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New to Psychonaut, want to take Salvia to the next level


Glandeuse pinéale
18 Juil 2009
Hi everyone, tried Salvia a few times now X15 strength, smoked out of a bong and I've had varied experiances each time, always with the same undertone though.

as you probably know its hard to explain each trip but sometimes I feel Im being pulled over or stretched from left up over and to the right, my body feels fragmented, torn apart but not in pain, like reality is also being ripped apart.

The last trip was the most intense.

Their was classical music on the TV, wanted to try something different - the choir and the woman singing, it was in a different language but I understood it, it was saying -

"do we want to show him this in all its glory, is he ready yet to see this in all salvias majesty, no he's not ready yet, no not yet, he's not ready yet"

thats when things started to go a bit weird...or weirder!

I was on the outside of reality(two dimensional) and I was moving along the outside edge, I was part of the edge and part of the reality, streaming/flowing behind me in one direction and I couldnt do anything until I reached the top point of it.

imagine a rugby ball and that was the shape of this other dimension and I had to wait to get to the point of it before I could get out of that dimension, so I was moving along the outside edge Thats when I said "I understand" because I knew I had to just wait till I got to the end of the point of reality so I could make sense of it and know how to get back. perhaps it was salvia telling me I wasnt ready in the song and I replied yes, I understand...not sure.

I was facing outwards on the circle part and I think that whatever is on the other side of the edge is the other world, salvia world where I have been trying to get too but they say I am not ready yet.

What I want to do is take this to next level...get this breakthrough, I have heard other people speak about being in a similar place to where I was before they breakthough, but no one giving advice how to.

Sorry my first post was so long, hope you have read it and can give some sound advice.



Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
Hey, TheBarn. Welcome to Psychonaut!

I think everyone's 'break though' area is different, really. For me, it became a bunch of cartoon-like fences constantly folding into the ground, then a new one would pop up, then fold into the ground again and so on. It was very child-like-- cars within clouds, spinning images of my pairents; very bizarre-- then a spinning tunnel thing with wallpapered cartoon-like images of birds which looked like cellos and they were flying backwards. All these were closed-eye visuals for me for quite some time, then I tried a higher extract. I was pretty much rushed down the spinning tunnel then *WHACK* I was in space-- floating up to a beautiful temple. I saw what looked like Jupiter and Saturn to my left and right, and then I entered the temple and there was this beautiful jungle. I wandered around that area then found myself as a 5-year old, climbing a red slide.

Anywho, it's all very bizarre. I haven't had a tip like that for some time. For the most part I visit different areas of my childhood.

To get a greater breakthrough I recommend three things: get a higher extract, use a butane torch lighter and smoke more than 2 bowls. Depending on how big your pipe is, of course. If your bowl on the pipe is small, you'll likely have to smoke more than 4-- or to think of it simply: have someone there, or a dish by you-- and keep loading bowl after bowl and smoking it until you don't know where you are. This may be a problem as you could light a new bowl and kinda black out while the embers are still burning. This is why I recommend a sitter for your first 'Holycowwtf--purpleoctopus'' trip. Once you knock out or whatever, they can take the pipe away and make sure nothing catches fire. Or-- you can get familiar with things and place the pipe into the bowl, or dish once you start to loose yourself, or beforehand, really. Then lay back on your bed.

Another thing is choosing the right setting. I recommend a dark room with very little light. If you're freaked out by complete dark, then have a low-lamp on. Plus, it's kinda hard to light and load a new bowl when you can't see anything but the spinning tunnel every time you blink.

Happy trails, dood. Let us know how your break though went!

And as always-- stay safe.


Glandeuse pinéale
18 Juil 2009
awsome reply

appreciate it, been reading a hell of a lot on here and I have seen your name on a lot of threads so I'll take what you say very seriously.

the dose I took was about the size of finger nail/penny. did four over a 3 hour period, before doing one right after the next which made it 6 total, the last two sent me close over the edge.

so do higher extract, and more bowls? whats about larger amounts per bowl?

The breakthrough you describe is what I'm looking for, I know I'm close, I can feel it. Each time I do it I know I'm learning and conditioning my mind to accept what I feel and see. The first close encounter I had was very freaky.

I will certainly be back when I get through.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366

Would you care to introduce yourself in the appropriate section?


Glandeuse pinéale
18 Juil 2009
yeah sure...

got a link for the appropriate section?


Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
No problem, dude.

Likely you're not hitting a break though thing yet cuz you're smoking too slow. Pack larger bowls and smoke more. Don't do it over a period of time for one meditation. Salvia's quickly processed by the body. It's best to just smoke a shitload in one sitting then relax and enjoy. Be generous to yourself. I'd do larger amounts, yes-- but keep in mind that the smoke is gonna be pretty hot if you're not used to it. Also, you'll have to smoke more Salvia over a period of time. Meaning, every time you meditate, even if you smoke a shitload-- doesn't mean you'll get full effects. It's a reverse tolerance for some people. Take pot for instance, you have to smoke more to gain the effects you felt the first time, well with Salvia, you have to smoke more to gain its effects at all. If that makes sense.

