salvia pure mentally tripping

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
stuff from azarius arrived yesterday, including salvia 10x and a nice big bong. so i couldn't wait trying it. in the evening, with some candles i lay down on my bed, and light it, then inhale, but halfway the hit i start coughing (i stopped smoking a few weeks ago, so apparently my lungs were surprised), and i blow in the bong, and the salvia flew out of the screen on my bed, wich has burningmarks now...
but so i thought, well there goes my trip. but when cleaning the ashes, not visuals came or i started seeing things differend, but still i went to a very different reality, lady salvia was looking opon me, she was my mother, and i had to hurry cleaning things up or else she would be mad, and i was a farm boy and she as my mother was a bit rough, and i was part of a countryfamilly. all this was so clear and i knew it, but no visuals.

does anyone else ever has trips on salvia where they're world mentally totally changes without the surrounding change?
haha dude :mrgreen: better not blow the bong again :D

but yes,as you said, I had psychic or thinking changes as well. Not a visual at all, though I didn't like to look around at that moment.
I was laying on my bed and felt the presence of two entities, one standing right next to my bed, and the other standing a few meters from my bed, in the other room which didn't seem to be at all at that moment, because walls were not relevant or not existing. They started laughing for no apparent reason and I felt really intimidated and small.

I'm going to do it again soon, this has been already four months ago I guess...
I gave some to a friend who's never done it ( two or three weeks ago ) and he thought I was his grandma for 3 minutes. I was bawling my eyes out it was so funny.
this judging thing, entities laughing at you, lady salvia getting mad if you don't clean up fast enough... all that doesn't sound very pleasant to me...

my experiences with salvia are overall bad
and i`m affraid to use it again
each time I do it .. wether its 10x or 20x
I don't get any visuals.. the only thing that happens is an enhanced pain in my lungs (burning pain) and in my mind I get angry really angry
I feel i`m not myself at that moment
and when I snap out of it i`m kinda depressed for an hour or so
I just sit there on the couch with my hands as fists
I think I have this HUUUGE mind block or something for salvia
cause it doesnt matter how much 20x I smoke in 1 hit :P I don't think it will take me anywhere
which is kinda dissapointing
@ alice

i've never found salvia pleasant, actiually, last sunday was the first time that i had a shroomexperiance that was more than the half pleasant. it's not about the ''fun'', it's just very very interesting and does show and learn you things
I've never found Salvia unpleasant .. so I think it's fair to conclude that it really depends on the subject taken it. Perhaps it's because my first time experience was breakthrough and I met lady Salvia there and then.

I allways trip nicely into Salvia-world and everytime I'm struck with awe about the ingenious way Salvia works, and how you cannot explain it, just because it needs words to explain it. Nevertheless I feel that I totally comprehend it and I am totally calm during and espescially after the experience; I feel really grounded. It's too bad that many experience it so far more differnt than I do, I wish I could share this.
I had a very very nice trip yesterday ..

I'll first agree with forest about the trip being mental; yes, it's foremost a mind-trip that may induce visuals. But these visuals are also in your mind, that's why I now prefer to keep my eyes closed; to be able to project my minds images clearer, without distraction of true visual input.

The most amazing thing I allways recall again when it hits me, is it's true genious nature, the way I can percieve the world I enter through Salvia. This world can be perceived only on a clear mind, any thought (any thought that is connected to anything outside this world) pulls me away from this world. Also can I not remember what I percieve, because that involves brainactivy; creating thoughts. This world exists only at the level of perception, mentally (and visually projected mind images); in the void of thoughts, it cannot be processed, only perceived.

And this is what facinates me, because I do am 'there' at that moment. A moment in a world in my mind, in space left by all thoughts being removed by the Salvia. You may recognize the Salvia working on concepts in your mind; all current concepts in my mind are devaluated and 'shoved off', and I am aware of this process in my mind .. I litteraly see (no; experience) this happening. And then the mind opens up to this world.

