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Goodbye Facebook


23 Sept 2013
I recently deactivated my Facebook profile as well and it feels pretty great. I only used to log on to see what other people were up to but I just found myself getting annoyed by some of the idiotic things that people post. Everyone that I would like to keep in touch with has my number/e-mail so there are no worries there.I love animals and the only thing that could make me choose between a cat and a dog is the type of lifestyle that I want to live. I feel that I can connect with my dog better than with other people. Seeing her happy can make my day turn around. But she has very bad separation anxiety and I don’t think that I could ever keep her happy if I was away working for most of the day. As for cats, they are some of the most interesting animals on the planet. No doubt that they are primarily involved with you out of self interest, but it’s very fun to observe the very nature of their curiosity mixed with ADD. Plus they make excellent alarm clocks; there is no snooze button for a hungry cat with sharp claws.


4 Août 2014
I use Facebook as little as possible but have been considering deactivating my account altogether. I'm not sure if it actually helps people to stay connected or rather gives them illusion of being connected.