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paranoia control?


13 Août 2009

Everytime i smoke lately i end up in this wierd state, and i just recently realized its just a paranoia thing, coupled with maybe a little recurence of past trips. I went through a phase not too long ago where i felt like i was somehow slipping into my mind and out of the "forefront", like i was introverted to an extreame. My friend also had the same experiance and we recently triped together. I experianced it first so i got paranoid but once my friend started saying he was freakin out too i figured it was a flashback or somthing and it went away.Ive always experianced bad paranoia with smoking, but never with any other substances. so i havnt ever really had to deal with tripping out while being so paranoid.

any way long story short i know im fine mentaly, i think verry logicly and i never get confused/paranoid unless im high.
what can be done to avoid the paranoia? (its not the people im with, it happens when im alone most)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
You can avoid the effects of cannabis by not using it.

Sounds like you had some good weed. :wink:


21 Juil 2007
5 922
you need to be so high and meanwhile aware of your thinking to step out of your paranoia thinking scheme when having smoked weed. its not easy as thinking is mostly a automatically going on thing....


Sale drogué·e
14 Déc 2007
Have you tried to ask yourself why you get paranoid? And try to , honestly, answer that?

If the problem doesn't reside within you, while sober, I don't know how to help you.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
i agree with what random wrote, too... i figured out often my paranoia would simply be a repeating scheme of irrational thoughts of fear... like uhhh i took drugs thats so bad, or what if they will get me and you know this kind of shit....

but then i realized i was being irrational and apart of that i just kept thinking it on and on without being able to reflect on it (or the reflections were even more paranoiid thoughts..), it kept on repeating (the paranoid thoughts)... so when i realized this i could take a bit control of it and get a bit deeper into it... still have it sometimes but it got better and if you want you really can probably find out why you are being so paranoid and maybe get a better grasp of subliminal aspects of your mind, which control you, rather than you controlling them....



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
15 Juil 2008
1 632
I used to be paranoid n such, esp because of cops n shit.
But now im not anymore.....if its good stuff, the intense feeling might occur...but dont confuse it with fear.
Embrace it.

I dont feel paranoid anymore, at all actually.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174


Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
Like the dude said, embrace it.
I used to get like that when I wasn't familiar with hash. Before I just smoked bud, but I really wanted to experience the intense effects of hash. And the first time I was heacka off the wall. I was paranoid-- laying there in my bed all curled up in a ball, my body feeling like both electricity and magnets were buzzing in circles all throughout my body. I thought that I was gonna die. But I just calmed down, drank some water and laid back to rest. You really gatta let yourself go sometimes. The mental blockage of 'Holy shit, what if this reality goes away' can be frightening to some. After a while, and after I was more familiar with hash-- I let myself go. For the first time I got visuals with Cannabis. It was so very peaceful and introspective. It wasn't intense visuals, nothing like I've gotten with Salvia or LSA; it was something very different-- but pleasant.

So in essence, a way just tell yourself to calm down and enjoy the ride. Embrace it and let yourself go. Float away. (:


Glandeuse pinéale
22 Mar 2009
Think about what you think when paranoid when you are sober and THEN decide if it makes sense or not.


13 Août 2009
ok, i think i can see that, thats why i keep smoking i mean i know its just whats gonna happen untill i accept it, its just hard to get through being afraid. The wierd thing is it is by no means strong bud its the shwag shit (i cant find much better lately, and im broke)

but i think it might be cus i used to just always be high 247 and then i was forced to stop and now i only smoke every few days so its like i forgot what its like to just get high.

but thanks for the help guys


Glandeuse pinéale
22 Mar 2009
I understand. Cannabis is great. But smoking too much (daily) doesn't make your life any better. It prevents you from learning from this plant.


Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
infinitetransistor a dit:
ok, i think i can see that, thats why i keep smoking i mean i know its just whats gonna happen untill i accept it, its just hard to get through being afraid. The wierd thing is it is by no means strong bud its the shwag shit (i cant find much better lately, and im broke)

but i think it might be cus i used to just always be high 247 and then i was forced to stop and now i only smoke every few days so its like i forgot what its like to just get high.

but thanks for the help guys

Yeah, it could be a resistance thing as well.
Or it could also have to do with what you put in your body before you smoke.
All could be contributing factors.


Sale drogué·e
5 Août 2009
I used to get paranoid all the time... good stuff I guess that's why.

It could be because you're afraid of being of high near someone, like cops, crowded place, parents, crappy neighbors, etc.

If not then, it really is your mind spinning out, and you are trying to hold on, which is weird because if you don't have a problem with psych's, MJ should be cake. Something that almost always helped me, and is pretty much great for panic attacks, is literally shut down. Stop thinking about anything. And count to ten taking deep breaths for each breath out. If nothing else, you'll change focus to recalibrate. Also try music, a good song will take you out of any paranoia.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
the first time i got serious cannabis paranoia was during a hash trip (probably the most powerful hash trip I've had).. it felt like my mind was literally being hacked. one of the most visual thc experiences I've had as well. changing my setting, walking around did nothing. i just had to put up with the discomfort. it shook me up pretty bad and i didn't touch cannabis for a while after.

since then though, I came to realize a lot of what others in this thread have said. i examined those thoughts carefully and they disappeared like the phantasms they actually were. i actually can't remember the last time I really had paranoia while using thc, it never really seems to happen now.


13 Août 2009
yea st.bot that sounds like what im experiancing, like i am feeling a wierd thing ive never felt and couldnt have come from me. like a thought thats just nonsence and i understand. like i get a little phase where i may make sence to others but i feel my thoughts n speach is just babble. its just blubabbaboooo silly wierd thought time for a bit


I am a pretty infrequent cannabis smoker - for me, it's all about the trip, and I almost exclusivly do it when I am alone at home and know I have a few hours with no plans to sit down and watch trippy films or listen to Bob Marley =P. It can be months between smoking.

I have only ever smoked it with other people present twice; both times with one other person, and both times I got paranoid. The first time was with my best mate (a pretty frequent/experienced smoker) who was trying to get me way higher than i wanted to be. I got insanely high and was just sort of sitting there...too caught up in my own thoughts to pay any attention to the outside world. I can imagine how I must have looked... :shock: ...kinda looks accurate I think ;P
My mate gave me a weird look and asked 'what's wrong with you?'...
I pretty much freaked...started thinking that he was just trying to get me high to make fun of me, and that he wasn't high at all...by the end, I was searching his home for hidden camera's Lol.

The second time was with a girl who had never smoked before. Again, I got paranoid about her not actually being high, even though she was tripping pretty hard too. We ended up having a couple massive DnM's, and all in all it was a pretty cool night, but I definatly remember feeling uncomfortable and thinking 'I should only do this when I'm alone'.

When I'm alone, it's a completely different story. There is no paranoia or stress. Just deep meditation and otherwise unattainable clarity of thought.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Oct 2007
1 022
This might sound silly, but when I get paranoid from smoking weed I think about that I just smoked some, which is the reason of the paranoia, and its gone.
Well this works for me, don't know if it will work for you but he worth the try.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
Thank it!

Paranoia stopped bothering me when I realised it was just a kind of protection. Your mind is alerting you of every possible threat. However, cannabis seems to make the probability meter high too, so some very unprobable threat may be perceived as imminent. When the paranoia comes, just question the probability of what makes you paranoid (What makes me believe that there is a higher chance than usual that this will happen? and maybe also: Is there usually a high chance that this could happen? (cause paranoia is sometimes justified)), and think how you would have reacted if you were sober.