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LSD.. is it going the way of the dodo?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
I know it still exists, but I'm talking about on a cultural level--there seems to be neither supply nor demand, at least here anyway. What do you think? It's basically nonexistant, kids are taking speed or 'xtc' (still mostly speed) or newer synthetics, or RC's mistaken for lsd. If this trend continues for another decade or two..

It seems it pretty much died out with the end of the late 80's early 90's surge of counterculture.. for a while in the 90's lucy was abundant.. but that was a long time ago. (the major bust in the states probably is no doubt a factor as well)


Elfe Mécanique
7 Mar 2008
its there, you can be sure :)

maybe in canada scene is not significant or you havent ran into it yet, but in europe for example its for sure around, influencing subcultures... The Joker's face is showing itself here and there :D

Its just not a mainstream drug, but that doesnt mean its not there


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
It really did have its time here in Canada when it was cheap and everywhere. Pretty much anyone who went through high school in the early-mid 90's has probably at least seen a blotter :P

the only legit acid I've found in the past few years has come from south of the border, and in very small quantities. which is cool, it's a special treat when you are lucky enough to stumble upon it.

anyway I find it interesting, here it was a common element of the counterculture for a while, and now it's not.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
Here in the Netherlands I have come across blotters, microdots and liquid the last two years. All a good potency.

I know that in Israel there's plenty of decent LSD going around and it is almost as common as cannabis. It depends very much on where you live.

Very recently I encountered someone who had 1 gram of mescaline HCL splinters which he bought for 90 EU. That made me drool so much and of course I asked whether he would sell it or not, logically in vain which I fully understood.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
Brugmansia a dit:
I know that in Israel there's plenty of decent LSD going around and it is almost as common as cannabis. It depends very much on where you live.

I've heard that too. I keep hoping that it's a sign they will have their own version of the 60's sometime soon ;)

Brugmansia a dit:
Very recently I encountered someone who had 1 gram of mescaline HCL splinters which he bought for 90 EU. That made me drool so much and of course I asked whether he would sell it or not, logically in vain which I fully understood.

Wow. :)

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
There are a couple of factors that may be involved here (and this isn't a complete list):

- There are many more other psychedelics available now. In the sixties it was mainly LSD, nowadays the hippies are all growing shrooms or manufacturing RCs.

- Related to the above: in hippie circles mushrooms and ayahuasca have become more popular than they've ever been before. Terence McKenna popularized these entheogens while showing little interest in LSD.

- Jerry Garcia passed away, and so did Robert Anton Wilson, Tim Leary, Albert Hofmann and a bunch of others. :cry:

- There was a major LSD bust a couple of years ago.

- Bands like Phish or the String Cheese Incident just aren't as good as the Dead used to be.


Elfe Mécanique
7 Mar 2008
Brugmansia a dit:
Very recently I encountered someone who had 1 gram of mescaline HCL splinters which he bought for 90 EU. That made me drool so much and of course I asked whether he would sell it or not, logically in vain which I fully understood.

extract it :wink:


Glandeuse pinéale
17 Juin 2009
Well sydney's flooded, last 3 parties ive been to there have been serious ammounts of liquid kicking about. Also people who i normally associate with pills and g'ing out in an alley are tripping now. There has definitely been an increase .

Funny thing is you can see that people are having trouble pricing it, some say 5-10$ for liquid, others have been stuck with old tabs which arent as good and are trying to get 30+ its amusing.


Elfe Mécanique
29 Déc 2008
imagine: is it really acid though? around adelaide there is alot of crap on blotters that is definitely not acid.


Glandeuse pinéale
17 Juin 2009
Well i heard no complaints about it.

Im surprised i didnt realise many people fucked with blotter like they do pills (bzp and all that shit)


Elfe Mécanique
9 Juin 2008
Never had any problem getting my hands on some good acid in the form of drops or blotters like Shiva oms or Hoffman's.

Usually i get it if i go on a holiday to this city which is an 8 hr drive from my city. This place used to be a famous place for psychedelic trance music at one time. Parties still go on there and pretty much everything is available.

