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Question: is Internet suitable to find new friends


Matrice périnatale
9 Déc 2005
Hey guys: question...

If the intention of this community is to bring people of the same interest together (by that i mean drugs of course :D ) and hoping that people find other people to whom they can relate, does that mean that Internet IS suited for making friends afterall?

I always think of people who visit datingsites and friendchats and stuff (and maybe even communities) as rather sad... Not being able to make 'normal' friends. Or as people who pretend to be really cool, while they are NOT cool at all in real life. Is this community different then, and why? Or are we just all a bunch of sad losers trying to find people like ourselves, not knowing if the person on the other side of the world is indeed the shroomloving person he says he is...

What do you think?


The fact is, if someone's looking to make new friends, he surely (?) won't come on the website of a psychonaut community... So you're much more likely to find "intersting" (= who have the same interest than you) people here, and I think that this is the key to create new friendship...


28 Oct 2005
I think internet is just one of the many places to find friends, and on a psychonaut site you'll probably find people intrested in drugs related stuff faster than you'll find them in the local bar around the corner..

So yes i think that internet is suitable for making friends, but just like in normal life (what is normal anyway) I takes time effort and work to make from bypassing people real friends. But a subject to talk about might always help :)

But than what is friendship anyway.. it's just something in your own head, so if you talk with some one on the other side of the world about shrooms, and you are having a good time, does it really matter that this person is really who he / she says he/she is? Isnt having a good time, the first and most important part of friendship?

(according to your rules, im a loser who thinks he's cool :D i made friends on the internet into real friends, and made real friends into internet friends.. i just think the times are changing and we should change with them)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
I always think of people who visit datingsites and friendchats and stuff (and maybe even communities) as rather sad
It's just like in real life: the losers visit the loser places (like datingsites on the web and single-parties in club med in real life) and the cool people visit the cool places (like this forum on the web or goa-parties in real life). 8) :lol: :wink:


Elfe Mécanique
6 Juil 2005
I have made some real life friends also through the internet and I consider it just another mean on communication. Especially with real time conversation (IRC for example) it is possible in my opinion to get to know people pretty well.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
I personally would never meet someone through the internet. I prefer real life models. People I can stare in the eyes. Eyes never lie. You can never be sure that people will tell the truth on the internet, basically because they are never confronted face to face with the people they tell their stories. I would never be as gullible on the internet as in day to day life.

I do like the internet of course. You can find loads of information from reliable sources, if you take the time to look for them. And it's a great way of staying in touch with people you do not see regularly. I spent a year abroad and it's way to expensive to call everybody every now and then, but emails, yeah...


28 Oct 2005
don't you think we are to old to make friends on the internet, we all have lived a live in the old fashioned way, and made friends in reallife. I think that the kids growing up these day's dont see internet as a place for losers. And have a complete different feeling about what real friendship is.


16 Déc 2005
Sjors a dit:
don't you think we are to old to make friends on the internet, we all have lived a live in the old fashioned way, and made friends in reallife. I think that the kids growing up these day's dont see internet as a place for losers. And have a complete different feeling about what real friendship is.

I confirm, I see that with my 11 yo. brother. It's not a novelty at all for him. It's simply part of life as he knows it, he laughed like I was the best comedian when I told him I used a double deck to copy audio tapes. He just has to search & download. Like we do nowadays, lol. So many changes, so fast, and it's getting more digital everyday... never going to stop. Unlimited possibilities.

Anyways, having my own permanent mind trip since my DNA was compiled (ADHD), I actually fitted the profile and got addicted to computers and the internet since 11 or so... and it's been my life until not long ago. I've made some great friends online, even met a few girlfriends, but (to give you some reason, I know you want it...) tended to feel like a loser because of mostly not having a real social life. Pretty shitty.

BUT! A significant while ago, I eventually divorced the machine, and now I only have casual sex with it when I want. Know what I mean? I found my real life. And it's MIND BLOWING :)

Yeah I've had my self-esteem down at the bottom and all that. But nowadays I love myself so much I'd kiss myself in the neck for hours if I could.

