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Intravission whilst high!?!?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
I have been noticing this more lately than previously, but if I focus whilst in a closed eye state after a few or even one cone, I can still see objects and people without light! The static fabric of your minds perception flows and undulated with the constant (yet unperceived) movement of all matter and energy. I could see my smoking partner’s movements as if I was wide awake yet I seemed to be absorbing or at least perceiving the aura given off by him, me and all the objects within his room. Wether this has become more predominant after my mushroom experiences I am not sure, but I get a more profound version of this when shrooming (I smoke all the time regardless of what I’m doing, :lol:)

Wether this is a inherent aspect of using cannabis as an individual or some unseen synergy between my mind, the mycelial networks it encompasses and the flow of energy released by sweet, sweet Mary; I’m slowly unlocking the parts of the human mind that lie needlessly dormant during the drudgery of routine life. Every day is a deja'vu...

Does anyone else experience anything along these lines when smoking? Having a mystical adventure with psilocybin? Or even before sleep in a lucid state; please tell me! I’m sure we have more control over our own minds as we think; it just takes time and meditation to unlock these wondrous aspects…


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
I do


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
I know that. sometimes I was able to see the shapes of objects in my room with closed eyes, and the room itself of course


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
Does anyone else get a long, wide band of light that is always present with closed eyes (whilst high or not). I read somewhere on wikipedia that these phenomenon are caused by pressure, radiation and gravitational influences from the matter and energy surrounding us. Using this explanation, I theorise that this large ever-present band is in actuality the bar of the densest stars and matter surrounding our position in the galaxy, and because this is so concentrated and powerful, we can see the band or should I say galactic or universal plane of energy, all the time with only our third eye open. Basically we sense the awesome energy emanating from the largest bodies in the local galactic cluster and because of the concentration of stars in a galactic sense being on a flat plain from an internal point of view, is why it appears as an ethereal ribbon of light upon our minds (or at least mine)

Does anyone else get this? At least even if you haven’t been able to bring yourself to focus on this energy while you are stoned (it can be hard I know :)) this phenomenon always makes itself clear to me when I am high because to find it easier to focus and channel energy, but if any of you have seen this without being under the influence of anything, please inform me, id love to know.


Alpiniste Kundalini
22 Mai 2007
I do have a thing when i'm sober i see rainbows around lights. And 1 time whilst high on weed, wormwood, passionflower, skullcap, and some little failed salvia leaves i saw a rainbow around EVERYTHING, trees, people, all kinda things.
I usually have when i focus my eyes in a particular way i seem te see some kinda energies ^^ with people. Pretty strange :P. Don't know if it something in my eyes or my mind :oops:


25 Mai 2007
Thadivine, the rainbow you see around living things when you're stoned may be their aura. I also see it when I focus in a particular manner but only on trees and plants and it's usually charcoal colored.

It's a bit strange indeed but still great to be able to see the energy surrounding the living beings.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
Welcome back in the unity of everything that stands above everyday perception ;)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
Just returning to the subject of third eye perception, can anyone else see faces, notably sets of eyes and or silhouettes of heads that appear in this state? It’s defiantly more prominent when I’m high and I feel that if I focus in on one face or particular set, I can almost feel what that person or being is either expressing or experiencing. Some undefined hyperspace connection. It may be extend across both space and time.
Anyone else get these?


Alpiniste Kundalini
22 Mai 2007
flyingkite, yeah it was indeed only around the nature, but since i was in such an idylic place all was nature ^^. When im not high, i sometimes see it around humans, when i focus a kind of way , also when i was a little child, but then it is more like i see their spirit just going with their body or something XD :P hard to describe...
With the strange things happening lately (saw the back of a card what it was once, dreamt my mother was coming home from vacation, whilst i had no idea when, and what was sayd in my dream was right :P and 2 times i think of somebody i didnt speak to along time (or never really) and they start a conversation with me on msn,or note me on hyves :oops: 3 of the 4 on one day :) )

Perhaps weed, mushrooms and wormwood have openend my third eye :oops: ?

p.s. you've got the thing that you can guide the energy in your body? sent it wherever you want (whilst your high)? Altough i know nothing at this subject my explanation was that i can choose which chakra i stimulate...

And no man when im high i only see patterns, no people...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
Year, it is allot more fluid when high; the body energy transmutation.
I’m pretty sure I flipped my perception of where my arms and legs were while I was on mushrooms at the same time as smoking. I made my arms float into the bathroom whilst my legs assumed the position on my body where my arms were; I would feel my legs as if they were actually connected to my shoulders and I couldn’t feel my 'normal' arms anymore because they were no longer in the same room.

That was a bit off topic but I was just going with the bodily energy thing thadivine brought up. Cheers :)

I wonder if one would be able to get a plasma ball and place a hand on its surface while your high and focus on the energy emanating from your hand into the ball itself; then observe the light show if any.
Would be cool if it was visually manipulated by this strong energy emission.


21 Juil 2007
5 922

What you're talking about is for me the unity between mind and body or maybe the unity between the two brain hemispheres. (Or whatever unity :) )

When they move along in unity, perception can be extraordinary. While high this is much easier to achieve than while not high.

I find it amazing to be in this state, though what you describe buffachino sounds really weird. :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
Living can be pretty amazing, can it? :D :D :D