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Je m'inscris!

Esoterics section ?

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
GOD a dit:
Shit man i get realy fucking pissed off at with bollocks like that .
There's nothing offensive about a statement like that.

But a simple phrase like "Loony Corner" to describe the proposed esoterics section in September, that is hurting and not conducive of constructive communication.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Pardon : "Loonys corner - crap circles" . Meaning the the people who still project their silly theorys about some ocult source for those circles that have been shown and admited to be the games of some people .

Pleas stop generalising . I have said over and over again that i dont call all esoterics loonys . I have said i`m for free speach and free expresion . I also said that shit is shit and that i dont decide that but sometimes i see it before others . If you want to debate about if some esoteric subjects are shit or mentaly confused please play fair and lets talk about one of those subjects at a time . Just because some esoteric people are absolutly nuts and loonys doesnt mean all of them are . If you had read all my posts on the subjects of llonys or esoterics .you would have noticed i said that over and over .

Maybe you all should / could / can make a list of all the genaral esoteric directions and lets talk about each one alone . By general i mean every one but not the individual sub directions or we will be talking till the end of time .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
17 Août 2007
4 054
If i take a look at how many times people didn't like the way you presented yourself, and did accuse you about different things in the many different topics. I would take a clear look at myself, because if it happens so often, then others do see something what you maybe couldn't see or recognise by yourself.

See . You didnt read or you didnt understand what i said . I said i dont decide what shit it . Shit is shit .

Why do so many people don't understand you? What could be the reason? What do you think?

What rude language ? What is rude language ? A fashion thing ? An elitist thing ? I am not a bigot or hypocrit

It's definably not just only rude language, but also the way you present yourself, probably it's more a combination of many things that present it self in a way people people feel often offended.

i am honest and i have never met anyone that has never used the normal everday words i use .

Well to be honest, i think everyone has used words that are not always nice to say to someone else. I also have used often rude language myself, but if we take a look at your posts, i get the impression that it has become an habit of you. And if you use those words so often, i don't think you need to be surprised that people start complaining about it.

Why are so many people shitting out here ?

Maybe you should stop playing the victim.

Its the same as with wotsit . Its called freedom of speach and the right tohave an own personality and the right to free expresion .

Oke, so you practically saying here. It's my personality and free expression to call other's loony's. What if it was mine personality and free expression, to call you an HYPOCRITE person or an idiot. I am sure you getting very pist off now, so words aren't just words after all, are they? I just want to demonsstrate you how easy it is, to make someone feel bad about his self or others only by his way, he present his self.

If you dont like what he says dont read it . If you dont like him dont read his posts . That is straight from Caduceus .

What are you trying to say, that i just need to ignore you when you would call me mentally ill and confused or a looney, without you having any knowledge about me or someone else situation? Well, this would surely ask for an reply, where i would accuse you for the way you present yourself.

Well, to be honest. The whole reply you just gave, makes me wonder why i have to explain a much older man, why people are accuse him for certain things.

Pleas stop generalising . I have said over and over again that i dont call all esoterics loonys . I have said i`m for free speach and free expresion

Stop generalising? Everyone does generalising things to some extend, but the reply you did just gave, isn't that generalising? :? Or do i misunderstand the word it self?

I also said that shit is shit and that i dont decide that but sometimes i see it before others .

I know you don't decide what shit is, but are you sure you recognise it sometimes before others do?

Please look in the mirror, and stop making a drama when you get some feedback. Stop playing a victim. Stop with offending others. And i think the whole problem could be solved in no-time.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
10 Déc 2008
2 724
You both are right... you know god I don't think anyone accused you of blasphemy... for my part I don't mind what words you use.

It's just you showed a peculiar ability to find people's weak spot and insult it with just the right rythm in words and at the right moment, now that can be useful for us agains the government in court, but out here we shouldn't be constructing post sequences for the purpose of breaking someone's inner dignity, we should be all equal.

Same goes to you Mystic, nicer words do not mean the intention behind is not the same. One post makes the point, we're not playing ping-pong !

I'm the one who gets flamed, I'm Aya-Wotsit ! Don't make me jealous and flame each other, you might find me a formidable adversary. :P


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
17 Août 2007
4 054
Same goes to you Mystic, nicer words do not mean the intention behind is not the same. One post makes the point, we're not playing ping-pong !

Of course your right, the intention could even be exactly the same. I don't want to play ping pong, and cause headaches to all the people who would rather die then reading even a view words that are written. But sometimes, we just need to have people, who are able to show the things we cannot see our self's.

Now i am going to stop speaking about this publicly again. Because this really go's to far. So GOD, if you want to respond i think it would be better if it happends behind the scene. Maybe we have spoken to much publicly about this sort of stuff. Because in every thread, the same issues and arguments start over and over again. This infects the whole community, do you agree?

Ohw and uhhh, what's blasphemy? Sounds scary to me... :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Some people see shit others fertiliser .

High wotsit where were you ? If some one acuses me of swearing they acuse me of blaspemy = breaking god laws . The whole idea of oaths and swearing and cursing being bad comes from the bible . It all got twisted by christians . Swearing means saying "I swear" like wot christians do when they swear in court with one hand on their bibles and th other on.....

Oaths means saying things like "I swear on the bible " to . Its a sort of pretend , taking the lords name in vein , binding promiss and for the three semitic religeons a sinn . Cursing means puting evil spells on people / things and is also blasphemy .

Modern "christians" like doing things like that so they sort of pretend that those words mean something else . Its bigotry and snobism . Ask a yoho and they will tell you that they never SWEAR on the bible . Its a fashion thing . Sorry for crappy explanation .

