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Morning Glory?


Alpiniste Kundalini
2 Mar 2007
I almost always eat them grinded.However, side effects may vary greatly depending on the crop. I mean, every batch may be different.This can be due to the season, growing conditions, harvesting time etc. You can have just a little nausea or, if not lucky enough, horrible stomach cramps coupled with vomiting, fever, and headache. There's no way to predict that.


Elfe Mécanique
18 Mai 2007
just like an hour and a half ago i puked my guts up from eating heavenly blues hahaha i thought itd be a good idea to trip at school im gonna smoke some weed soon hopefully thatll initiate the trip im feelin kinda weird it trips me out when i stare at myself in the mirror


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
Alright, my neighbour has a HUGE morning glory plant in his backyard. I tried picking some with some friends the other day. We picked little pods and they contained seeds. The only thing is that some where black, while others were white. Are the black the good ones, or are the white? Or are they both good. I remember the white ones starting to turn brown/black when they were drying, but a buddy took them home. Also I was going to plan a morning glory trip. I was thinking on taking around 500 seeds. Is there an OD for morning glory?? I've read reports of 1000 seeds, but I don't want anything seriously bad happening. Although I know they are safe, 500 feels like a high dose.


2 Sept 2007
1 574
ya man 500 would be a nice trip. do you know what your setting is going to be?
i took 350 and deffinatly had a pleasent experience, but i got that feeling that i diddnt take enough, 500 is about what i was going to try next.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
There are a lot of different Ipomoea plants , some are poisonous and others are supposed to be "hallucinogenic" . Pregnant women should not take them as they can cause abortions . You must be carefull , there are other plants that look nearly exactly the same and are poisonous . The recomendatios for a "trip" vary from 20 to 50 seeds / 150 to 300 seeds and 5 to 19 grams . To harvest them you should wait till the seed pod is brown and the little green leaves that cover them start to open and become brown . There is no difference between the white seeds and the black seeds . This is another "drug" that you should read about in scientific books first . Most people dont have good "trips" they say that the effects are like a mixture of a very week trip and sea sickness . If you want a trip you would be better served taking Psilocybin mushrooms in my opinion . There are good reasons why the mexican people forgot about the "hallucinatory" effects of these seeds and didnt forget about Peyote , Cannabis and Psilocybin mushrooms .


5 Nov 2007
Sorry to resurrect a nearly-dead thread, but I've got a bit to share on this one.

Many people are unaware of the "secret" to having a good experience with Morning Glories. There are indeed many nasties in the seeds that will make you sick as a dog. However, the seeds are readily available and dirt cheap, so if you're willing to sacrifice a bit of the actives, you never have to touch the nasties. What I do is grind up my desired dose, and fashion a tea bag out of a coffee filter and a twisty tie. Then, with a glass of cold water, I dip the tea bag in and out. At first, a translucent yellow color will emanate from the bag. After 3-5 minutes, an opaque white colored stuff will start to come out, and these are the nasties. As soon as this happens, I take the bag out and throw it away. You are left with the pure tea of the gods. I must say, when prepared properly, Morning Glories are every bit as glorious as San Pedro or mushrooms, and they mop the floor with LSD. (maybe we should go lick the floor when it's done... :P )

Additionally, Morning Glories are so easy to grow it's not even funny. What I did was, with every batch of Morning Glory seeds that I ate, I would save three seeds. On my most spectacular batches, I saved the seeds, and with lackluster ones, I discarded them. Then, the following spring, I planted them in my backyard next to a huge one of those thingies that vining plants like to grow on. I was rewarded with easily enough seeds to keep me occupied until next year. Just wait until the flower dies, and it will dry and shrivel and leave a seed pod. Wait for the pod to dry out just a little bit, and pluck it off.

Good luck, and happy botany!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Oct 2007
1 954
Very interesting butane, I have yet to try LSD due to lack of source, and haven't tried MGS because of the side effects, I may have to give that a try.
Will LSA make any positives on a drug test?


5 Nov 2007
While theoretically possible to test for, I think it's highly unlikely. The only test it would set off would be for LSD, and since LSD leaves your body so quickly it's almost never tested for. I can't promise you anything, but if I were in a situation where a drug test was possible, I would prepare my tea with confidence. :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
" Morning Glories are every bit as glorious as San Pedro or mushrooms, and they mop the floor with LSD. "

Sorry but i sounds to me like you havent had a big enough dose of san pedro , mushrooms or real LSD .

