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Holy crap! I bought a toad!!!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Août 2006
1 620
I've been looking into buying a bufo alvarius (Colorado River toad) for a while, and have only found places selling them for $150 - $200. Well last week, I did the smart thing and went to the pet store. They didn't have any in stock, but the man in the reptiles/ amphibians department, said he could order me one. This morning, I went and picked him up and he is absolutely adorable.

I hate this site, but this is exactly what he looks like
http://www.bouncingbearbotanicals.com/c ... p-368.html

notice how much they're charging. I got "Sam" from the pet store for $18.
He's already got a sweet little terrarium set up at home, which I think he will enjoy. It's pretty freakin big. Right now he's sitting on my desk, here at work, looking right back at me from his little, plastic box. All I need now is to find him a cute little lady toad to hang out with. I don't want him to get lonely, and I dont think he'd get along too well with the dogs. :D I'll let you all know how everything goes, right now he looks pretty happy and healthy, which is all I could hope for.

I got me a new friend. I can't wait to show him to the wife.

I bought this guy, solely as a pet, but does anyone here have any experience with 5-MeO-DMT? From what I've read, it doesn't seem to be that pleasant.

More info for the curious.


Sale drogué·e
2 Jan 2006
Mate, graTz on your new pet. Next to that, you just made my day. :lol:
I was like; "wtf is he gonna buy and eat a toad?!" but then I read he's gonna be your pet... and that was even more funny. :D

No disrespect meant in any way :)


Elfe Mécanique
26 Sept 2005
congrats! Don't try to kiss him or he will turn into a princess, and someone isn't going to be happy =P

keep us updated of him and your experience with it :o)

I had to laugh when I saw that on erowid:
SCHEDULE : May Contain Schedule I Chemical


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Août 2006
1 620
No, there will definitely be no kissing, licking or eating the toad. He's cute, but I don't want him anywhere near my mouth. I ate frog legs once and I don't think I cared for them. I haven't tried "milking" his venom yet, but all my friends are begging me to. I really don't know if I'd enjoy smoking 5-MeO-DMT from what I've read, but maybe one day.

Right now, I've got Sam's terrarium right next to my large fish tank. He just sits there all day watching the fish swim about. Every once in a while, he'll sort of jump up and put his front two feet/ hands up on the glass and stretch out. It's pretty funny, it looks like he's trying to get in and play with them. I'll probably go down to the pet store today and see if I can order him a lady friend.

But, I'll certainly let you all know when I get someone to try smoking his venom. Should be interesting. :D


9 Oct 2006

Toads are awesome! the way they do totally nothing all day, just sit on a rock and make that noise.. I don't know the english word, but in dutch it's called "kwaken".. Sounds like "rabbit.." 8) :D

Just a question. What do you feed him.. Flies or something?


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah cute!

Make a pic of 'em one time :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Août 2006
1 620
Yeah, he's got flies in there to munch on but he fills up on crickets. I'm keeping crickets in a box outside, where I feed THEM vegetables and oats to make them more healthy and nutritious for Sam. He has a weird little "finger" on his hand that he wiggles real fast while he stays real still. This attracts the crickets for some reason, and when they get close enough , he sucks him up with his tongue. It's pretty gruesome, with little insect legs hanging out of his mouth while he chews them up. The wife refuses to watch him eat, but I dont blame her.


Ohw cool, he actually atracts the flies to his "fishingrod" :D

A lot of animals have a sneaky way to atract food :)


Damnit, even if I'm really happy that you found a new friend, I just can't stand to look at a toad...

...even better, the only thing that could traumatize me more than a toad are insects, so imagine how happy I've felt when you told us that you're keeping LIVING crickets to feed it :shock:

I'll surely love to hear how things are going with it, but PLEASE consider a big #WARNING# sign before posting a pic of it, or I don't think I can be your friend no longer...


Face it Tiax... Brew has a new friend now.
I'm sorry, but it's just harsh reality.

C'est la vie


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Août 2006
1 620
I'll keep him under-cover for now; I don't think he's ready for all the fame and publicity that this site would expose him to.

I don't know. One day he may pop up as a picture in my avatar with a cricket in his mouth..

I don't like insects either. That's why the crickets are safely outside.


Elfe Mécanique
1 Fev 2006
hey brew nice toad, mmmmmmm toad!, anyway you can really boost your crickets vitamin content with, flickers cricket food, not sure of the name but every pet store in the country has at least one jug of it, if you get it just throw in a cube along with the reg feeding, the cubes have all the water and nutrients crickets need to make good food for the little toadie.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
The more I think about it, the more I;m thinking of getting one myself. I didnt get that empty terrarium for nothing ;)

Anyone know if they are allowed in Europe/Holland?