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Never had an open-eye visual hallucination


13 Juil 2008
This is a topic I've never had a chance to speak to non-recreational hallucinogen users about:

I've never had an open-eye visual hallucination.

When I read the many trip reports I've read or I look at famous authors's experiences on psilocybin there seem to be a wide range of effects on different people. Thing is I see a lot of people who see entities or they go to other places or they see things on walls or things morph or change shape. I get NONE of that. I've taken mushrooms more than a handful of times and anywhere up to the equivalent of 7-8 dried grams on occasion. Still the most I've ever had was hallucinations within my mind's eye (which can be extremely powerful I admit) and closed eye hallucinations.

So did I miss a memo along the way or am I the only one who is seeing nothing with his eyes open? Even when I've been having the worst trips of my life on my highest doses I can still open my eyes during the peak and go to the toilet in the real world, even if inside I feel like I am being torn apart by malicious alien intelligences :twisted:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
Thats interesting. Have you experimented with LSD yet? Maybe it is the type of strain you are consuming, as I hear some strains have particular effect; such as more visual strain, or more of a mind intensity rather than hallunications. I am not sure, but to me, the hallunications are the last thing that I worry about when ingesting mushrooms. It is the profound states of consciousness that I come to during the experience that I treasure so much.

peace & love


Matrice périnatale
15 Août 2008
It's funny to me that you mentioned this, because last night i called my friend a liar for saying the same thing. Granted, the rest of us were rather severely hallucinating, but that's not the point. I'm guessing that some people just dont really get open-eye visuals.

I have to agree that you should try acid, but i'd also recommend salvia. Maybe mushrooms just wont do it for you, and you should find something else, if that's what you're going for.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910

i would say LSD would likely bring about visual effects. all i get are visual effects now. apart from a huge (subjective) IQ boost psychedelics dont have much of a cerebral effect on me.

maybe its just a phase you are travelling through. you could try going outside at night in a safe environment while tripping


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
Yes good idea. Try a dark room. Maybe a black back drop will help the hallunications.

peace & love


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
17 Août 2007
4 054
If i use psilocyb cubensis mushrooms, i don't have any open eye visuals, but if i take some Hawaiian mushrooms, then i see some visuals or patterns. But still it's not much. But i also appreciate the mind expansion more then the visuals and if i want to see some, i will close my eyes and there is enough to see ;)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Oct 2007
1 954
I've never had actual halucinations either myself, with the exception of trace lines and such. My suggestion, raise the dose!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
3 Nov 2007
4 166
The first couple of mushroom trips i didn't hallucinate.
Most people i know who don't hallucinate are first or second timers.

Now a days I have closed and open eyed visuals everytime i take mushrooms.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
Maybe you are too focused on the visuals?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
Up the dose! I had the same "problem" in the past untill I got some really potent golden teachers. Complete with fractals on walls, shadows of things that weren't there....

Or you should try LSD :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
3 Nov 2007
4 166
Usually when I take mushrooms I am overtaken by a trance state. Within this mind state it's possible to visit places and have visions.

Sitting in darkness listening to some good music, helps me get into these trance states.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
^interesting, how do you do that mentally? Do you focus on something? What do you think of these places? Are they somehow real (or really within you)? Why do you go to these places? Or does it just happen?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
3 Nov 2007
4 166
The mushroom trance comes in waves, whenever I feel a wave coming, I sit up and try to focus on it. It starts with fields of simple pattern like visuals, moving before my eyes.
As the peak comes up the patterns become more interesting and they get 3D.
I go into it more and more and enter the trance state.

I don´t think I can tell exactly how I do this mentally. I just let it happen to me. but i also push it a bit.
The places I visit while in the trance state have a very dreamlike character.
Sometimes I see myself walking or flying around in these spaces.

I don´t know what to think about the reality of the places I visit, and the spirits entities I encounter.
It all seems to be within and without at the same moment.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
i understand, this trance happens to me both on mushrooms and lsd. when they otherwise wouldn't be visual, it is almost like a switch flips and suddenly i am seeing visuals or traveling through internal worlds and places. even on surprisingly low doses.

earlier this summer i took just over a threshold dose of acid.. (1/3 of a pretty good tab) the entire night, no visuals except for slight tracers. about 6 hours later i was relaxing in a room when i went into the trance... suddenly things were moving about, paintings were shifting, i started seeing rapidly changing facial patterns on the wall in front of me. it is almost like you have to let yourself start imagining things, relax, focus.. a bit of weed helps me get into this state sometimes as well

sit still for a while. stare at an object. study it. give it time. it takes time for the effects of the psychedelic to work their magic with your environment--and then once you are there it gets progressively stronger, almost like a feedback loop between what you are seeing, the visuals and your imagination. it is important to relax. if you are constantly moving about you wont get visuals unless you are on a high dose. also this is why i find social trips are not visual.. your attention is constantly being distracted. anyway that's what works for me!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
I have the opposite problem. CEV's for me consist of moving colours, and that's all. With open eyes everything moves, swirls, ondulates, sometimes I have the impression that I am at the bottom of an ocean.