"Will LSA make any positives on a drug test?"

It depends on what drug test for what drugs is being done .


5 Nov 2007
GOD a dit:
" Morning Glories are every bit as glorious as San Pedro or mushrooms, and they mop the floor with LSD. "

Sorry but i sounds to me like you havent had a big enough dose of san pedro , mushrooms or real LSD .

I could say the exact same thing, and suggest that you haven't had a big enough dose of Morning Glories. It's simply a matter of personal preference. I also don't think it's all about the size of the dose. I like to use psychedelics for the purpose of meditation, self-analysis, connecting with fellows, and general self-improvement. While the experiences are no doubt fun, that is not my purpose in taking the drug. I prefer a low to medium dose, as I find that if I dose too high the beneficial effects are overpowered by the intensity of the experience. I have experienced a most divine connection to nature and the spirit of the vine while using Morning Glories. I'm not trying to say they're the be-all-end-all psychedelic for everyone, not at all, but I am saying that I've achieved stellar results with them.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
"I prefer a low to medium dose, as I find that if I dose too high the beneficial effects are overpowered by the intensity of the experience. " "It's simply a matter of personal preference."

I have tried Morning Glory seeds in varying doses using diferent methods of preparation , but i prefer a real psychedelic experience than a weak , boring or placebo / homeopathic one .


Glandeuse pinéale
29 Mai 2007
well i just harvested 1000 seeds from my back yard.............wooop...
but still shrooms, LSD, they are way more powerfull than ANY morning glory i have tryed....tho MG is a nice easy trip taken with dramamine {reduce sickness} or fuck heres what i do

first cold water extraction!!
then dry it all out!!!
put the yellow goo in '00' caps!!
eat em' with some dramamine!!



26 Nov 2007
I couldn't handle doing Morning Glory again. Last time I did, I chewed up 8.1g of the stuff. Then after walking around with pals for a while, we stopped outside a Wal-Mart, where I threw up for several minutes, almost non-stop. Afterwards was a nice trip though. But definitely not worth it :P


I do have lots of ipomoea indica in a yard. But I don't see any pods coming out... I think its because of the wheather. I live in a would say temperate zone in Argentina. I see flowers decaying after blooming in a few days. How much time does it take for flowers to become pods? can you help me. I want to take a ipomoea trip. Also there are some Hawaiian baby wood rose and Ipomoea Violacea still small. I know indica does not have too much power but i would like to prove it by meself.


Elfe Mécanique
7 Fev 2008
I like to use psychedelics for the purpose of meditation, self-analysis, connecting with fellows, and general self-improvement.
That's my man! LSAs because of less or minimum visual character, sedation, less energy, less duration etc, can be very interesting psychoanalytically, after you over come the nausea and vomit a bit.

GOD: [what a nick:P]
but i prefer a real psychedelic experience than a weak , boring or placebo / homeopathic one .
:P a REAL one, huh? your preference doesn't make it any more real than anyone else's own experience. And, intensity doesn't make it more real also, it might just make a believer believe more, though ;) But I am very curious to hear about your opinion on salvia or amanita or smoked DMT. What do you say?

There are a lot of different Ipomoea plants , some are poisonous and others are supposed to be "hallucinogenic"
supposed to, huh?

There are good reasons why the mexican people forgot about the "hallucinatory" effects of these seeds and didnt forget about Peyote , Cannabis and Psilocybin mushrooms .
Wow, where did you read THIS mate? They forgot about it, huh? So i doesn't grow in the wild any more in central america, huh? :P


6 Fev 2008
user_1919 a dit:
Alright, my neighbour has a HUGE morning glory plant in his backyard. I tried picking some with some friends the other day. We picked little pods and they contained seeds. The only thing is that some where black, while others were white.
I'll tell you the DeepTurtle method of harvesting morning glory seeds. All pods must be harvested before first frost, or they get mushy and no good. So, pick them all, black or white. Pick all the pods. Put them in a large ceramic bowl, for shelling later on.

