I'm back!

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion JustinNed
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
Hey everyone, I've been lurkin in here and there since my last arrest but, I'm no longer working and just had 2 surgeries last week so I got a LOT of time on my hands. :p One for a simple inguinal hernia, and the more serious I had a giant cyst removed from my mouth, and when I say giant I mean it!
There were 3 samples sent in for biopsy and I'm gonna tell ya guys about it because everyone has been shocked in awe. Back in '07 I had a small cyst protruding out of the back top left gums in my mouth a sample was sent in for biopsy, was benign and forgot about it until a few weeks ago when it had gotten so big it had one of my mullers angled towards the back of my mouth causing horrible pain, it can about an inch or so out of the gum in to my mouth...
Anyways, for some stuff off the biopsy.. The first sentence starts, "This is a very unusual lesion" lol "There is a proliferation of both fibrous and myxoid fibrous connecting tissue as well as odontogenic epithelium which appears to be associated with a dentigerous cyst. The morphology and size of the lision suggests that this may represent an odontogenic neoplasm evolving from a previous dentigerous cyst. I think this lesion would best be classified as an odontogenic fibroma." if that means anything to anyone, its some really interesting stuff if you know what the big words mean, I'm like a medical miracle. However, on to the cool stuff, as I said there were 3 samples sent in for biopsy, this represented about 75% of the entire cyst removed, the sizes are as follows in cm "Sample 1: 4.6x3.5x1.8" "Sample 2: 4.0x2.7x2.7" "Sample 3: 1.7x1.1x.07" Intact with Sample 3 were 2 intact teeth, I'm not sure where 1 came from, however the second one was an impacted tooth... get this, it was literally about an inch or so underneith my left eye ball impacted in to the tooth.
Anyways, I just thought it was something really cool, atleast interesting, the cyst literally went from about an inch into my mouth and went so far up the left side of my face that it had actually destroyed part of the bone underneith my eye, where the tooth was impacted, the surgeon also told me on the last sample (sample 3) that there was an imprint of my sinuses! The downside to this is that when the swelling does down the left side of my face is going to sink in as there is nothing there to hold it up now.

I've been pretty heavily sedated sense surgery, as I've been having to take pretty large amounts of oxycodone, hydrocodone, and acetaminophen, in conjuction with promethazine to potentate the effects of opiates. Since the surgery though I've been feeling better than I have since as long as I can remember I'm pretty sure that this cyst was poisoning my body and now that it's out I'm functioning well again, than again it could be the massive amount of narcotics, who knows. :p

Anyways, I'm gonna try and get copies of the xrays they took of my mouth, before and after surgery and I'll post them in here so you guys can be shocked at what the human body is capable of, even though the xray doesn't really put the massive amount of cyst in perspective.
If anyone has any questions that is in to dentistry or something, feel free to ask, I'm pretty much just posting this out of boredom. On that note I'll also most likely be around contributing more again, missed you guys your quite the rowdy bunch! :p
gross man cyst is one of my most disliked words
pics or didn't happen

lol hi man, hope you get better