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Salvia 5x Joint


Sale drogué·e
4 Nov 2002
Good idea, i may have to try that sometime.


Alpiniste Kundalini
1 Déc 2002
Hello Shroomers!That jointmix of yours seems pretty nice,i will try it soon.Have you ever mixed salvia with hash,now anything about the effects,are they the similar?



Matrice périnatale
4 Jan 2003
If you are going to try salvia 5x be sure to follow what the directions are. The first time I tried 5x from ******* I was not prepared. I had told my wife what I planed on doing and went outside into my basement and began to take a hit. At this point I felt a little so I took a big hard hit and held it in as long as I could. I think I started another hit but am not sure. I compleatly blacked out all I could remember is some tiny form of light. Some how I ended up in my house in front of the bedroom door. I managed to get in bed but I could not speak. I was finally able to tell my wife a very small sentance. I said Th shit was strong and that was all I could get out. Now you said you live with your parents I very much suggest you wait untill they are gone. You could very easily do something very weird and they would think you went nuts. Also You should definatly have a sitter. Take this stuff super seriously it is very strong.


30 Déc 2002
No I haven't mixed it with hash yet. I think that's not a really good option becasue the joint wouldn't burn that good with only hash and salvia. The great thing about the weed joint was that it kept burning on it's own (depends on your rolling skills http://www.*******.net/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif ). Because the weed burns at a high temperature it will also burn most of the Salvia.


Sale drogué·e
4 Nov 2002
A hash, weed, salvia joint then may be optimal.


Glandeuse pinéale
22 Nov 2002
A SuperMixDeluxePlatinium joint. I guess that would take the edge of modern living. ;-)


Alpiniste Kundalini
1 Déc 2002
Hello shroomers!Yeah,thanks for your hint,weed will surely work better,just asking since where i'm from,hash is much more easy to find than weed.But anyway that should be...a VERY GOOD joint.



30 Déc 2002
Last night I had my second real Salvia D/Cannabis joint. Again it worked. This time we were with 4 people (all 4 of us have had breakthrough experiences before and 3 had already done a Salvia/joint). 3 of us were already a bit stoned from a normal joint earlier in the evening. I rolled a pretty big white widow joint mixed with about 0,35g Savlia X10 and fired it up. (no tabacco)
When smoking it's important to take big tokes and hold the smoke in for maybe 10 seconds. Then take another toke etc. (you can also pull your stomach in when you have smoke in your lungs, that way the smoke also comes in contact with the top part of your lungs, that's what I've heard and it seems to work)
The first round (after a few tokes), I didn't feel to much, but after I had the joint for the second time and after I inhaled deeper and deeper, I really started to feel it. When the joint was passed to me for the third time I almost didn't know what to do, but still managed to take a last toke http://www.*******.net/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif
It didn't feel like doing only Salvia in a bong. There was less sudden hit, and the effect were calmer and gradual. But I really felt it, strong. I looked down at the couch that I was sitting on and it was totally 2D, no shadows or bumps, just a plain flat suface. Very cartoon-like.
We were watching the first part of Koyaanisqatsi on the PC.
Then the discussions started (Everyone was feeling it now). We really talked about stupid meaningless things and kept going in circles not really understanding each other. We kept forgetting the topic http://www.*******.net/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif
At this time I was feeling a lot of bodily sensations. I felt really good. I didn't know if I needed to, but I decided to take a leak. Walking to the toilet was very strange and difficult. In the toilet I could see little bubbles which looked like they were leading to more stuff. But I decided that it WASN'T a good idea to stick my head in the toilet http://www.*******.net/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif
I drank some water (while I was drinking the whole bathroom went 2D on me) which really didn't taste like water (maybe I still had a Salvia taste in my mouth)
Then I walked back (the couch was still very much 2D). I don't know what we talked about but eventually we decided to write a poem. I still have it on a torn piece of paper here and it makes no sense whatsoever. Posting it here would be useless because it's in dutch.
The room was lit in very intense colors and shpongle, aphex twin and some prodigy were playing. I remeber how beautiful the winamp visualisation looked.
I don't know when this was but we also went through a twitching phase. We didn't know if it was cold but we made very twitchy jerky movements. BTW I was making strange movements all the time.
I also remember that I closed my eyes at one point and started to see many faint visuals, but then decided to open my eyes again because I didn't want to drift of, out of the conversation. http://www.*******.net/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif
We talked for a while longer and then I put on South Park the movie. We then slowly drifted out of our trip.
The whole thing must have lasted 1 or maybe even 2 hours, but I don't know for sure because time didn't make much sense to me then.

Hmm quite a bit of text
Hope I didn't bore you


Glandeuse pinéale
16 Nov 2002
I had my fisrt salvia trip 2 days ago with salvia x7 That a friend bought in spain. Alone on my couch, I filled a normal grandpa pipe with the volume of approx 1 euro coin of the salvia x7 extract with a little tabacco on the bottom. I smoked the whole thing in 2 big puffs that i kept for 20 secs. First thing after a minute i felt like a weird weed buzz, 30 secs later i felt like my jaw weighted 30 kilos wich left me with an open mouth, my arms and legs were pretty heavy as well, 30 secs later i began to have like a fish eye vision (photographic objective). I started to fix a gap between the wall and a poster, surprisingly the gap started to open wide letting me see what was for me at that moment the cosmic chaos. Then, 5 minutes after my 2 puffs everything stopped suddenly, and i came back to reality as it is known.
Let me say that this drug can be very dangerous for newbies cauz a simple error of dosage can lead you to a very strong effect in a few minutes. One has to be very prepared for this experience. This trip learned me about salvia, my first impression was : hopefully i didn't have a lot of salvia x7 when i tryed it for the first time otherwise i've could've gone further than i actually could support it. So people, i don't know how is prepared the ******* salvia but fuckin becarfull with this plant, not everybody have the capacities of old time shamans, not even if you take lot's of other drugs.
respect and resistance