In other words, don't give up if, say you smoke 20 bowls of 60x and nothing happens. You'll have to do about one or two meditations for a week, or more to gain its full effect. ;)

Hang in there. It'll happen when your body and mind are react for it.


Elfe Mécanique
10 Oct 2007
Synith a dit:
To get a greater breakthrough I recommend three things: get a higher extract, use a butane torch lighter and smoke more than 2 bowls. Depending on how big your pipe is, of course. If your bowl on the pipe is small, you'll likely have to smoke more than 4-- or to think of it simply: have someone there, or a dish by you-- and keep loading bowl after bowl and smoking it until you don't know where you are. This may be a problem as you could light a new bowl and kinda black out while the embers are still burning. This is why I recommend a sitter for your first 'Holycowwtf--purpleoctopus'' trip.

Wow Synith, that just made my night!

As for what you were saying, you're absolutely right. Make sure to smoke the bowls fast too. It's much better to do three bowls in three minutes than ten bowls over an hour or two.


Sale drogué·e
27 Déc 2007
i agree with using a pipe. back when i used to smoke this stuff 3-5 times a week i had a nice glass pipe that worked wonders. i found that you can get very nice experiences with even foliage (not extract) i know your not suposed to name sources, but bouncingb.com has the highest quality salvia SWIM has ever smoked...

when smoking foliage, i would pack 3 full bowls. i never used a butain torch before, but a bic works amazingly too. on the first toke, take the whole bowl (the pipe SWIM was using was about a .5 bowl) hold it in for about a min 30 seconds (depending on how long you can hold a toke in) as your holding the first hit in, pack the next bowl. as you exhale inhale a new toke, while holding that in, pack the next bowl. hold this second hit in for 45 seconds, and on the exhale, take your third hit. hold that last hit in as long as possible, and you will be in a different place.

sorry, this post just got me thinkin about when i first started smokin sal..


Glandeuse pinéale
18 Juil 2009
I gave up smoking over three years ago so using a bong to smooth the smoke out a bit, not to sure the lungs could take a pipe, especially at those temps.

I will however post back when I take all your advice to the next Sally encounter.



Glandeuse pinéale
17 Juin 2009
Never tried salvia but im incredibly curious.

Its illegal in aus, i was wondering if anyone had heard about it growing any were local?

What is the solubility of Salvia.A in water?

Does anyone know how much is lost by using a bong?



Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
imagine a dit:
Never tried salvia but im incredibly curious.

Its illegal in aus, i was wondering if anyone had heard about it growing any were local?

What is the solubility of Salvia.A in water?

Does anyone know how much is lost by using a bong?


It's illegal in a few states in the US-- but for the most part it's legal.

No, Salvinorin A is not soluble in water.

As for bong-- about as much, if not more than you'd use from smoking Pot. It's best to smoke extracts by a hand-held pipe. I use a glass one, but any pipe can do, really. Wood is likely preferable since it gets too hot to hold sometimes. You'll be trippin out, then come to the conclusion that some glowing diamond-shaped leaf is stinging your finger-- but it's just the pipe. So... either can work.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Here is my breakthrough technique:

1 hit.

I had 60x, I sat down, I calmed myself, breathed every bit of oxygen out of my lungs so I was starved of it, I lit the bowl and inhaled, inhaled, inhaled, lungs hurt, inhaled, inhaled, lungs bursting.



Swirling vortex of children and people hiding behind reality and constructing my daily life and visuals, almost like being on a psychadelic 'Truman Show'.

I really like how you described the 2-dimensional thing, that is totally understandable by me. You do realize you were very close to a break through though, right? I mean... not much more than where you were.

I would like to describe this since its fresh - I remember on salvia, turning around, and my body would stay in its position almost as if tracers were physical manifestations, I would have to go back and collect them, or fit back in them or I would be losing half my body. I remember leaving the back side of me, my body on the ground, and trying to get back in it as if it were a shell. Fucked up man salvia is extreme.


Glandeuse pinéale
18 Juil 2009
I have read others describe the breakthrough and some who get close and I do feel I am close.

The trips are intense but I think breakthrough is immenent, the tips I've had here I'm sure will help, just need to condition my mind a little better, prepare a little better, and release myself.

GLad you understood the way I described the trip, it so hard to explain at first, but the more I think about it the more I understand what happened, time seems to clear the confusion.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
TheBarn a dit:
time seems to clear the confusion.

No you just forget what really happened, haha, the longer the mind sits with information that is undescribable in language the better chance it is gone forever.


Glandeuse pinéale
18 Juil 2009
I can understand that, or does the mind decide to find some rational explanation for things that are unrational and undescribable?


Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
IJesusChrist a dit:
No you just forget what really happened, haha, the longer the mind sits with information that is undescribable in language the better chance it is gone forever.

Exactly, haha. For instance, last I tripped was that music thing where I felt drawn to it. I had to write up the trip report that day or else I know I'd forget how powerful it really felt. The mind tends to forget how powerful some trips can be--it goes back to its daily routine of work, school, home work, taking out trash, dealing with people, etc. Kinda funny how that works, I think.
Though I'm not saying that it hasn't changed my life. I've become more internally peaceful with things than I used to be. I'm quite glad for that. (: