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2 Sept 2007
1 574
Hey friends, so im deffinatly back. I went through a tough time to say the least, but mentally and spiritually im back to where i was when i joined the forum, i havnt been like this in ages, its been years since i had a real trip, and i kinda forgot what it was like. After such a long period of no psychedelics and using mind reducing drugs like opiates and alcohol i lost that twinkle in my sprit that psychedelics bring. I got sucked back into the reality that most people perceive. But thats all changed again. I had a successful mushroom grow after a completly failed attempt, and here is the tale of my 7.5 gram trip!

So I ate the mushrooms and watched a tv show while waiting for them to kick in. They started to kick in and I found myself not want to finish the episode even though I was hooked into the story, I decided I wanted to have a deep psychedelic experience so I laid down on the couch and tried to force it to happen, it didn’t, but I was definalty tripping. I realized that you just have to let the mushrooms do their thing and you just observe them rather than try to have them meet up to your expectations. The psychill music I had on was starting to get really trippy and I decided to go outside, the cat wanted to go outside with me but she cant walk very well so I decided to take her with me and carry her so she could get some fresh air, I think this is where our experiences joined together but ill get into that later. it was dead silent and very dark outside. There was an eree look to everything and it was really cool looking, I climed over my wall to get to the front yard without setting off the motion light. As I looked around through the trees and they started morphing into visual paturns and psychedelic specticals, I walked to the edge of the yard and was overwhelmed with the beauty of the neighbors nicly landscaped yard. I felt like I was on some sort of extraterrestrial planet that had all of these signs of life, but none to be found. I also remember thinking that the neighbors cars were interrupting the landscape and were quite rude. This planet needed to be explored. I walked around the front yard climing into bushes and feeling their energy transfer into me. there was a light coming from over the horizon from the near-by airforce base and I decided to investigate it more by climbing onto my roof, and what I found there practly put me into tears of joy, there was alge/mold/fuzzy stuff growing on the roof, and although most of it appered normal(as normal as it could be in this state) there were glowing blotches in everywhere! I realized that the alge was biolumanesant, there was enough light from the moon for me to see where I was walking, but not enough light to show me the alge, so it was actually giving off its own light, I cuped my hands around it and put my face in my hands to block out all light to see if it really was glowing, but what I saw was only darkness, almost like it wasn’t giving off its own light but it was reacting to the moonlight and reflecting a lite-green light back, I spent awhile on the roof examining the glowing blotches and staring off into the horizon admiring the beauty the alien planet I was on. I decided to check out the back yard, but I forgot about the motion light, I walked infront of it and it light up very bright, I found the disturbance of the night quite rude and I was somewhat offended at the light, but then I realized what it really did. I didn’t interrupt the psychedelicly visual darkness, it illuminated it! It was as if I had entered into a completely different world all over again, I admired the light sparkling on the grass from the reflection of the motion light on the dew. I walked over to some plants that were covered in sparkling water drops and it looked quite tatey. I wiped my finger on a large leaf to get the water on my finger, then I stuck my finger into my mouth, it tasted so pure and crisp, but what was even more mind blowing was the feeling of putting my finger into my mouth, it was like an intense sexual experience, it felt like I was fingering a girl in the most intimate way, but then I kind-of realized I was fingering my mouth and figured that was pretty weird so I stopped, laughed at myself and moved on haha. After jumping infront of the motion light afew more times and admiring the beauty of the yard I looked in the reflection on the window and saw a gateway into a completely OTHER dimension just like the illumated one I was in at that moment, I made some faces at myself and had a good laugh with the company of my reflection when I heard my aunts cat who im taking care of (because she is partially paralized), inside howling a sad and lonely howl. So I went inside to check on her, when I opend the door she came up to me with the most happy body language ive ever seen an animal express. She was climing all over me and watching the wall move as I was, and when she saw my silver chain on my neck while she was laying on my lap admiring the visual spectical of solid objects moving about and breathing in and out she went bonkers. This is an old cat who dosnt usually do much other than lay around, and she never plays with anything, but she was playfully attacking my necklace like she was a kittin again(just like me admiring everything as if I was a child seeing everything for the first time). The