a cutting, i'm willing to pay for it?

thanks lots :)
rufsketch1 a dit:
hey, i'v been searching all over the net for weeks now for salvia cuttings, every single site is out of stock. what's going on? does anyone know of anywhere that sells cuttings, or if not, would anyone be so kind as to send me a cutting, i'm willing to pay for it?

thanks lots :)

I think the problem is most salvia cuttings originate from one source, because it is quite difficult to make them.

Well making them is not so difficult, but make them suitable for shipping is more difficult.

But maybe someone here has a big living salvia plant and is willing to make some cuttings?