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My First Actual Salvia "TRIP"


12 Nov 2009
One day me and my friend who be known as X decided to try salvia, I have tried it before but only coming to a terrible body high! So we went out found so standard 20X Salvia Extract. When we got back to my house we then loaded a small hit knowing that you only needed a little, we both looked at eachother and asked who was going first and it was decided that it was me. So im sitting there with my two footer with a little bit of what looks like dirt almost in my bowl thinking oh my god what the fuck is about to happen so I hit it held it in for over thirty second let it out looked ay J and started laughing. Next thing I know is im in a book one every page with the middle of the book in the middle of me. And J was a tree with a face pretty much flipping me throught the pages of my book and i was leaned up againts a wall (which was the door to my van partially opened to have fresh cool air in) and it had an opening in it that every time a page was flipped there was a new world out there. I also tried escaping the book which I would partially get out J's tree body would push me back in and said, "Dont worry your almost over" which I took in as my book which was my life is about to end which only made me struggle to get out of the book more. I later found out that he was saying, "Your trip is almost over sit down". :P

After i had come down a bit an convinced J to let me out of the car and I was fine, but i ran into my house and layed in my moms bed which the covers felt like they where waving over me it was weird!!!!

But all in all i have decided to not take salvia for awhile I would recomend it but be ready. ONE DAY I will try salvia again hopefully with a better trip lol.

Anyway tell me your experience with Sally and if you have had this scary of a trip!


20 Nov 2009
Lol interesting report I personally haven't tried salvia much but love the bits I have