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How to smoke?


17 Jan 2011
Hey guys. I'm a little confused about how to smoke my Salvia Divinorum. I vaguely remember you really should use a special Salvia pipe, but now I cannot find anything about these things. Do these things exist? Or what do you have to use otherwise to smoke it? I've got a small glass bottle bong, does that work? And when using a bong, must you retain from using water?


Glandeuse pinéale
28 Avr 2010
Smoke it in a bong without water.
Take all it in 1 drag


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
look through this salvia section, there are tons of thread that have already discussed this. it'll be more helpful.

a rule of thumb though, 1. scorch/incinerate it at the highest tempurature you can (butane lighter). 2. you only get 1 or MAYBE 2 hits. take the biggest hit you've ever taken in your life. if you didn't go "unconscious" then you need to quit being a pansy and take a bigger hit cause you did it wrong.

look through that salvia section. good luck :mrgreen:


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Déc 2010
I bumped into a random website on weed smoking about how people use a small slice of lemon peel to rehydrate portions of their stash that have dried out and are too hard to smoke. I wonder if maybe that will help me with my problem of my hits being entirely too painful to get a serious hit out of.

My salvia leaves are something like a year old by now and though they have been in a double ziplock the entire time even a small leak would dry them out over that long. They are SOOOO harsh on my lungs I can only take enough to make me feel trippy. :(

So maybe part of the trick is to make sure the smoke is slightly damp enough (not with just drops of water) to make it less harsh on the lungs so you can take a bigger hit.

Gunna try that in here somewhere to rehydrate a small portion of my leaves a little if I can find the right container for it.


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Déc 2010
Hadnt thought to but I will when I get to it. I just got an order of a new oz of leaves and a 1g of 5x and a 1g of 20x so I'll be trying that first.

I tend to have lemons around so its not the lemon peels so much as finding the right container. I am a perfectionist so my ideal solution would be two containers with large holes in the lids inside a larger container. Or maybe one and a dish or whatever. Theoretically just two dishes in a sealed container would work. I just like to make everything 'serious' when I deal with drugs. Part of my 'ritual' like trying to weigh everything instead of going by instinct.

I dont really wanna toss just a bunch of leaves and some lemon peal in the same container cuz I dont know how much the lemon peal might 'leak' and over saturate whatever its touching. The website also wasnt specfic about what a 'sliver' was so to me a sliver is like a fingernail where as they might have meant like quarter it and use one piece of the rind. So who knows. I was gunna use a chunk of peel with the first experiment and see what happens. I have half an ounce of dry and I just got a new ounce of fresh that came 'free' with my 5x and 20x so its not a real big deal if i loose some.

Btw, I know this works for lots of foods using a slice of bread. My mom does that a lot. She actually keeps a slice of bread in with the brown sugar to keep it from hardening. Keeps rice in with the salt to keep it from clumping. So this is somewhat of a known concept. Guess the trick is just finding the right source of moisture. Maybe something that 'pushes' moisture out as opposed to just sitting there like a cup of water. I guess things that 'dry out' tend to have moisture that wants to leave as opposed to things that absorb moisture or dont change.

I think I need to invest in some cheapo containers. Keep raiding my parents supply of tupperware for my projects hehehehe. :D


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Déc 2010
Allusion a dit:
no problem. :D

schwanke, i hope you'll post again with your results, dont think that particular method has been tested (on this site) in regards to salvia. at least not that i've witnessed...

For the record I did in the general forum since it would apply to probably all plant material.

It worked in the sense that it made the leaves softer and spongier and not brittle. Even after 'over doing it' compared to what I thought they meant they werent moldy or anything, just very soft. Wont know how well they smoke until after my bong gets here and I get my first 5x experience in. Dont want to ruin it with the inverse tolerance or anything.