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Elfe Mécanique
29 Avr 2008
What is it with our menstruation? Though it is truly a wonderful miracle of the human body, I can hardly call it pleasant. Many religions created stories around our cycle. I remember reading some quotes from a man who said that every plant a woman touches while in her period, will die, and when she sits beneath a tree, all fruits will rot and fall. The hindu's say women have to avoid holy objects or holy men during menstruation. Aura photography shows that the aura of a woman in her period becomes darker.

Here are some cites from the bible about menstruation: http://www.mum.org/leviticu.htm

I have had several trips during my menstruation and they were all very different from the other journeys. I had my first cannabis experience while on the 4th day of my period and it was a very heavy trip. I disagree with people who say cannabis isn't a psychedelic, because I was completely lost in my mind, and nothing made sense anymore. Visions I had were completely insane. The effects I have during a normal period were 10 times stronger those 4/5 hours.

A mushroomtrip on a 3d day was also not a good idea. The trip was very intense, a triathlon for my senses, soul and emotions, and because I did not eat for about 12 hours before the trip, I was physically and mentally exhausted afterwards. I am not going to do that again!

Have you had a trip during your menstruation? How was it? Was it different? Does a psychedelic substance influence your cycle? Can't wait to hear your story. :)


Glandeuse pinéale
12 Sept 2008
I´m just past the age where I can comment on the menstrual cycle but psychadelics (and YES I include cannabis too) have a strong effect on my feminine aspects and approaching menopause.

I have had some very powerful visions with (eaten) cannabis, including birthing myself, feeling my kundalini rising and harnessing my sexual power.


Elfe Mécanique
29 Avr 2008
Hi Magickstar! Nice to see you here!

I prefer eating cannabis too.

Can you tell me more about psychedelics and menopause? Is a mushroomtrip influenced by menopause? My mother is currently in that stage, and since my father has taken mushrooms, my mother's interest is increasing.

Love n light,


Glandeuse pinéale
12 Sept 2008
Mara a dit:
Hi Magickstar! Nice to see you here!

I prefer eating cannabis too.

Can you tell me more about psychedelics and menopause? Is a mushroomtrip influenced by menopause? My mother is currently in that stage, and since my father has taken mushrooms, my mother's interest is increasing.

Love n light,
Thanks for the welcome Mara. I do think it is good that older women are here to talk about their experiences and provide balance to the younger males.

It is two years since I last took mushrooms - only because none have come my way since then and I tend not to seek them out. At that time, my menstrual cycle was all over the place. I was just starting the journey into my "crone" phase and it was a bit scary - getting old and all that. :(

When I had that last trip I found myself going through the complete journey of my sexuality - rediscovering how I had come to be where I was. At one point I felt like a child being overpowered by my father. I had to question this deeply - was this some terrible surpressed memory coming to light, or a projection and distortion of my own feelings towards my dad? I decided it was the later - the feelings of my own body getting mixed up with my memories. It wasn´t pleasant but the mushrooms helped me to work through it rather than deny the thoughts were there.

I felt a balance between the weakness of my approaching old age and the power that comes from maturity and experience. I realised I could choose which model I wanted for myself - either to be weak or strong. With the ´shrooms helping me to connect to the feminine energy of our mother, gaia, I found I could draw on that power and use it to experience my full potential as a sexual woman.


Glandeuse pinéale
9 Mai 2008
when im on my moon my senses become very intense-almost anamal-well not quite that good, but i can smell/hear/taste/see everything so much better, i can also sense thigns better, my dreams are always lucid and often meaningful, i can tell how poeple are feeling and can feel what im feeling better. idk, for me at least, living is intensified when im on my moon, i mean your moving with the cycles of the earth, i like it. i dont get heavy periods tho cause im a bit underweight, but i guess thats good. im only a fe years into my moon cycle, still a maiden moon phase to a crone one, however an iboga trip introduced me to the crone-very itneresting. ive tripped twice on my moon, and, like with life only more, it way intensifies it both in term of visuals and meaning. i would only tripp on my period if i was incredibly mentally prepared and had a good reason


Elfe Mécanique
29 Avr 2008
mountain-girl a dit:
im only a fe years into my moon cycle, still a maiden moon phase to a crone one, however an iboga trip introduced me to the crone-very itneresting.

I'm not familiar with these terms. Is it some kind of paganism?


Glandeuse pinéale
12 Sept 2008
Mara a dit:
mountain-girl a dit:
im only a fe years into my moon cycle, still a maiden moon phase to a crone one, however an iboga trip introduced me to the crone-very itneresting.

I'm not familiar with these terms. Is it some kind of paganism?

Yes, the ideas are central to paganism and it´s a big subject. However, it basically relates to the phases of the moon as a goddess - how it is born (new moon) how it grows like a young girl or maiden (waxes), how it is like a mature woman or mother (full moon), how it ages and dies like an old woman or crone (wanes). Broadly, you are a maiden until you are sexually mature (menses) when you become a woman and potentially a mother. When menopause starts one enters the crone phase.

If you have ever seen any triple-faced goddess pictures, this is what it relates to and it is why the energies of the moon are seen as feminine in nature.

Interesting that mountain-girl mentions an iboga trip introducing the crone phase. On Psychonautica podcast 50, that i have just listened to, Daniel Pinchbeck talks about iboga and how he was placed in front of a mirror and saw open-eye hallucinations of himself as a baby, right through to his old age and death.


7 Juin 2008
hello..everybody..just discovered the all female community today...so writing my first post...

cannabis been the only thing i have tried during my periods,i did not really feel any difference in the intensity of the high,infact the cramps and backaches which i generally suffer during the periods were less severe i mean the pain subsided down after smoking a bit of cannabis..it felt good....

boom shankar