Fake MDMA....Just in the UK?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion moody
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Well, now it's been here for a while all over the country, it appeared from nowhere sometime last year and hasn't gone away.

Market fueled by kids who don't know their arse from their elbows.

I done a bit of research on other well known drug related forums and the general idea is that it's piperzines, pressed into blocks of various colours and consistances.

I wont go into too many details as I'm sure the more experienced of you know the score but I was wondering if this shit was just a UK problem or has anyone come across it in other parts of Europe or the world?

A concerned party person.
Welcome to our midst

Who knows ? There are rip offs every where .

Dont buy what you dont know , what hasnt been tested and when you see ripoffs out them to everyone you know so the bastards end up sitting on it .

If that doesnt work a few swift smacks in the gob can work wonders , or a good kick in the arse when the bastards are standing at the top of some stairs . I`m realy good at lobbing heavy objects in the dark to .
I'm actively refusing it dude, I'm trying to wise up my buds too but you can only tell 'em so many times.

Just was wondering if it's only people in the UK that like ripping each other off.
I think the mdma-market is very polluted right now, not only in the UK. Also in Holland, Belgium and France there are a lot of adulturated pills with Mcpp (a piperazine).

At one point, a couple of months a go, they did some research in testcenters in Amsterdam and they found out that approx. 90 percent of the pills were polluted. :?

So these days it's very wise to test your stuff.
emix a dit:
I think the mdma-market is very polluted right now, not only in the UK. Also in Holland, Belgium and France there are a lot of adulturated pills with Mcpp (a piperazine).

I had some of them (white diamonds they were). Apparently some one died from taking just 1, and ive heard that there are lots of white diamonds going about.
unfortunately from my contacts its all of western europe :cry: :cry: :cry:

at least we still have 2Cx DOx LSD shrooms ketamine and many more mostly unadulterated.... but the MDMA days seem in peril :cry:
I dont want to offend anyone but the only reasons why anyone lets themselves get ripped off are because of greed or stupidi .

Only buy from people you know and get them to give you their opinion of the product and tell them if its shit you will come back and get your money . If you are somewhere and you dont know the seller just watch him and wait untill you see 3 or 4 people buy . Then wait an hour and go and ask them if the product is good . If they say no dont buy . Also spread the word about whos a ripp off .

Remember , people with a bad reputation soon disapear and there are heavy blunt objects everywhere . Or your girlfriends hand bag with a house brick in it . Or a sock half full of pebbles tied off half way down .
I have not been able to find MDMA for months now. Not even fake MDMA... And I do know some people and I do know where/who to ask. Sucks, I like MDMA every once and a while...
there are alot of adulterated pills here in the US too but majority are only adulterated with mass amounts of meth and minimal amounts of MDxx. There are some Piperazines abound but not an overwhelming ammount.

pillreports.com is a good info source
There were some reports recently here as well in Switzerland. I cannot confirm, the info is from the media...
Aye, it is tough to fine uncut MDMA these days. I suggest finding a good chemist who won't mind testing it.
However if there are sources out there for pure MDMA but all the places I know of run way to high of prices. I find that patience is key. Don't buy junk, just wait and you will find a good source sooner or later.
I haven't bought mdma in quite a while, but it seems like the nineties were the blessed days. I mean there was a "bad" pill here and there, it was usually just nothing at all, like caffeine.
But I have been to so many parties where I justed asked the next best guy if he had pills, and every second one I asked came back with somebody who had pills, and 99% of them were really good.

I even bought a lot on the streets back then. The dealers were usually really bad-ass guys, but they had good pills, sometimes even two or three types for your choice :)
The only few times I got ripped off with bad pills that were just nothing was on the streets, I think. People in the clubs were eager to build a customer base and not lose them. They were party people like everyone else who just wanted to make a buck for supporting their party lifestyle.

But sometimes I think bad pills are supported by the users. I once bought a few pills from a friend who told me that these were totally bad-ass pills and I really had to try them. The first time I took one whole of these I had a 5-hour blackout during which people told me I had been talking gibberish and had been looking weird.
I didn't like it, and it wasn't mdma, I guess (or a total overdose?). Other people told me these pills were just great because they fucked them up big time. Well, yeah...
yeah, it isn't the 90's anymore. and this isn't a UK thing. a lot of the good synthetics (x, lucy) are either something else, or cut (or both).

Market fueled by kids who don't know their arse from their elbows.

exactly. and i agree you can't always blame the suppliers either, they are all young, don't know the difference, never really had better, and people keep coming back for more
The market has never been so poor here in the Netherlands apart from 1997, when there were pills reported from all over the country containing very dangerous amounts of atropine. Price of a pill was 10-15 euro back in the days.

Nowadays half of all the pills contain MCCP, cafeine or MDxx, although not dangerous, many people report sickness and intoxinated experiences with mild euphoria or none.

Perhaps it is a temporarly marketing trick to increase the price. In 2004, 1 gram crystals were only 20 EU and a well-dosed pill just 2 or 3 EU when bought off a supplier close to the source.

They was a great flourish in the XTC market here from 2005 till 2007 with pills containing up to 130 - 150 miligrams pure MDMA, blue triangles, mitsubitsi logo. Generally sold for 3 euro per pill.

Nowadays it's much more low dose MDMA or other substances. Pure MDMA is still available, the price has rose and the suppliers have decreased.
accutally tha shit thats around is basicly all piperazines they suck really really bad.they were made for addicts to get off meth due to the high feelings last from 6-8 hours snd have very close simularitys.tha flood of um around everywhere is that in most of tha countrys its legal no cooking chemicals at all just stamped into a pill 1 gram go for 40 bucks 100 mg a hit 100 dollars for 45 if i didnt hate that shit so much i would do it 2.there are like 5 differnt piperazines just stay away from bzp you wont b able 2 sleep for shit tha rest should b fine if that helps at all
Oh aye the pills were better back in the day but man they were expensive. I remember 15quid pills! Now there are cheaper than a pint!!
Unconfirmed rumour: quality and supply is down because most of the pills produced in western Europe used Ketone in the process and Ketone got monitored strictly by Chinese suppliers around the 2008 Olympics (don't ask me why, I don't know). Right now the quality and supply are picking up again over here, so I guess they found another route or another source.
phillyamine a dit:
piperazines they suck really really bad.they were made for addicts to get off meth
this is just complete bulls&*t if you ask me, if i remember correctly they were first introduced as anti worm medicine
mullis a dit:
phillyamine a dit:
piperazines they suck really really bad.they were made for addicts to get off meth
this is just complete bulls&*t if you ask me, if i remember correctly they were first introduced as anti worm medicine

Piperazines were developed as an antihelminthic (anti-parasitic) agent for use in farm animals, but had too many negative side-effects. It was then thought that it could be used as antidepression medication, but it had amphetamine qualities in it's effects and was thought to have a high potential for abuse so it was banned.

Pipes are simply flooded in my area (The Midwest USA) and fake pills come 9/10 times. The molly is good when you can find it, but that's circumstantial. The good news is that the Canadian laws permitting the trade of piperazines are now being investigated by the European Union and will most likely will eventually ban the chemicals outright there. No law enforcing any drug regulation is good, but when they ban MDMA and allow Piperazines to flood the market, I'd almost rather have them restrict them for now until we can get total freedom altogether.