And when there (say 5-10 second from true kick-in), your mind is free from all thoughts and concept of the 'real world' (the one in which I write trip-reports on the internet ;). You can enjoy being 'there' aslong as no thought are being processed that are connected to the real world (things like "Do I have a body?", "Where were I?", "Who were with me?" and "I've got to write this down!!"), but slowly these thought will pop into your head and slowly you will gracefully leave 'Salvia-world', while remembering who you are, where you are and what time it was.

The main reason why I 'can't stay there', so-to-say; the thoughts that pop in my head mainly concern describing it's genious nature. I wanted to do that yesterday aswell, but I remembered at one point I was alone .. so I only muttered "Genious .. genious .. wow .. genious .. ". Ok, so nobody heard that, but hey .. I really felt I had to express my awe.

Ohyeah, for measures: I had a wooden pipe, put in a layer of non-extract leaves and put (+/- 0.15 gram of ) 20x extract on top. I had most lights turned off, some incents, ambient music and, I think this of most importance, been in quite a meditative mood, very calm.

It sounds paradoxal, but focus on the absent mind. Peace!
not visuals came or i started seeing things differend, but still i went to a very different reality, lady salvia was looking opon me, she was my mother, and i had to hurry cleaning things up or else she would be mad, and i was a farm boy and she as my mother was a bit rough, and i was part of a countryfamilly. all this was so clear and i knew it, but no visuals.

It's hard to explain, but I know what you're talking about. There's no doubt about some things during the experience. With lsd or shrooms you realize things and then you realize how different that perception is to normal life. With salvia, the different perception suddenly is normal life and you don't even remember your normal perception.
I had it once when my room suddenly was the train station from the harry potter movie. It seems irrational because I was not having visuals, only the room seemed a little bigger, but it fucking felt like that train station.

I feel i`m not myself at that moment
and when I snap out of it i`m kinda depressed for an hour or so
I just sit there on the couch with my hands as fists

Well I get that too. During the trip I am someone and somewhere completely different without noticing, and then I come back being really depressed and angry. I won't do it again because of that. I'm not getting any message from the trip, plus I end up being depressed for an hour. It really seems salvia is not for me.
I have had a really visual trip from it once (two heads 5x from the bong), I was totally emerged in a world of geometric forms, no reality was left. However I neither found it enlightening or fun and the after effects were really bad. The trip itself wasn't bad, it was pretty neutral, but in my opinion not worth the depression I felt after...
Ok .. so I did Salvia yesterday again ..

Amazing chapter this one was, it got me a great lot of insight into the way it works. As a matter of fact, I (finally) totally understood the reason the fundamentals of existence of that world .. I'll try explaining it, but it may required another logic to comprehend :)

.. and so I entered the Salvia realm again. I was very there, and as allways, struck by it's genious mechanisme of existence in the void of thought. Nevertheless I can think, but not 'use' or consult memories nor 'save' my memories in my mind. Hence it's quite hard to explain exactly what this fundamental understanding of the realm describes, but I did got a very great and detailed picture of all the steps I had taken on other trips, before this one. I'll try and describe that:

Everytime in a trip/experience you take a step, wether big or small, you take a step and the next trip will be a next step; a continuation on the same story. You may enter this realm in a few steps or some more perhaps. The outside of this realm, the barrier that surrounds it, is a field that progressively 'distorts' and truely visualises your thoughts. I can actually see concepts in my head turn into objects with a moziaque texture, sliding next to other thought. Progressively toward the realm these visually transformed thoughts/memories become more vivid and swirly.

Then you may breakthrough into the realm, entering a world that does not consist of only your thoughts/memories, but truely 'alien' landscapes and entities. I recognise mainly male entities, these entitie keep this world running/existent (-- they were also disappointed in me, in a slight anger about me understanding the world; I felt and said sorry, but I couldn't help understanding it all, nevertheless I knew I'd forget on leaving the realm .. they knew aswell, this way it'll be kept secrets; they are very keen on their secrect existence --). I've met lady Salvia only on my first trip, she prepared me, I'm gratefull for that.

