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Mythic Living


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
25 Mai 2008
1 640
seeing government idiots talk is something that mostly disgusts me totally.
LOL, yes me too. I cannot stand the sight of them!

i think most of them are probably more monsters than people. also even though after a bit of research i made myself, it makes sense to me that a lot of shit is lies, maybe you should open a new topic for all that?

OK, what shall we call it?


21 Juil 2007
5 922
hmm, not really sure... maybe something like: "real science and real skepticism in the face of modern world power lobbyism"
but that's of course only one suggestion.. maybe decide after you research a little bit or so, but i guess you already have researched somewhat.
maybe it would be relatively logical and/or obvious that such a even though hypothetical face why not let's call it a archetypal face would play a role or so... really can't explain it very well... i just hope you understand by yourself anyway. i guess possibly it means that the scenario could have become a dream or a bit like a dream or so. for example maybe a bit like how devilish animals would look at you trying to make you fear them, so that you feel inferior to them. don't buy into that kind of retarded "games" or so! so just try to be as calm and peaceful as you can. it's another form of strength. like inner peace...
and then also for example if the planet could talk what would it say to what has happened? the trees, the animals and maybe even the earth itself?
humans often are so hopelessly brainwashed or asleep or so in some kind of often quite limited or limiting mind program. :? :Oo:
domestication is a key word that can say how misused the concept of programs mostly especially related to fears in general can be.
to me this means, that maybe there should be a turn of the tables or so, who are the worse animals, just by being human, or by some sort of animalistic behaviour in a bad way or so, - the upper class of society or the middle class or lower class? i know it's a simplification, but you get the point... maybe somethign like a common sense perspective on justice or so. for example people who benefit from others' suffering... maybe lower classes of society benefit from others' suffering also, but i would say it's clearly a different thing, because they probably know what it's like to suffer better. again sorry that i can't explain it very well...

i don't know if you only want to talk about 9/11 or about other things obviously or not obviously connected or not connected.
basically i can say, i am totally with you, if it's a quest for freedom and peace of the ordinary common people or so. for example just think of the simple idea of being one mind for yourself and being one mind with your surroundings... can't explain it very well...
i mean what you said, how they want to use fears against us. and "how exactly" they try to divide us, the population. i often like to call such people "reptilian people" in a negative way.
anyway... however take it with a pinch of salt and please don't panic or become too paranoid etc etc... hmmm just an idea, but maybe if you are very enthusiastic or so, maybe you know the rapper "immortal technique" or other spiritual rappers or other musicians and can connect with them. they are into that kind of shit, too and maybe go for spiritual help in general also, because as i said i have researched for myself a little bit and listened to that kind of music and it appears to me, a lot of the politicians and media and market lobbyists are really devillish people.
what else can i say...
although i don't know everythign about it, i can say it shocked me somewhat to read how supposedly open-minded people rejected your requests for discussions.
so now let's say: "may the force be with you, young padawan!" :ninja: ;)
it's still serious shit man... as i said.. don't be afraid, in the end, evil never wins. also maybe consider this: a lot of the bad people are also simply puppets of some unknown mysterious dark forces.
lol i don't know if that's really helpful, but yeah... i just hope everything will be alright!!



Matrice périnatale
16 Juin 2013
zezt a dit:
yes they want you to see them as superior. They depend on you feeling inferior. This is exactly what their toxic myths are designed for. To make sure their slaves do not get to understand they are equal with the enslavers.

There is a distinction between being a slave who KNOW they are in chains--so to speak--and resent the fact, and want freedom because they know they are not a slave, and the slave who really feels her/his place is as a slave

They have done the same in India with their myths---their caste system. They make out there is 'karma' --a universal law--which decides who is the slave and who is the master! SAME thing!

This shit is everywhere.

So when we begin saying to ourselves, eg 'hmmmm, I am going to begin looking closer at these myths and maybe see through them' then you begin shucking off the internalization of oppression.

Psychedelics are VERY powerful medicines for directly doing this, but often when people 'come down' the matrix can begin to suck them in again, IF they are not exploring and integrating all about this

We need ecstasy, intuition, and also critical thinking, all as continuum of being.

Hell yeah! :) Just wanted to chime in and give props to the post!