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Elfs and little metaphysical creatures


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
chizley a dit:
I've always wondered what a baby gnome would look like... Does this book have pictures? :3



thanks for the info on the author guys

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628


17 Sept 2009
Ily, ????????.

Ive always pondered if the hats where given at birth or not.


Glandeuse pinéale
22 Sept 2009
Didn't think this subject matter would be so controversial to psychonauts. Oh well. :)

Not seen elves, gnomes or other earthy spirits during psilocybin trips. My gf gets a lot of earthy stuff but not me. Odd because I've mostly taken them outdoors at night in natural surroundings. Encountered a heck of a lot of other "things" though.

Hindu philosophy has three main states of consciousness: wakefulness, dream and deep sleep. My attitude is that spirits, whether encountered while tripping or otherwise, are part of dream consciousness - that's their level of reality.

I've identified three main realms I will often slip into and they rarely overlap in the same space & time though they can morph into one another: the demon world, the ghost world and the cosmic world. The demon world is most common, wildest and surprisingly the least uncomfortable for me. The ghost world is rarer and quieter - had some interesting discussions with wispy ghosts but also been scared by them if I'm by myself. The cosmic world is the one I like the most but is hard to get to and can really shock me.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Hmm proteus, that sounds interesting...
I would have to say my trips are almost completely the cosmic world, but run emotionally by demons. I view all of it very fast, and very negatively...

I have however encountered quiet realms - sitting in the forest, realizing something... Realizing the whole forest is alive, taking all that in really takes my breath away. But mostly I get trapped in loopholes, cosmic and paradoxical time battles.

I've never actually felt entities... I just have felt life, its expanse and complexity always living, always thriving, slowly dieing now, asking for help. I don't want to see brown, dead grass.


Glandeuse pinéale
22 Sept 2009
IJC well hey I get a lot of 'dark' trips into negative or sad stuff, especially when I do it by myself. * sigh * Still worth it though.

I'm not surprised your trips are almost completely the cosmic world. We have this mundane everyday familiar world that the conscious ego is well-adapted to. We also have a vast & mysterious 'other-world' that exists outside of the mundane but within the reach of the imagination. For older generations the other-world would've almost certainly been the realm of demons, gods, fairies, ghosts, elementals, etc. However, for many modern people the starry cosmos is a new other-world, its the new 'out there'.

Beings of almost any kind imaginable, alien civilisations, communication with higher or radically different intelligence, gateways to whole new realities, terrifying or beautiful events on a vast scale, bizarre anomalies that challenge our metaphysical understanding, etc. its all possible 'out there' in the other-world. The cosmos is a perfect empty/unknown canvas on which to project our explanatory causes, experiential metaphors and exploratory fantasies.

Putting it more simply, outer-space is a big unknown to us. When we trip we're bombarded with strange information from the unknown so it can feel like we're stepping into outer-space. It can literally be like seeing something from the cosmic world as far as our mind can make sense of it. Loopholes, cosmic & paradoxical time battles would be part of that.

I also get demons, gods, ghosts, etc. because my parent's filled my mind with religious & mythical stuff when I was a child. I believed in them, imagined stories about them and tried to discover, interact with and become them. Although I can rationalise and contain such things now they still play a big role in my inner life so when I trip they come out to play.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
to me elves are the little things you notice when inebriated, those that make you think whoa what's going on here, it could be the sourceless glint you just saw out of the corner of your eyes that when you turned to look did not only remain but move playfully, almost teasingly, to finally disappear tracelessly. that line of text that you could swear traced along the screen a second ago. and so on. these events seem to mock us in some way, by having absolutely no consistent explanation for them and making us doubt for a thought the normal waking realm we usually inhabit and go ?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
25 Mai 2008
1 640
I have always felt a closeness with the fairies or nature spirits.
When I was very little I was trying to make a fairy garden in a little magical place in the family garden with little twigs, acorn shells, stones, leaves, and my grandpa saw me and taught me from seeing me doing this how to garden!

I loved fairy books, and books about magic, even when many kids graduated onto realist Janet and John type adventure books.
I remember loving throwing salt onto our fire and watch trhe flames shoot up, because it was magical looking :)

But by about 10 going on 11, I kind of was forced out of childhood --all my home friends were 3 years older than me too, and I began reading Pan Horror books :shock:

And my sense of the magic of nature waned and was replaced by this morbid fascination with big cities

To cut a long story short, when I came to have LSD at 15 all of that crap was blown away and the magic of nature was re-member-ed!!

Now.......I didn't discover about magic mushrooms till many years later, and one of my magic mushroom trips I experiences--with eyes shut, fairies--I sometimes call them the duendes, because in Mazatec culture--where Wasson 'discovered' the ancient sacred mushroom religion-- and Romany Flamenco culture, the duende means fairies

In my trip, I had been painting on a little canvas with a friend, and he had surprised me with an music album he had brought--it was Oxygene, by Jean Michel Jarre which he put on------------As I was listening and painting, I felt the urge to shut my eyes because of the power of the music, and in my visions I am flying through this vast back~~DEEP black~~space, through huge coils which I associate with a gigantic serpent. The coils were this rich reptillian-like skin the deep rich colours living and everchanging, and playing hide and seek behind the serpent coils as I flew past were the duende.

they were small and wearing very bright colourful clothes--old fashioned clothes, and I sensed they were full of a sense of humour and in a way guiding my experience

Now I want to say that we had picked and eaten fresh Liberty Caps, and some say that eating fresh is more powerful than dried...?

AND previous in the day I had screamed at my friend, Paul, (a while before we had the trip) when I thought he was being disrespecful about magic mushrooms and the experience--i screamed something like 'if you disrespect the spirits they can kill you'....something like that

Ie., in my own way I was showing the sacred mushrooms respect?

And I feel this is THE KEY. To really understand the sacred nature of magic mushrooms and experience, and then the spirits will show thejmselves to you and the experience will be healing

by this I am not meaning one has to worship 'them', but to respect the Mystery--whatever it is.

Science sure dont know. We dont know. But to respect it with love...


31 Oct 2009
I saw a gnome once on psilly's Psyolopher so you're not alone and this was pre the "machine elves" era of the internet & Mckenna etc. It was the last thing I expected to see believe me. :wink:

I was in a fairly well lit room and a patch of red & green colour appeared on the ceiling. As I stared at it the face of a gnome materialised out of it and he was grinning at me. A totally classic looking gnome dressed in red & green, probably a little older, wiser and uglier than most representations but very much the jovial character. Soft focus 2D, almost like a drawing and the vision wasn't there long, I glanced away and looked back and it was gone.

It's hard to explain how real it was, the clarity. I wouldn't believe it myself if it hadn't happened to me. Never had anything remotely similar since, it's the only real OEV I ever had.

95% of the time I can explain away my tripping as my own psychology getting reflected back at me but I'd put this in the 5% that's truly bizarre.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Eldritch a dit:
95% of the time I can explain away my tripping as my own psychology getting reflected back at me but I'd put this in the 5% that's truly bizarre.

Same, I have a few 5% that are just out-there.

I've told it before, but I've had one true OEV. I was sitting in bed, very tired and coming off very strong weed.

I looked at my covers, and I was gone - on the moon. Looking at the Lunar lander, earth in the distance. The picture slowly grew and grew until none of my room was left. I shook my head, it was gone.
I stared, and it came back, totally immersed.
a few minutes and it was gone for good.