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First touch of Ayahuasca


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
After one ayahuasca experiment that didn't work at all (I had too small a dose to feel anything) I did it again, this time ingesting the full recommended beginner's dose of 5g peganum harmala and 30g psychotria viridis.
I cooked both ingredients for over 2 hours in water seperately, acidified with vitamin c and a little concentrated vinegar.

I took the peganum harmala (fluid and the remaining crushed seeds) and waited until I felt some effects (some inebriating, soothing effect like from a small dose of opiates, in my opinion). Then I began to drink the psychotria viridis tea.

I began to feel a change of effects from purely calming (from the 5g p. harmala) to uplifting. I felt wonderful, it was still like opiates or a high dose of kratom. I suddenly realized a little visual distortion (moving objects left "trails" before my eyes) so I stopped drinking the psychotria v. tea. It was wonderful until I suddenly felt like I was going to puke. Well, I did (I didn't fight it, knowing I couldn't fight it for long...). After that I felt perfectly well again and drank the rest of the psychotria viridis tea.

The dose was too low to get any meaningful insights or journeys into my mind - it was more like a good dose of opiates combined with closed eye visuals. The visuals however were so close and real that I didn't always realize them as visuals in the first place. It was like being on opiates with lucid dreaming at once.

I have to say that I didn't expect a low dose of ayahuasca to deliver such a lovely and joyful inebriated feeling. I could have taken much more on this basis and I think ayahuasca has shown itself to me as my new favorite. I just have to get into it much deeper, the visuals seemed so close and real yet the feeling was so calm and joyful, I don't believe it.

By the way, I woke up pretty early this morning with really much energy and an afterglow of happiness :sunflower:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
Sounds like you didn't have a full blown ayahuasca experience yet. But I'm sure you're on the right track. I am going to use it next spring (planning it months in advance sounds crazy doesn't it?).
I did it once in a Santo Daime church (see report on Erowid: http://www.erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=47410), but this time I'm doing it with my girlfriend and maybe some other people who are interested. Do you have any tips for the dosage? Is it easy to make the tea? Did you have a sitter there with you?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
Sounds like you didn't have a full blown ayahuasca experience yet.
Absolutely right, I felt like I could take at least 10 times more (and I think I know about how much there could be - I have had eight to nine times of it at least...)


3 Déc 2005
This sounds like something I'd like to try... different from acid or shrooms, heavier and perhaps more insightful than pot, but leaving you still ready to face the next day with a smile instead of a groan. :grin:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
There can definitely be a huge smile upon your face the next day, but you can feel *VERY* weak, because it sort of clears your body and mind from *EVIL*. You'll feel very good, though, and this will hold on for weeks.
-> of course this is only my experience and what I have read about it.


Glandeuse pinéale
16 Déc 2005
i am intrested in ayahuasca but i dont know how to make it the right way can someone tell me how to make this mystical tea?


Well there is no right or wrong way to make yage. There are tons of recipes over the internet. I prefer this one.
You take 40 grams of caapi and 30 grams of psychodria and boil them in seperate mixes with 2/3 water and 1/3 lemon.
Leave them for 2 hours, filter them, keep the filtered water.
Repeat the same proccess for 3 times (or until the water stops changing color if you're patient enough...)
Mix them and boil them to a drinkable quantity.
Smoke a joint, take a deep breath and big gulp.
You'll feel an urge to drink more and more, try to fight it or you'll throw it all up before DMT goes throught to your blood.
Drink one big gulp every 10 minutes.
You should be close to the toilet as you will throw up.
After you've turned your guts inside out try to relax.
Take another gulp.
Close the lights and surrender.
You'll go under for about three hours.
Tell your friends not to panic when you throw up, or when you go under.
That's how it went for me, expect similar stages in your experience.


But i want to ask you another question...
I was overoptimistic when i had bought the mix and purchased large quantities of both Caapi and Psychodria.
It's been one year since my last experience. Will the ingredients have lost their potency?
Opinions diverge. Some say only fresh ingredients can make a succesfull mix, others say that it does not matter.
What have you heard/practised ?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
This sounds like something I'd like to try... different from acid or shrooms, heavier and perhaps more insightful than pot, but leaving you still ready to face the next day with a smile instead of a groan.

Mind you this was a very light experience!!! I guess with a lot more DMT you shouldn't have anything planned for the next day.


14 Déc 2005
sound pretty cool, I always thought ayahuasca had something to do with a kind of religion?


I'd like to try it sooo much: but here in Croatia it's very difficult to get it across the border via mail ... :? ... or maybe not, but last year I ordered some shroom grow kits and a San Pedro, and they searched my home, sucked my brains out in the 8-hours 'informative conversation' at the police station, and I had to face the Court too ... pfffff
I don't know whether I should take a risk and order ayahuasca ... if you know something about the laws and the mail, and how it all goes with the packages, please let me know
I read so much about it I feel I have already tried it...
I tried ibogaine 4 times though (the trance dose), and I guess it's different (everything's different), but maybe even more powerful in effect :shock: ... so I'm not afraid of ayahuasca either ... in the purpose of withdrawal from (shit) heroin
Kindest regards to all the members of this new community ;)


I think it's legal, i haven't heard of laws against it. The plants themselves cannot be considered illegal, no plant can be considered illegal, but that's another story...
When i ordered it from the internet, i asked them to send it in a dircrete package . It contained mushrooms (fresh - legal), a peyote cactus (fresh - legal, i still have it, can't eat it alive!!!), ang yage. I had no problems with the police, i am surprised the police in Croatia has such 'a tremendous sense of duty' that they would drag you through court for a cactus and a grow cit.
I've never tried ibogaine, but i've heard it does a good job for heroine withdrawal. I've also heard that apomorphine is highly effective...
Bad thing heroine addiction...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
It makes me sad that you can more easily get addicted to heroine than to get psychoactive plants via mail...


Glandeuse pinéale
10 Nov 2005
SkunkPower a dit:
sound pretty cool, I always thought ayahuasca had something to do with a kind of religion?

Ayahuasca is an important sacrament of both the Santo Daime and the União do Vegetal churches. Santo Daime has succesfully challenged the authorities in several countries, including the US and France, in order to be able to hold their group yagé ceremonies. The argument for this request of deviation from local drug laws came from the idea that a church has the right to follow its beliefs as granted in the freedom of religion laws.

What is interestiong about these cases is that they prove that we do not live in a society where everyone has equal rights and freedom of religion. It is good that the Santo Daime is allowed to practice its faith as it will, but what about us others? I drink yagé for spiritual purposes. Why is my spirituality not equally important to that of a congregation? When even spirituality is codified and regulated by bureaucracy, we can say we're living in sad times indeed.