cat and I were having the same trip together! I realized I left the mushrooms sitting out and went to check and see if she ate them, but they were all still there! I was pretty baffeled at this, so I kinda figured when I picked her up and took her outside for afew moments that there was some sort of spark and we were both brought into the same mindset. And if you think it was the mushrooms playing with my head I understand, but you had to be there, she was doing things she has never done b4. So after going into the living room to check and see if she ate the mushrooms, I realized that the room was so fucking colourful, and I started crawling around on my hands and knees examining every single item in the room for afew mins each and laughing to my self about their uses and repeating their names, I remember picking up an extension cord and the surface of the multi-plug slot had some scratches on it, and I kept saying “omfg theres SCRATCHES on it!” then bursting into laughter. I examined just about everything in the room and laughed myself histaricly at the alienness of it all, then I made it to these plastic figureines who were fishermen smoking a pipe, and I sat on my chair for atleast 30 mins examinging them and trying to figure out how they were made, there were no lines where the mold had joined the 2 halfs of it together like most plastic things, they must have been made by hand, but they were so detailed and painted so perfectly, if it was done by hand it would have taken hours to make each one, and they felt cheap, I was absolutely baffled by how perfect in every single way these colourful fishermen were, with there tobacco pipes. And I have some very psychedelic psychill on still and I started tapping the figurenes together to the beat of the music, this was a mistake, it kind of sent me into a loop that I couldn’t get out of, the sound of the two figures was a crisp clean sound and it was just so beautiful and went with the music like a shamisk drum. When the cat came up to me and meowed we made eye contact for about 30 seconds and looked deep into eachothers souls, I was trying to crawl my way into the kitchen but the amazing patturn of the carpet was too distracting and I got held up laughing at its texture in the middle room, the whole time ive been crawling around the cats been right with me looking at EVERY single thing I was looking at, and I could see the same amazment in her eyes, when I would express how I was feeling to her, she would look at me an meow almost like she understood and was telling me HER perspective. She crawled on my lap as I sat on the floor watching the walls breath in and out and woundering how it was possible for a solid object to move like water(some crazy planet huh?) when the cat started diging her claws into my stomach like cats do when they are snuggling. I realized that her claws were pretty painfull on my bare skin, but I didn’t mind, it felt good. Usually when the body feels pain it rejects it because theres some sort of damage being done, but I really didn’t mind. She did this for what seemd like 30 mins, but was probably about 5 or 10 when I realized that I probably should make her stop because my body wouldn’t appreciate the scratches on my stomach, so I looked her in the eyes and said “hey tigger, I think im supposed to make you stop that.” AND SHE INSTANTLY STOPPED, I was fucking amazed. I realized that not only were we both on the same trip with massive pupils and talking back and forth, but we understood each other too(or atleast she understood me). but everything that I thought I knew about human, animal communication barriers told me it wasn’t possible, so after afew mins of sitting there petting her, I asked “hey can you do that thing with your claws again, it kinda felt good.” AND SHE STARTED AGAIN. That was my proof, reality as we know it is only a perception of what we believe to be possible. I spent a few hours going from room to room trying to figure out how all of these alien creations were made, and talking to myself in the mirror gazing, into my inch wide pupils and laughing because apparently “the tolite peed back at me.”. as I was peeing in the tolite the stream of urin had a trail coming from it as I moved it side to side, and when I stopped, I had a hallucination of the stream coming back up from the water and hitting me. it was only for a split second and im not sure if I really saw it or not, but I perceived it that way and found it hilarious and I was baffled as to how it was possible. I eventually realized that I was extremely exausted and the sun was starting to rise so I laid down on the couch with a blanket and pillow, turned down the music, closed my eyes, and relived the whole experience over again before drifting off into yet another dimension for the fourth time that night. I woke up with a new appreciation for everything, and I know realize that no matter how unhappy I was b4, the world is truly a beautiful place, and im glad to be living in it. Walking to the post office earlier the next morning was absolutely breath taking, admiring the texture of the old brick/stone houses, the beauty of nicely landscaped front yards, the colors of the wild flowers. I couldn’t wipe the grin off of my face the whole way there and must have looked like a loony dragging my hand on the walls I would walk by bearing teeth of contentment with the world around me.

That experience will always have a place in my heart, and I hope that whoever is reading this can experience something as beautiful as it themselves, it will trulty change your perception of everything you thought you knew about reality. Ive done psychedelics many times, but this was my first TRUE psychedelic life changing experience. LSD has changed my perception in the past, but afew years have gone by since then and I lost that feeling of contentment that I have now. This experience blew away anything and everything ive ever experienced in my life. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed.



Elfe Mécanique
20 Fev 2009
Considering I had such a cold start towards reading it. Actually I was really impressed. It was Creative and Expressive. I fell into the moment. I won't go in to details but there was a certain part that made me feel like I was actually there. I have 24 percent to go.


20 Août 2010
Welcome back, Trick! :D Awesome experience story. I recently had my first mushroom experience with a smaller amount and I loved it. I can't wait for the opportunity to take a large trip like the one you describe!


2 Sept 2007
1 574
It was quite the experience indeed! and its good to be back. ive been realy busy running a small bussness lately but ill work on getting more active on the forum as i get more free time. thanks for reading guys! i know it was long as hell haha. but i felt the whole thing needed to be documented. and keep in mind i even forgot some parts too lol. i actually took a walk down the road while wearing my bathrobe and carrying my cat. (i live in an extremly quite residential area with no street lights and it was very dark and late, so i wasnt worried about looking out of place) (but thats deffinatly something that reminded me about the importance of trip sitters)


Alpiniste Kundalini
26 Oct 2009
Awesome dude! Mushrooms have done the same for me in the past, and I need them again. It's like hitting a reset button on your whole outlook and attitude. Refreshed and ready to LIVE. I can't wait to get more, especially after reading that. Really happy for you though!! :D And glad to have you back.

What is a shamisk drum?


2 Sept 2007
1 574
im not sure thats is the correct term for it. but ive seen them being used to guide the person tripping. its just a drum being beat at a steady rate.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
The pristine vulnerability and bliss of being an infant without a single square in its perception. Hehe, the finger sucking, thought I was the only one, if you manage to keep a steady flow of comfort and elaborate and build your inner visions it's possible to reach climax through the repetitive performance of exceptional subtle and small strokes. And the orgasm is a whole body vibration of outstanding joyness. Though it is a distraction from learning, the on set of dopamine after ejaculation remains active for as long as an hour. But still, wondrous feature. I still hope to find a woman who wants to go on that ride with me.


20 Août 2010
Brugmansia a dit:
The pristine vulnerability and bliss of being an infant without a single square in its perception. Hehe, the finger sucking, thought I was the only one, if you manage to keep a steady flow of comfort and elaborate and build your inner visions it's possible to reach climax through the repetitive performance of exceptional subtle and small strokes. And the orgasm is a whole body vibration of outstanding joyness. Though it is a distraction from learning, the on set of dopamine after ejaculation remains active for as long as an hour. But still, wondrous feature. I still hope to find a woman who wants to go on that ride with me.

This sounds like a must try! :mrgreen:


14 Sept 2010
Brugmansia a dit:
I still hope to find a woman who wants to go on that ride with me.

I found her, but she lives in another state so it won't be until May, 2011 :( until then, I'll just have to be content with good ol' Lucy.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
:D welcome back bud

story was... there isn't a word positive enough to convey the joy it gave me :wink: