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Alpiniste Kundalini
what is your conception of nothing?
something else?
Nothing is the absence of something and cant "exist" without it . There is a theoretical nothing that cant exist because something does = us for example .
i think humans are unable to grasp the idea of nothing.

but if we try to think of nothing in an empirical way, we can get to some ideas.

like death
I think it's subjective the word nothing.

Where we consider that "there's" nothing, who assure you that "there's" actually nothing?

Maybe there is more to it. Maybe we haven't, yet, found a way of seeing beyond (that) nothing.

Is nothing something? If it isn't something then how are we talking about it now?

If I do nothing, have I done something?

If not, how did I 'do' it, if it is nothing?
Nothing is no thing at least. There is no thing like nothing.
Nothing also eats Fantasia. Damn.. there's nothing I can think of.
What is nothing is one thing, but what about absolutely nothing, or nothingness?

Time to hit the sack
Nothing exists coz it doesn't exist.
The concept "nothing" has no space, no time, no thing..

If our universe let's say ends somewhere, so if it has borders, then beyond the border of the universe (so beyond the border of "everything" or "something") there is nothing.. Or better, there is nothing yet. But soon there will be something (if the theory of an expanding universe is true though) . So imo nothing can become something..
Shamanita imagine this.

What if after all, what we think is soo biig... well the Universe. It looks Big. But what if after all, the whole universe is like some cell or something of something Bigger? (well, the concept big becomes an abstraction. A rock can be small for me, but can look like a planet to a "smaller" being)
Nothing matters 8)

"Nothingness is the great primary illusion, the necessary illusion, without which no consciousness is possible, nor cognition or any cybernetic construct. It is the gap or lapse in self referential action reaction. It is the existential limitation of being. It is the space time interval of neurological process. The illusion of nothingness is the foundation of identity and ego. It is the origin of the illusion of the absolute. It is the shadow of deception and evil. It is the antithesis and the author of the illusion of all being. Nothing is not something. There is no nothingness anywhere at all. Nor therefore can it be said there is something or anything since these are conceived only by reference to nothing. Of these nothing can truthfully be said."
Who was the meaningless and irelevant quote from ?
its funny i wrote a couple pages the other night in a book about the number zero and its philosophical value

zero is the void, the absence of anything
everything/anything couldnt exist if there was no nothing
whereas nothing is stand alone and independent as nothingness can exist without anything

like the number zero
numbers cant exist without zero, but zero can exist without numbers
if you look at it metaphorically its the same for nothingness

when we die we become one (ironic) with zero/nothingness
our mind finally finds nothing and our conciousness is also nothing

zero is also infinite
nothing can be the absence of space and time, if we put this in territorial terms, it becomes VERY hard to perceive in any empirical order.

but it can. and to me it is. very simple in fact.