" we shouldn't be constructing post sequences for the purpose of breaking someone's inner dignity"

I never do that .

When i call you wotsit its not ment to insult you or hurt you . Its a nick name like what one gives ones girlfriend like sugar or baby or ???? Its an afectionate name . Can you speak polish ? I cant and so my mate is called "Les" although that only rhymes with part of his name . Same same here , i cant prenounce your name , to be honest my eyes are so shit through the interferon that i cant even read it , so one calls you lovingly wotsit . You never complained ?

R U Sirius ? You are loved and valued . Didnt want to spread any discord .

I have already understood your miracules powers and intergalactic intelligence . A long time ago sir . But if you decide to zap me please dont do it on teusday as i have the feeling that could be a bad day for me , its my astrological powers , and i might get treated like the guys in guantanamo ............

If you ever want to please PM me and lets stop beating around the bush ........


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
17 Août 2007
4 054
If you ever want to please PM me and lets stop beating around the bush ........

Well....... Maybe i put mine green socks on, alright? ;)


This are new ones, they have different kinds of green color, i found them on google 8)

EDIT: Or should i wait for Wednesday?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Na ! Na ! Na ! lets not get to exited and show us the other one . If i had a camera i`d show you mine ......... the green socks i mean .

But i must say you have lovely feet . Is the one sock much bigger than the other or is it the legs ?

But i recognise those feet ...... i must have been lucyd dreaming though ........

And why cant we see your hands ? What are you doing ..........



I wasnt being insulting there i honestly cant smell them . So dont feel your dignity is being flamed .......your to hot for that ....


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
If we both put one over our heads we could meet and have a smoke and still remain anonymouse.......


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
10 Déc 2008
2 724
Oh no it's ok about my name... not many people can pronounce it, it's only an abreviation of my soul's name.

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet ? :)

It was humor, wasn't to complain, just to make it clear that I have gotten used to my status and I'm not ready to let it go 8)

No I'm not serious :P I rarely am even if I look it it's just a role I play, unless you talk about marriage, then you can get me to be serious for quite a while until my feet cool down.

In both ways, I did not originate there, I'm from this solar system, I just moved there because something really important happened there multi-dimentionally, I regularly timetravel.

and... lol :lol:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
" I'm not ready to let it go"

Used to it eh !!!! You must have been plying with yourself for a long time ? Wash your hands . And dont worry i`m not stupid and i`m not harmfull . I`m glad you understand that .......now .

" it's only an abreviation of my soul's name. "

Your being cryptic again arent you . I aint going to fall in that trap again .......tickle someone elses balls .

What about travelling through time and telling me if i`m still alive on wednesday and not that i loose something that is valuable to me in the mean time .

I`m imagining you and Doug and me meeting and having a blow . If we all put tin foil hats and green socks on we could meet in a big crowd and still recognise each other .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
10 Déc 2008
2 724

Perhaps you learned something from me after all , hmm ? :) I didn't expect that !

Yes you're still going to be there , but it's because you'll listen to my advice and get yourself loads of vitamin ESTER-C, a good magnesium supplement (ph buffered citrate or chelates) and some grapefruit seed extract (which you're going to take one gelatin capsule of everyday, or in a glass of juice but , yuck)

Yes you're going to do that !

:shock: Don't look at me, I have no idea how I do it ! Did I do it ?

Oh yes and you're going to eat 2-3 grams of hymalayan crystal salt a day... with loads of water, and perhaps some dmso ? :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Thanks wotsit . Have you got time lag now or are you a time lord with your own Tardis ?

We shall talk about that on wednesday ? Maybe . Especialy about salt being salt and nothing more .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
ho ho ho! i'm laughing out loud in my room by reading this thread, i've got to keep it down or i'm going to awake my little sis...

i definitely need to buy a pair of greens :)

ahua are you experienced in lucid shenanigans? i can't manage to stay lucid for too much time and i'm lazy so i don't keep the journal thing (though i once did it and it really works)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
this is a bit freaky. i cant find my green Goretex socks anywhere. they live in a cupboard with my gaitors and goretex trousers normally, but they have dematerialized completely


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
"they have dematerialized completely"

Wotsit what are you up to ?

Maybe they are aperaring in corn fields somewhere in the orion belt...........

I hope you had washed them or we might get attacked by the orion syndicate .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
10 Déc 2008
2 724
Perhaps the underpant gnomes have changed profession... there was a flooding of refurbished underpants on the market lately :lol:

Who told you the corn in orion was GMO modified to drug people and turn them green... or did you not think about that at all ?! :?

Sure am experienced, the longest lucid dream I had seemed like a day, in real time it was about an hour tho, the more lucid the more compressed the dream in time.

It required some practice, but I'm not that much of a dreamer, it happens according to necessity for me. Although if I intend it very hard I can make it happen everytime.

You have to walk around asking yourself if you are dreaming even if you pureposefully know you don't.

You flip a lightswitch for example, in a dream it wont work properly, it will lag. You open the same page ina book twice it wont read the same things, some inanimate objects will take life if you blink very fast, stuff like that it's the same for everyone since its a collective space.

Your body will get used to recognizing those patterns, you'll see them in your dream by doing it naturally like when you're awake, and then to keep it alive, well you need focus, you can train music, relaxation, yoga, practices like Doug suggested to help that.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Could viagra help ?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
10 Déc 2008
2 724
I am not a doctor :P

Dream herb and Salvia are known to induce and potentiate lucid dreaming however.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2008
4 978
I am all for an erotics section...