If you have self-esteem issues let me know, probably I can help :P

To conclude here's my summarized view: making friends online can be great and not great as can in any situation. Statistically and intuitively, I'd say you may be more likely to find losers online than in real life social situations. But you can also find extremely interesting people you'd never find anywhere else.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
Stuff just happens....

I met one of my greatest friends via www.deoxy.org two years ago. Since then we met mutlitple times and have some project we work on together.

I never looked for friends on the internet but found some anyway.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Fev 2006
1 028
same here, when i was 15 (!) if first went to finland on my own to people i had met on IRC (chat)
There was a chatbox for a specific neighbourhood in a finnish city, so all the people there knew eachother (how i got there is a looong story).
I had seen some pictures but of course i couldnt know for sure how it would be.. but since then its ben an annual trip :) been there 3 times now, will go again 17th of may, and 2 of them have been here last year and 2 others will come here this year.
i cant really imagine how my life would look like without internet (which lead to the meeting which has surely changed my life)


24 Déc 2005
LotteLotte a dit:
Hey guys: question...

If the intention of this community is to bring people of the same interest together (by that i mean drugs of course :D ) and hoping that people find other people to whom they can relate, does that mean that Internet IS suited for making friends afterall?

I always think of people who visit datingsites and friendchats and stuff (and maybe even communities) as rather sad... Not being able to make 'normal' friends. Or as people who pretend to be really cool, while they are NOT cool at all in real life. Is this community different then, and why? Or are we just all a bunch of sad losers trying to find people like ourselves, not knowing if the person on the other side of the world is indeed the shroomloving person he says he is...

What do you think?

hey babygirl im sharing the same interests with you *wink wink*...so why dont you come a little closer...a lil bit more...hey im not a loser...LOLOLOLOL


Sjors a dit:
don't you think we are to old to make friends on the internet, we all have lived a life in the old fashioned way, and made friends in reallife. I think that the kids growing up these day's dont see internet as a place for losers. And have a complete different feeling about what real friendship is.

No I don't think so and since when is internet a place for losers?
I don't know where this poor idea of internet came from.
I know that the "cool" people always used to think internet was for losers, but I always thought they we're the losers.
When I was 12 years old my parents bought a computer with a modem (14k4 :lol:) and an internet account.
So I've experienced internet for some 10,5 years now.
And in that time I made some friends over the internet, some of who've I met in reallife (note that I have lots of social contacts in real life).
Even had a girlfriend for some time (I met her in reallife once in 2 weeks, if you only see her online, it's not a real relation... Although.... We'll ok it can be a relation but not a physical one. Man pretty complex shit if you start to think about it :D)

And some datingsite's aren't that bad, it's just for people who want to try a different way of dating.

And I don't think internet is for losers anymore.
10 years ago internet was for losers, but the people who we're cool at that time now use internet and they use those really sad and pathetic smileys and winks and stuff and are on those Superdudes or cu2 sites :D
So now they are the losers :lol:

So it's all a matter of perception...

And you're never to old to make friends (no matter in what way)

BTW: I often know when people are talking bs on internet or people who are just telling the truth. Ok you can't look them in the eye, but there's always a kind of structure in sentences and things you can pick up on.
But ofcourse this varies and I might be wrong about some people.


Sale drogué·e
2 Jan 2006
Maybe this is a bit of topickicking... but I really like to respond to this nice subject hehe.

For space-is-the-place, I fully agree with him in the reply above this one. Next to his points I'd like to add Internet has brought me many new ways of experiencing things. I've been using Internet for about 12 years now and it brought me a lot of joy and through it, also met many new people. And when meeting people on the Internet doesnt mean you have to meet them in real life... I still find it exiting to meet other people in real life who have the same interests. And as space also said, in real life you can look somebody in the eyes, but on the Internet you can very often learn a lot about a person, just watching the way he or she communicates.

All together, I think Internet is a quite reliable way of meeting other people, be it with care. I've met nice guys through Internet, but still all of my real life friends are the ones I met in real life. ;)

Nice topic to discuss about by the way.

Cheers :)