Everytime I try to have a closed eye trip, I get bored after a while because I find it much more interesting to look everywhere and perceive all hallucinations that are related to my thoughts and my thoughts influencing the hallucinations. And my thoughts don't get more profound when I have my eyes closed. In fact I find I am able to get deeper with my eyes open... When I try to meditate on high doses of shrooms the physical sensations disturb me too much so I can't focus and keep track of my thoughts and concentrate properly on my breathing. But once I had taken a low dose (1.5g-2g) with some cannabis and this time I was able to meditate deeply and it's the only time I had good CEV's. Maybe I'm very sensitive to psilocybin and when I take 5 grams it is equal to a much larger amount for someone else? I once was completely out of my mind with only 1g, and they weren't hawaiians. When I took 5 grams the effect was so strong that I couldn't walk normally and it was dangerous for me to go walk outside as I sometimes completely forgot where I was but kept walking very fast (either I didn't move or walked very fast lol), so I could have crossed an intersection without noticing.

Anyway, how do you know if you are more sensitive to psilocybin than most people?

You experimented people... are you able to seem normal with 5g of dried shrooms of decent quality? Because there is no way someone would NOT have noticed I had taken something that night, even if I tried hard.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
I'm not sure if I am classified experienced, but no I cannot play normal. Any dose of mushrooms I cannot seem normal. But a weird thing happens; when I am with other people who are also on mushrooms, it is as if we are perfectly normal, and we are, but once you throw in a sober observer, everything changes. I cannot act normal, our conversations become very strange. That's just me though.

peace & love


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Oct 2007
1 954
I could possibly hold my composure up to 2g or so, going any higher than 3 and I don't think I'd be able too. :P


Sale drogué·e
11 Nov 2006
I didn't thought that it was possible to not see open eyed visuals on a high dose of mushrooms. I would recommend dmt cause I think it is the most visual entheogen.


Elfe Mécanique
10 Oct 2008
JohnDoe_2012 a dit:
I've taken mushrooms more than a handful of times and anywhere up to the equivalent of 7-8 dried grams on occasion.

Try Hawaiians they bring about more visuals. Also people react to mushrooms differently, maybe it's time to try something different and come back to mushrooms later and w/ a different strain. Here goes my advice:

As far as mushrooms go I would recommend you try any cyanescens strain and B+ or Golden Teacher for cubensis.

If your looking for powerful OEVs then you have some very viable options:

- 2CB, 2CE, 2CT7 and 2ct2 are viable RC alternatives, 2CE,2CT2 are still available in the US.

- LSD is always an option and personally I recommend it for the experiences

- Salvia, guaranteed to give u OEVs but a differnt type of experience than shrooms and the such

- DMT (amazing), DOB (havent tried but have been a trip sitter for), DXM (4th Plat is beautiful for me)

And last but NOT least, my personal favorite substance ... Mescaline!

Read up on erowid on anything you havent heard of before.

Read this experience, this is what turned me on to RC's:



13 Juil 2008
Ok thanks for the advice guys. I think salvia is something I will look into in the future, I'm just a little concerned in as much as when I read trip reports or watch videos of people doing it they seem to be almost completely out of it at times. This is a concern for me since I always do psychedelics alone and in a place where I can't rely on someone else to stop me doing anything crazy.

With mushrooms that has never been a problem, even if the trip goes really bad or even when I have lost my ego and been in very wierd cerebral states I still know not to leave the room, not to open a window or do anything silly etc. So I feel a level of comfort with that substance, will this cross over into trying salvia do you think? Maybe I've just read too many datura delieriant type horror stories and scared myself a little bit too much :P (I'm aware those are completely different drugs I'm just drawing a parallel between being transported to another world)

I'd love to try DMT but I doubt that is going to happen for me unless one day I invest time and energy to extract some myself, which isn't an option for me right now.

As far as mushrooms go I am taking the advice given on board but I've had 6-7 cubensis mushroom trips, with 4-5 of them quite high dose (equalling or exceeding the 5 dried grams people will reference as enough to blast them off) I can also sympathize with user_1919's notion about any dose level. Even one or two mushrooms can make me feel very wierd and transport my consciousness into that mushroom 'trance' to some degree, the dose just seems to affect how crazy the internal visions/cerebral effects are. Maybe I need to try some other strains.