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Je m'inscris!

does this hold any water


Glandeuse pinéale
12 Juin 2008
I was thinking about some legitimate claims as to why a person has a right to smoke marijuana (i personally think my existance alon is reason enough but a legal reason)and the story of the garden of edan came to mind. as the bible goes i foggily remeber, god gave adam and eve the right to every plant in the garden of edan but one, meaning you have a god given right to smoke as long as politician cant disprove cannabis's existance in the garden of edan


Sale drogué·e
6 Avr 2006
That is if you want to make laws in accordance to the bible, but I'd rather not to be honest :P


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
As I consider all religions to be fantasies, that is all but a solid argument to me.

To me a good argument would be that weed:

1) Has been proven to be one of the safest drugs (more than all the legal ones, or lets say on the same level than caffeine)
2) Has a lot of medical properties which helps a lot of people to function better in all aspects of life, and can heal some diseases / medical problems.
3) Has recently been proven to have a protective effect on the brain of adults, and to prevent various cancers
4) Our constitution says that we are free to make important personal decisions for our lives. Considering that by using weed I'm not interfering with anyone else's liberty, laws that prohibit cannabis are anticonstitutionnal and therefore not legitimate.
5) Could boost our economy drastically


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Fev 2009
6 918
That is if you want to make laws in accordance to the bible, but I'd rather not to be honest .

I sure won't give up my secular "freedom" only in order to smoke pot...


pooz321 a dit:
I was thinking about some legitimate claims as to why a person has a right to smoke marijuana (i personally think my existance alon is reason enough but a legal reason)and the story of the garden of edan came to mind. as the bible goes i foggily remeber, god gave adam and eve the right to every plant in the garden of edan but one, meaning you have a god given right to smoke as long as politician cant disprove cannabis's existance in the garden of edan

with pure scientific (botanic evolution) raisonement, i can't believe there was chenevis indica "in eden garden" (if it had existing a laps of time^^)
chenevis indica is a dioïc sexual reproduction plant , "herbacée" .
it was born more latter than other "no chlorophyllians/and/chlorophylians plants" ...
humff , that's my books whose says that ...

(sorry for this beautifull skill in english)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774
pooz, so in your mind, if the Bible OKs it, then that equates to a 'legitimate claim'?

Do you really understand what you are saying?

LAW does not stem from religion. Law derives from REASON, which is the kryptonite of religion.

This is what we are fighting all these neo-conservative idiots about, they think God told them all those wrong-headed things that they try to force on everyone.

PLease don't try to use religion as a basis for intelligent discourse.

Your line of reasoning has killed more people than every war ever recorded in the history of man.




Sale drogué·e
14 Sept 2007
Pooz gratz you win the most horrible idea award and I couldn't agree more with Spice :P
Get your head straight man.. that would not mean progress in any way. If there is one thing imporant at this time in history it's getting rid of all this religious crap

Perhaps the best way to go about would be to tackle all the outdated ideas as to why it's status is currently illegal, show all kinds of examples of negative things that are occurring due to the current status and next mention all the positive things legalisation would bring about with some nice examples.
Also, well argumented and with lots of proof, brought down to plain simple logic and perhaps even some arguments on why (the) elite and/or several corporations with power wouldn't want it to be legalised.


27 Juil 2008
But I like apples, does this mean I can't eat no apples anymore? :rolleyes:


Sale drogué·e
14 Sept 2007
As Mellotrip said.. make eating apples your religious use! I'm with you :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
maybe pooz is just trying to come up with a religious argument to counter the religious? hmm.

agreed, i'd personally likewise just bypass the whole thing and keep religion out of lawmaking :P but considering the religious do have positions of power where they will throw their moral agendas around, these arguments don't bother me so much. show the glaring holes in their arguments on both sides in and out ;)


21 Juil 2007
5 922
yeah why get into politics?? we need to show them that it is indeed our religion to smoke this herb... maybe they will understand our ritualistic approach towards ourselves we practice with the help of the "sacred" THC of this "sacred plant" """designed""" (it is there so why not use it if it can be of good use kind of argument) to alter our "sacred brains"! and also maybe tell them that our attitude towards the plant and its spirit is one of utmost respect and that it's sacred mind-altering substance should not be abused but if needed could indeed be used to alter/expand consciousness (imagination etc.) or other beneficial physical effects like relaxation, pain relief (well-being, health) .

apart of that we could make governments aware of why this amazing plant got "demonized" and marginalized by certain companies and interest groups and how that could/should also bring more economic fairness and less destruction of nature (cutting down trees etc etc, more rebuilding mentality with trees,landscapes), exploitation of natural ressources (trees, etc.)

or maybe it would be enough if the politicians couldn't disprove cannabis as a plant of the garden of eden so you'd only have to find that passage show it to them and then wait for them to disprove it or give up their argument.

peace :weedman:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
4 Juil 2008
1 374
my own discussion starts before a drug having to earn popular respect in terms of utility for it to be eligible for the legal (and moral for those that might equate them together) status. I mean...you are entitled to your own suicide. That a drug might have positive health benefits is a nice thing to have but IMO not a requirement--aside from the issue of proper education on the subject of consequences.

the acid acknowledged remorse of a thing better not done again because it will kill you can be healthy a advisor.

but I am talking from a country that will try to put you in jail if you try to commit suicide and on its law it is written that the state's religion is catholic...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
You're mixing the bible with legality.


^ you can first pretend to be mixing them up in order to flip by surprisingly the fact that a book is a book and flip the head of someone who's actually be mixing them up. You'll know if they suddenly say that they can't continue the conversation because its too painful, or if aggressiveness enters.

they sometimes just quickly ignore the new news, and they get more stubborn to the surprise of everyone on board, but if you're clever enough so as to approach in a cloak of deception, you just may produce a sufficiently strong headache.

...he was asking if it could hold any water.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
4 Juil 2008
1 374
^ lol that was me

cool new feature

I wasn't logged and could post. I think there's restriction on which section of the forum this is allowed tho.

can someone confirm?


Glandeuse pinéale
12 Juin 2008
as nomada said i was asking your guys's opinion if this would hold any water to some conservative god fearing politicions. im not saying it is my believe and the unneccisarilly harsh critisism i received offended me (but oh th fuck well you knoww?)
all i was asking , is , do you guys thing that the conservative god fearing politicions would go for this shit, or perhaps consider it as a valid point due to their own religious beleives....im fuckin 15 .....im trying to expand my mind give a brother a break... damn...


21 Juil 2007
5 922
better establish a stable mind first and then expand your mind bro. in your age the brain is in development and i heard that smoking weed when in that brain-developing-phase doesn't need always to be beneficial, altho i don't know if it's true, but it makes at least some sense.

also let's make it a peace on war on drugs and don't fight this damn war. it IS a war ON drugs!! that's why it's too an information war!!