I think you can get your hands on acid easily where there are psychedelic music gatherings/festivals/ towns.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Oct 2007
1 954
Man, I've never been able to have a good local LSD source, however it IS available from internet vendors if you know where to look, other than that I share your problems :(


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
It's always been quite elusive around here
at one point we i could get it with great difficulty and i would need to bullshit around with so many people
then at another point this guy was quite reliable for it, anytime u need it he has it...that was until a couple months ago

i havnt been able to find it since...until the other night :wink:
found a possible source for liquid form
just when i was starting to think its time for a good trip :D


13 Oct 2009
st.bot.32 a dit:
It really did have its time here in Canada when it was cheap and everywhere. Pretty much anyone who went through high school in the early-mid 90's has probably at least seen a blotter :P

the only legit acid I've found in the past few years has come from south of the border, and in very small quantities. which is cool, it's a special treat when you are lucky enough to stumble upon it.

anyway I find it interesting, here it was a common element of the counterculture for a while, and now it's not.

I'm in Winnipeg, younger generation, 18-30 year olds, within my circle of friends all have access to a few different LSD sources. Amazing madhatter LSD blotter going around right now and of course the hyros which are always available. What part of Canada are you in? No problems in central Canada, or BC from my experience too.


13 Oct 2009
st.bot.32 a dit:
I know it still exists, but I'm talking about on a cultural level--there seems to be neither supply nor demand, at least here anyway. What do you think? It's basically nonexistant, kids are taking speed or 'xtc' (still mostly speed) or newer synthetics, or RC's mistaken for lsd. If this trend continues for another decade or two..

RC's mistaken for LSD? I have never come across blotter with any drug other than LSD or possibly LSD with small amounts of LSD-derivatives from the breakdown of poorly stored LSD or poorly synthesized LSD. Very few RC's are within the microgram range to fit onto blotter al though there are a few chemicals such as DOC and DOB which are active in microgram doses. Drugs that do fall within the microgram dose range are very rare where I am in central Canada and there have been no RC's that I have ever come across in any blotter form.


13 Oct 2009
st.bot.32 a dit:
I know it still exists, but I'm talking about on a cultural level--there seems to be neither supply nor demand, at least here anyway. What do you think? It's basically nonexistant, kids are taking speed or 'xtc' (still mostly speed) or newer synthetics, or RC's mistaken for lsd. If this trend continues for another decade or two..

RC's mistaken for LSD? I have never come across blotter with any drug other than LSD or possibly LSD with small amounts of LSD-derivatives from the breakdown of poorly stored LSD or poorly synthesized LSD. Very few RC's are within the microgram range to fit onto blotter al though there are a few chemicals such as DOC and DOB which are active in microgram doses. Drugs that do fall within the microgram dose range are very rare where I am in central Canada and there have been no RC's that I have ever come across in any blotter form. There is definitely a supply and demand within the counter-culture in my city. Mainly 18-30 year old demographic.


Glandeuse pinéale
30 Nov 2008
Its definately becoming increasingly more difficult to find where i'm from, the only reliable source i had got raided and needless to say he aint too reliable anymore...
Its been totally replaced by more 'escapist' drugs amongst young people, like coke and weed (of course weed isn't solely an escapist drug, but used in the way its used here it is a form of escapism). Perhaps in a few years society might be in a better state and people will want to think about things again... which i doubt very much :cry:


13 Oct 2009
LSD is the quintessential psychedelic. It always will be. At least it better always be! There will always be sub-cultures using it for enhancement of the senses, awareness, spirituality and even just a good fun time. In SWIMs experience a lot of poly-drug users mix LSD within their plethora, raver or club kids in SWIMs city who stereotypically do ecstasy and speed. There are still some circles of LSD users around here, but it is true, there really isn't an intricate network of hardcore LSD users. LSD is SWIMs favorite drug, but on the other hand SWIM does many other drugs besides psychedelics; downers and uppers (the escapist drugs); but LSD gives SWIM the most heightened awareness, therefore it's the most beneficial drug, therefore it's the best drug. Hands down! Don't let the culture die!