You can start to tell which seeds will be white, which black, because the black seeds come in a dry "paper" like brown pod. All the pods will eventually dry out this way, and all the seeds will eventually turn black. If the pods are whitish and moist, with green stem, let them dry for a couple more days before shelling. As you husk the dry, brown pods (watching tv, or talking with friends, or whatever), keep rotating the un-shelled pods so they get plenty of air and dry out. Move them around so the pods don't get moldy. Pick up the bowl and shake periodically.

All pods will eventually dry out properly in a week, in a dry warm room. They need to ripen on their own, don't put them in an oven or on top of a radiator. Even seeds that were white will turn black eventually.

Put shelled black seeds in pile on newspaper. Do not put in plastic container until thoroughly dried, or the seeds will get moldy. Properly dried seeds should be like hard little rocks, totally dry to the touch. Newspaper helps the drying process. After thorough drying, you can put them in a little plastic container, and cover it for long storage.

My harvest last fall was several thousand seeds.


Elfe Mécanique
7 Fev 2008
nice harvesting tips ;)

I agree in general. You are supposed to let it on the plant to dry if you can, well, NOT if they're rotting..., but the more it dries ON the plant, the better.

light + heat is also bad for LSAs so keep then in shade , in a cool place.

What do you usually dose on, when fresh seeds are used DeepTurtle ?? [I suppose we're talking Heavenly blue, no?]


6 Fev 2008
mutant a dit:
nice harvesting tips ;)

I agree in general. You are supposed to let it on the plant to dry if you can, well, NOT if they're rotting..., but the more it dries ON the plant, the better.
Yeah, I think you're right about this, but I was out there every day for about two weeks, picking and picking, so naturally I got a lot of unripe ones. Those I let ripen in my big ceramic bowl. Then frost came in October, the whole plant died. It seemed that picking the dead flowers (pods) actually stimulated flower growth, because it was a dense mass of purple flowers

mutant a dit:
What do you usually dose on, when fresh seeds are used DeepTurtle ?? [I suppose we're talking Heavenly blue, no?]
I think they are ipomea violacea, tricolor. Mine were a velvet purple, not blue. It took me many tries to get a successful effect, and that using a coffee grinder, about 500 seeds, and a cold water infusion.

The comparisons to LSD, though, you've got to understand I've had some very powerful acid in my life. The best by far, and the most psychedelic voyage of all was on something called purple microdot. They were about the size of a pinhead, or a poppyseed, and purple. The hairs on my arm turned into swimming fish, then crawling spiders. It was actually a good trip, though. I've only had one bad trip on acid, then I swore it off for 20 years because it was very bad. I was knocking on Heaven's door, but God wasn't answering.

One time on purple microdot me and my friend went to a gravel pit and rode our motorcycles, tripping our brains out. Then, I flew over a jump on my motorcycle. Between the time I flew off the jump, and the moment I landed back on the sand, I completely blacked out. I almost crashed, so I had to shut the machine off. The grass was like bright neon-green spikes. The sand was like some kind of clay world, like being in Gumby-land. Still, even that was a good trip. We drove to McDonalds later, and my friends told me to order for them. I got to the front of the line, the place was full of people. I couldn't remember one single thing to order. I burst out laughing, and had to leave. Later we drove through the city on our motorcycles, through a nice suburban neighborhood. All the houses were like plastic, artificial (well, duh, houses are artificial), but I mean like toy houses in a play world.

Later we went back to another sand bank (gravel pit). There, I really did live a parallel life, like I was walking on another planet, in the back of my mind, but still in this one. That other planet was very dense. The hairs on my legs were dense, and my legs were like dense clay, again, kind of like being in a Gumby world.

My experience is that it is best to trip on a clear, blue, warm summer day, where the good vibes are all around. Being couped up inside in the middle of winter can be a nightmare. It's good to be around understanding friends, too.

Oops, sorry, rambling!

I enjoy the organic entheogens much better.


Elfe Mécanique
7 Fev 2008
Yeah, I remember micro. The purple were more powerful than the black ones I think.

In reality I was asking for heavenly blue... [heavenly blue IS I.tricolor, the tube is actually yellow and the flower blue]

anyway, you of course suggest 500 from the purple ones you say for an intense trip, is that so?