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Dreaming about tripping.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
(Inspired by the lucid dreaming topic).

Just curious how many people actually dream about taking a tab or munching, and how it goes. I only started doing the "heavier" psychedelics about a year ago, and since they are hard to find I am fortunate that I come across an opportunity every few months on average it seems thanks to friends.

I found about a month or so after the second time i dropped (and had a quite profound, visual trip) I was really mentally craving tripping again, more the state of being really than the actual substance, and started dreaming about it quite a lot. It has been months since I have had an opportunity to drop last and there are still times I'll dream about it a few nights in a row even.

A couple times I've dreamed about an actual "trip" with visual distortions, more often than not though it consists of me being in some ridiculously impossible situation (like with my family and boss or something) and taking a couple hits then racing to find myself a safe spot to come up in. :P

I just find it interesting because there are maybe only two or three other "recurring" types of dreams Ive ever had in my entire life, one was a nightmare when i was a child that I kept having over and over, and one was after a great trip to NYC I kept dreaming about the city over and over for like a year later. :P


Alpiniste Kundalini
21 Août 2006
Being high and tripping in dreams is so much better than that when your awake. For me at least. For instance I tripped on shrooms in a dream had no bid trips as i am proned to get and I could control and manipulate my visuals.


my dreams are always one big trip even when im not tripping in my dreams


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
I once dreamed I had taken LSD, and I've never had the chance to take some in real life :P

The effect was pretty interesting :D


Elfe Mécanique
9 Mai 2007
focuzz a dit:
my dreams are always one big trip even when im not tripping in my dreams
hehe, exactly..
on the past i had seen a dream where i had a small plastic bag filled with hundreds of colorfull and with different shapes pills :roll: :? i was depressed when i woke up cause i didnt poped any..


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Mai 2006
1 258
For some reason I never dream using psychedelics. From time to time, however, I dream taking drugs I would never consider taking in real life. Like heroin, methamphetamine.

It's weird.


I never put a post on this forum about the time I nearly died a few months ago, I had a very heavy trip in my dream and I got better again.
Man I don't want to tell too much because I need to make a good story out of this....


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
I read that Terence et al had DMT trips while dreaming and it was the same thing as when awake.

I once dreaming opened my fridge and I had liquid THC stored! I was planning to eat it with some rice but I never got to do it :lol:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
I once dreamt of taking huge amounts of mushrooms. I died in the same dream, and I was really happy the day after :)
if I had known what dying in a dream means, maybe things would have been different now :/ bullcrap..(but now that's another story.)

dex: dreaming about heroine and such drugs is kinda strange. but it's cool, because I once really took it, and it felt great :D
not that I'd take it in real life, but this was kinda enjoyable + you don't get addicted that way :P


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
3 Nov 2007
4 166
The last dream I had was dealing with going to an ayahuasca ceremony. I my dream I did not drink aya, I was just on my way to the ceremony.

Sometimes I dream about eating mushrooms. In my dreams it never works. With sex and tripping the feeling is missing. With sex orgasm just don’t feel like real orgasms.
Maybe one day it will work.

The dreams where I don’t take drugs are a lot weirder. Once I had a dream about a Chinese woman blowing air inside my head. See was blowing on my fontanel. I got real high. Then se put my in front of a TV . On the screen there was a meditation video. Monkeys where playing instruments. The next day I felt very happy. It was like see had blown the bad thoughts out of my head.
In another dream I had a book. In this book was the secret of life. I went mad with ecstasy. I started screaming and laughing. Then I woke up and remembered nothing.


7 Déc 2007
I dreamed shrooming once, and after that i was biking. My vision was destorded, but not in a usual way. And after the biketrip, i climed a bridge :?
It was quite funny..


Glandeuse pinéale
15 Déc 2005
I sometimes dream that I drink beer or smoke weed. The strange thing is that if I smoke weed in my dreams and I wake up afterwards I feel really high. Like I really smoked weed. Strange huh?

I've had very strange dreams that seem like psychotic episodes or very heavy tripping. Dreams where I go sleep and dream inside the dream and one time I got really lost in the dream world.
Its very strange but dreaming has brought me to the strangest places i've ever been. Just like mushroom trips only a bit different.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
I had dreams about tripping or taking other drugs once in a while. One time I was dreaming of doing shrooms and they worked in my dream, then I woke up and felt like I was coming down for at least five minutes. It was weird because it actually felt like the remains of a trip while I was clearly awake again.

Once I had a psychedelic dream that was more spiritual than most of my actual trips. I was communicating with a cat, it spoke to me and I could speak to it, telepathically. Then suddenly my mind started to meld with the cats mind and I was catapulted into another universe. I woke up trembling, my pulse at 180.

Other than psychedelic drugs I have often dreamt of taking mdma, amphetamine or cocaine, I guess because I love the feeling of these drugs but I stopped using them because they're too dangerously addictive for me.
Usually in these dreams I feel an effect from the drugs, but not as much as in reality.

I once dreamt about using heroine. It was this scenario I have often been thinking about: If I found a big bag of good heroine, would I try it? I guess my dream told me the answer: yes, I would!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
3 Nov 2007
4 166
Dreaming about tripping. It is strange. When I eat a mushroom or drink aya in a dream it never worked. In an other dream I thought I was tripping, but realized I did not dose. So when I realized this I knew I must be dreaming.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
The oddest one I had, I dreamed I was with friends on some spacecraft of all things going to Mars, and took a hit of acid. I don't remember much other than coming up in like 15 minutes and seeing the walls in the spacecraft breathing at me. One other time, I was walking around a city and looked at the ground and saw strange patterns (not really fractals, more blocks of texture popping out of the ground) and realized I was on acid.

Usually though when I have the dreams where I dose or eat mushrooms it doesn't work, or I just wake up.

Once I dreamed I took mushrooms and when I woke up I fully expected to be tripping and took a while for me to figure out that I hadn't taken them. Odd, because I've only had one real mushroom trip.. (this problem will be rectified soon, yay!) I guess that one trip made more of an impact on me than I thought it did, it was about a year ago, now.