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Psilocybe Cubensis Bad Trips


22 Oct 2012
hey everybody, im hear to tell you about the trip my friend had, ill start by explaining, we had psilocybe cubensis (mexican mushrooms) 2 gram each to be precise, i was with my friends (C and G) it was about 8 o'clock on friday 19th october, we sat down half an hour prior to have a spliff, we then started to ingest the shrooms, it was about quarter to nine at this point when the shrooms started to kick in properly, me and C were feeling great where as G felt slighty wierd, he said "this doesnt feel right" but tried to get into the rythm, it wasnt working, he started to panick, thoughts rushing around his head then he started shaking uncontrolabley getting annoyed and fustrated that he could not stop the shaking, he would get very fustrated and anxious at little things like knocking over a glass of water, or rolling a spliff not going as well as it normally would, and usually he doesnt really mind but thats when i really noticed the change he wasnt the same person he kept saying this didnt feel like his bedroom anymore (sorry, forgot to mention thats were we had taken the shrooms) he started talking to himself, giggling, laughing, saying im sorry ok? he then stood up started walking round fustrated because he couldnt remember if he had been to the toilet already, he came back from the toilet, he thought he was insane, he kepapologising to C saaeying he had gone too far with them this time, thought he was stuck being insane forever and didntrteally realise he was having a bad trip, he thought he was in a time warp a constant loop of the same 30-45 seconds replaying, he layed there and tryed to sleep but got to hot and clammy, started really sweating, freaking out kept saying he couldnt cope if this carried on he was really tripping at this point but he didnt enjoy it at all, he blames the house as he hates it and feels it is ruining him, he couldnt bare to watch family guy, he could talk normally throughout the whole experience but was quite disorientated at times, he went and laybackin bed and at this time it was about 2am saturday morning, all of a sudden G started acting more normal helping C to do things and its like he didnt even realise he had come out of the trip, G had lost all effects of the shrooms, C had lost all visuals but still felt 'shroomed' in her body and i was still tripping with visuals feeling weightless still at this time, probably the longest and most intense trip i have had, but anyway that is my story about my friend G who had an awful terryfing experiance (as he explains it) on psilocybe cubensis, dont know if this made much sence but it was a crazy night and i had to share it, hope you enjoyed reading it as much as i enjoyed trying it (especially as i have just typed it all on a phone :D) hope you undeestood everything well enough, any questions inbox/pm me :) cheers


Glandeuse pinéale
25 Août 2012
I had a wicked trip on mushrooms, I thought we had gotten some laced with PCP it was so bad. Not only for me the whole crew of us did (about 8 people) For me it wasn't to bad just super intense. A few of the guys started throwing punches, no one got hurt but it was very tense. It sucks when you are tripping balls and someone wigs out. Just the nature of the beast I guess.


22 Oct 2012
thanks guys my friend was just freaking out but i do have another question is it possible to take too many shrooms in a short time and trip days/weeks after having shrooms because like i say the last time i had them was that friday and its now tuesday and i see shadows for instance jumping in the corner of my eyes, little patches of white dots and when i look at a bright light then look away i get a sort of neon glowing, shapeshifting object you know the usual trippy stuff, thanks in advance, a reply asap would be greatly appreciated, as im kinda frwaking out/getting annoyed with it now, cheers


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
well, one can't really take too many mushrooms in a short amount of time (say, multiple times in a week) due to how fast the tolerance builds up. one wouldn't experience much after the 2nd or 3rd time. also, if one had taken enough, then they shouldn't desire to take more for a while. one experience is generally intense enough...

even with a small dose, what you are describing is common. use it to your advantage, however intense it may be. it will fade away again soon enough, and by that time you'll be wishing it back haha.


22 Oct 2012
cheers, so basically your saying its common for me to still be tripping little bits? and it will fade within time? cheers again


22 Oct 2012
and when you say use it to your advantage, however intense it may be. do you mean by me still tripping? because its not intense its just visuals,but kinda annoying


19 Août 2012
haha yeahh, i always end up tripping pretty hard so for afterwards i barely notice the "after effects" until after doing mushrooms maybe on 10- 20 occasions and L about as much i realized i have some pretty permanent visuals wich may or may not be affected by my poor eye site (i see blurry dots of colors everywhere) and can trip out on many simple patterns... or just make cool tracers with my hands... it may be annoying but i agree with opiuchus, unless you repeat the experiences before previous effects die down they should go away after awhile, and even in cases where they dont, like me, it really is more of a blessing than a curse


22 Oct 2012
ok cheers so maybe it wasnt such a good idea doing shrooms about 3 more times after i noticed the "after effects"? oh well ill as you say take it as a blessing not a curse and a life lesson that psychadelics shouldnt ve messed with too often, also has anyone done salvia? and was it a good trip or a bad trip? i want to try it but want to know more experiances of it first cheers


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
cheers, so basically your saying its common for me to still be tripping little bits? and it will fade within time? cheers again

and when you say use it to your advantage, however intense it may be. do you mean by me still tripping? because its not intense its just visuals,but kinda annoying

yes and yes. i was more making a reference to the higher doses, which will actually noticeably alter ones thought processes to a great magnitude. it alters ones entire experience. emotion, thought, perception are all essentially different aspects of the same substance.

if you want to know about salvia experiences, visit the salvia divinorum section here for them, or maybe look at some some from the trip reports section here and browse some trip reports. you'll get as good an idea as is possible without doing it, which isn't saying much though because it's truly indescribable. if you really want a good idea, best thing to do is try some ;)


22 Oct 2012
ok cheers i took some MDMA last night though at its now like 24 hour later and its made me trip ever more for instance seeing coulered rain coming down from the ceiling, alot of bigger patterns, slither of melting running down the mirror and such, and was wondering if now its going to take even longer to fade away? cheers


22 Oct 2012
also i see tom and jerry running around fighting each other on my roof, they arent any colour just grey but say when they swing there arm it comes out 3d at me, im actually worried now, should i stop taking drugs until the tripping goes if it ever does?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
it's just your mind being especially creative, nothing to worry about. i would recommend trying to get into some art, maybe try to express it visually, verbally, through audio, whatever medium appeals to you. it can be beneficial for the integrating and healing process.


22 Oct 2012
not the best at art/drawing but if it helps ill give it a go, cheers again, also is it bad to trip scary things when my eyed are closed?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
well what's most important is that it's something you enjoy... it doesn't have to be drawing to be art. music, writing, even talking are all arts. i practice martial arts, and skateboarding. they are all valid art forms. idk, when i experience similar things i always feel a need to express it somehow, sometimes some methods more than others. keep in mind, art is so personal, just because one can't paint like da vinci doesn't mean it's not good. in fact many people don't care much for photo-realistic art at all. but to be honest visual art is very little of my creative expression at the moment. i much prefer the physical arts.

"scary things"

is it bad? "bad" is such a subjective term... its definition lies entirely with the one judging. many people will call it bad, yet many other people will also call it good. i personally choose not to label things like this, as it limits ones ability to understand it, which i find to be more important than either.

i would recommend to simply take it for what it is, and know that it is not uncommon either. i have had these, and actually still do regularly. it's about a 50-50 split between positive and negative thoughts. what is important is to realize that you are not your thoughts, nor are you in control of them. nobody is. and those claiming they are, are illusioned, or lying outright.


22 Oct 2012
cheers ophiuchus you've been a great help through all this, im still tripping but ive learnt how to deal with it and to be honest it doesn't even bother me any more, hopefully will fade away soon enough though i am planning on doing more mushys on 1st december for my mates birthday the hawaiian blue mushrooms called copelandia cyanascens and ive heard there quite intense just wondering if taking these while still having after affects will basically restart the whole process going through all the after effects again and having to wait a long time again for them to dissapear? or is there a chance that this time it won't give me the effects? sorry if im not explaining it too well also if you have had experience with the hawaiian blue mushrooms or know about them could you tell me the best sized dose dried even though i've heard 1 gram dried can be enough i would like to know the best dose size , im not the most experienced but i have had quite a few trips now and think i can handle it well, thanks in advance, i am looking foward to taking these mushrooms but dont want another maybe 5 months of after effects anyway thanks again


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
no prob! the after effects will come back every time, you may grow numb to them with repeated exposure, which i wouldn't recommend. that would usually indicate a disconnection of the mind from reality. all fixable, but can truly become a slow, difficult, and mentally painful process... best to let things settle down fully between trips. be careful and good luck. hope you learn something special


Matrice périnatale
20 Nov 2012
I wouldn't worry about it! Seems like you popped open your third eye during your mushy experience, and are now seeing the world slightly differently :-p

As the others said, see it as a blessing.. You can actually use your third eye to reach altered states of consciousness through meditation etc.

A simple practice is to find somewhere comfortable to lay down and relax, concentrate on your breathing & close your eyes. Now picture a point between your two eyes just above your eyebrows and envision purple or violet, the third eye tends to respond to that colour for some reason, likewise with the majority of psychedelics.. Within twenty minutes you should begin to see CEV's (Close Eye Visuals, and flashes of enjoyable colour. It's alot of fun and perfectly safe, don't let any of these effects bother you! :)


22 Oct 2012
cheers brendo, funnily enough i do see purple when my eyes are closed and in dark places(with my eyes open) and you said i "popped my third eye" does that mean i'll always see these visuals or will it go within time, also if they dont go should i not take psychadelics again? as opichius said "the after effects will come back every time, you may grow numb to them with repeated exposure, which i wouldn't recommend. that would usually indicate a disconnection of the mind from reality."