This time after spending some 'time' in the realm I figured it out, I knew how the mechanisme worked and that's why I was not really invited in there and had to leave. I had to return to myself in the current place and time. And as I went back, toward the shell/barrier to the 'physical world' I saw this barrier consisted of all my memories. As I looked at them I saw friends of mine, visualised and almost interactive, and I saw locations and other parts of my memories. I could look back in time, and saw present as a tiny dot of that wall (-- I can't recall seeing future, but I'll focus on tat next time --). This whole part of the shell was the collecting of all my thought over time. I got pulled toward that tiny exit-point leading to my present being, while I had the feeling that I may have gone to another point in place and time. Since I was sort of 'gently requested' to leave and so the trips lasted quite short. Now I do know if I'll be allowed back in next time, but I'll see, perhaps appologize.

So I left, through the barrier, throught the field of distorted, visuallised current thoughts but into my present being. It feld like I had experienced the last chapter of my story in Salvia.
Wow Siq, sounds like some heavy thing you've experienced, although it was short.
Really cool how you describe the whole experience, it must have been awesome.
I'm very much hoping for a good breakthrough experience sometime, but I haven't done salvia for some time 'cause I think my brain should relax, but I still have to stop smoking joints everyday (again....)
I keep falling back to the same habit.
Yeah, espescially the last experience was quite profound. I would not call it heavy, because Salvia has a very soothing charater .. so it may be vivid as life with lots and lots of input for me, but it allway comes calmly.

However, I do have reached a point at which I don't know what will happen next. Although I finished my Salvia extract with my last experience, I wouldn't tough it anyways for a while. I feel the need to find somebody, who has some more experience now, a shaman perhaps. Somebody who can teel me "yes, I know where you are, where you've been" and tell me where that is exactly so I can betterly integrate it.

I have allways been able to integrate Salvia-experiences very well. They felt very logical to me, so at this point there the feeling that I've made my journey through and should stop. Perhaps that's it .. but I'm curious about it's meaning, now even more.


I advise you also to quit smoking on a daily basis, the clarity that comes with quiting is of great influence. Because Salvia works best on an empty mind, which I don't have at all on a pothead. Be respectfull and enter the Salvia-world only with curiousity (it's not about fun). Try meditation before smoking. And if you feel like it .. try it afterwards, as you may feel this going very pleasantly. What more can I say, use enough. I've never felt I have taken too much, actually, everytime (except the last) I thought I could have taken more (:
Hahaha :P

But smoking on a daily basis is also a reason I nearly ever touch salvia.
But anywayz, this is my first day without joints again.
I don't miss them in anyway, but it was just the habbit.
Ok I still smoke siggies, but that hasn't increased yet like the last time I quit smoking joints :D

Maybe it will still come, I don't know.
But I want to clear my head for my next Salvia experience.
That's good, I used to do that aswell .. quiting a few days before going for Salvia. Nowadays I smoke occasionally, so that's of less influence now. Besides siggies, same here. You may actually also notice that even sigs, the nicotine, clouds your head for an hour or a half slightly. Hence I prefer te not smoke an hour or so before ..

I hope you will have a good experience. You may try and have vivid experience more than once a day, which may actually increase the succes on every next try. Just keep about 1 to 2 hours between them.
Yeah 1 tot 2 hours like DMT :)

But yeah this is only my 3rd day and I'm allready much more clear.
And yes I do sense a slight change in my mindstate when I smoke, nicotine will be one of those drugs I will deffinately quit, but not right now, quiting smoking joints AND siggies in one time will be overkill and I will be doing them both daily again really soon...

I also recently quit drinking alcohol during the week and I was surprised that sometimes I had some trouble staying away from the stuff...
My only addiction is nicotine. Pretty severe as well. 1 to 1.5 pack a day is not uncommon. :?
Hello, My name's J. and I'm a raging alcoholic.

"Hi Jaaayyyyy!"

I mean swim. SWIM