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Je m'inscris!

Love, Sadness and a Faery Tale ending!

Guenn Eona Nimue

Glandeuse pinéale
15 Avr 2011
Greetings to all from Guenn! It has been a little while (I had a little stroke but have fully recovered)! I posted this recently (a couple of days ago) in another forum called "Oak & Mistletoe".... I could not have imagined in my wildest dreams what was to come....

"Hello everyone.... I don't know if this really qualifies as a "Forum Topic", and I know many would say "it was only a tree", but sharing does help to soothe the pain of ones loss, and is enormously therapeutic....

I lost you, my old friend, a few days ago. For thirty-five years we together unfailingly marked the glorious changing of the seasons, and you kindly shaded the backside of my building during the heat of many a summer. You were the picture of health towering seventy feet high, about the same age as me (85) from what I have been told. Numberless generations of squirrels and birds had called you home. So many happy memories.... the squirrels scurrying and leaping about.... the raccoons and possums that once found rest among your inviting branches.... all the birds nests that erupted with the delightful chorus of baby birds each year.... and all the fascinatingly intricate freshly spun spider webs, glistening with morning dew, among your limbs in the light of the rising sun! I loved you so very, very much.... Oh! My dear beloved old Mapple Tree, how I wish I could have saved you!

You my old friend.... who brought such joy into my life, and the lives of so many others for so many years.... are gone."


A couple of days after I posted that little eulogy showing a picture of the tree that had been cut down, it was suggested (by a member calling herself "Crystal") that some part of my old friend should be preserved and that perhaps a staff, a bowl or a pendant could be made. Since my youngest son is an artist and former wood worker, he volunteered and began the search for just the right piece of wood. He found one that he liked but I rejected it because it didn't "feel" right. He continued to search and as he did he noticed a hollow near the center of the tree trunk that was exposed when it was cut down. It must have formed many, many years ago, probably seventy or eighty, while I was still only a child.

Clearly two tree trunks, once close together, had merged becoming one. Being the curious sort, he cleared it of saw dust and made the most remarkable discovery! Within the tree all these many years had been hidden a secret! He said it was wedged in very tightly, and I watched from the second floor walkway as he used a hammer and a long screwdriver to carefully and patiently chisel it loose. When he brought it in I could hardly believe my eyes.... it was like a dream.

It's about two inches across at the widest point and has all the subtle beauty of a great Emerald, my fovorite gem! I would not even hazard a guess as to what it's really made of, nor have I any intention of finding out, but I will say that when I held it to my chest I immediately burst into tears with such joy as I have never felt before.... it rests upon my Altar for now, but soon, in a very special ritual, I will consecrate it my self and have it made (no cutting or faceting) into a most glorious and powerful Amulet.


It's amazing! One reads of various things being found in very strange places but, really, this "takes the cake" as they say! I remember now, many years ago in California, seeing a tree where a brick had been lodged in the crotch of a tree and the same process was under way. It could no longer be removed and only the two ends of it were still visible from either side of the tree.

Here are better shots of the hollow where he discovered it.... Love and Light to all of you, Guenn



Dirty Feet

Matrice périnatale
17 Nov 2011
First of all, I find it amazing and beautiful that you would make a eulogy about a tree. And it seems this tree gave you a present for your special attention.
Please could you say a bit more about that ritual of consecration you are going to perform? I hope that is not too private.
Anyway thank you for sharing this on the forum.
Have a nice day (but I have no doubt about it) :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
What a wonderful story...

I was just falling asleep last night when I realized a very special willow had been cut down a few years ago that I hadn't even noticed was gone (someone built their house on it).

I remember seeing two lady bugs or some types of beetle trying to make some baby beetles on a leaf. I was about 11 years old at the time and I was about to smack them off the leaf when one of my friends said "Hey, don't do that. Leave them be."

The simplest remark changed my entire perspective... I suddenly "saw" the beetles as living things, going by their way of life, rather than pests and things to kill.

And now that tree is gone. :(

Thank you for the story Guenn, and I'm happy to hear you've made a full recovery.

Guenn Eona Nimue

Glandeuse pinéale
15 Avr 2011
Hello Dirty Feet.... Yes, I believe this is much more than just some chance discovery.... and that it is a gift to me from the Faery Kingdom and the Nature Spirits. I am currently meditating on this beautiful object, trying to "listen" to it for guidance on how to proceed. Even with my now fairly extensive experience, I must confess to being a little lost when it comes to creating a ritual for such an unprecedented sequence of events such as this, and it does not resemble anything in my past that I might draw upon for the task at hand. I am at once both delighted and perplexed! As soon as I have an "answer" though I will happily share it with you (I am guessing a couple of days)....

And hello to you IJC! Yes, it was a real scare (the stroke) and I am told by the doctor my almost instant and complete recovery is nothing short of a miracle.... By the way, Emile said to tell you.... "Hey you old Graffertiser, hope everything is going alright for you! Take care!"

So long for now, I wish you all the very best! Guenn


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
I have no doubt your recovery is from your devoted use of your mind, your meditation, and your holistic nature. I have a small clue about your age, and the wit and intelligence you show in your writing itself is nothing short of amazing to me, especially coming from an age without computers. . .

Hello Emile - I hope you are still pushing against the grain... :P

Guenn Eona Nimue

Glandeuse pinéale
15 Avr 2011
Hello all.... Emile tells me he can see small air bubbles in it so it must be glass, which I already suspected, but that really does not matter to me, it could have been an ordinary rock and I would have been (almost) equally delighted! Take care, Guenn

Guenn Eona Nimue

Glandeuse pinéale
15 Avr 2011
Hello everyone....

Dirty Feet "Please could you say a bit more about that ritual of consecration you are going to perform?"

As it turns out there will be only a brief ritual/meditation conducted in silence (using only visualization), and it will not be one of consecration, but rather one which both honors and gives loving thanks to the Tree Spirit and the Nature Spirits. It has been made clear to me after several meditations now that there really is no ritual that I or any one else could possibly perform that would in any way improve on the rich, slow and penetrating consecration the Nature Spirits and the Tree Spirit itself have already so adeptly and skillfully accomplished. At first, it naturally seemed a good idea to make it into something, but it seems there is nothing that can be made from it, nothing that can be done to it, and nothing that can be added to it. It is complete, and I feel strongly that any kind of elaborate ritual would be meddling, and could actually end up detracting from the intense spiritual essence that we feel radiating from it. Instead, it will be placed (front and center) on my altar, resting upon a small pedestal to be whittled by my son from a branch he saved. A couple of small pieces of glass have fallen off of the main piece, and these will simply be returned to the hollow during the impromptu visualized ritual/meditation, establishing a strong permanent connection between myself, the object, and the Tree/Nature Spirits, keeping it "plugged in" so to say.

So that's it.... Take care all! Guenn


21 Juil 2007
5 922
beautiful story!!! i love trees!!! they are our life insurance... 8) :P



Alpiniste Kundalini
9 Nov 2007
choice, made me think of the jack johnson song - do you remember.
let it shine on a sunny day beautiful green
a gift to you
Good vibrations

Dirty Feet

Matrice périnatale
17 Nov 2011
Thank you for your reply, I hadn't seen it.

Happy new year!