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DMT's trip


22 Mar 2013
Hi at all! Anyone who has got DMT, can tell me something about the trip? Is it so difficult to interpret? Has it changed your life in any way? Thanks to anyone who replies!


Glandeuse pinéale
24 Oct 2012
Hi buddy ! Speaking of my own experience, I took maybe 15 times DMT, and you have to know that none of the trip looked like a one before. For me, it is really an experience that must be repeated many times (maybe twice a month), to manage all the things that happens during the trip. It has changed my life, but already changed before with mushrooms, so I knew these states of mind. But DMT si so powerful and intriguing. I couldn't tell you everything I understood or saw, because I'm french and english is not my native language. If you want to inform, you can check Terence McKenna videos on youtube, and also "Adam Vs the DMT" also on youtube. And you can read "DMT : The spirit molecule" by Dr Rick Strassmann.
Long story short, DMT brings a lot of answers on who you are, what is Reality, etc... I think this is the greatest experience that can be lived. And if you are enough curious to seek deep answers, you can rely this experience with the new quantum theories. It is really a new world rising up ! The technology goes so fast, it is exponential, and soon, everything will be reliated.
Anyway... I hope I am clear. But take DMT will make you ask questions maybe for the rest of your life. Do you feel it ? That's the main question... Do you really want to know what ALL THIS is about ? ^^
I hope you'll find a great experience there !


22 Mar 2013
Hi RedKaktus! Thank you so much! I'm very happy to have found a person who can give me information about DMT! First at all, I apologize of my "poor" english that will be come out of this conversation. I'm italian and it's for this reason that I have not been able to read the Rick Stassman' book. Sadly it's very difficult find something in italian about DMT.
Said these things, now we can talk about DMT. I appreciate very much the thoughts that you have shared with me! I have more questions for you:
1) Can you explain, as would be possible, what do you mean speaking about the changing of your life?
2) After have got DMT, do you find problems to lead your usual life?
3) Do you advise to take mushrooms to a person who has never taken psychedelics?
4) Have you encountered problems (not counting the change it gave your life) in the use of DMT? (Mental or physical)

I apologize for what may be trivial or obvious my questions, but I rely on your knowledge to expand mine! If you have time, please reply me! I don't know how thank you for the help that you are giving me!



Glandeuse pinéale
24 Oct 2012
Hi InTrippo ! Come sta ? :)
No problemo mio amico ! I'm glad you appreciate my post ! I'm myself from Italian origin ! and I find your english very correct.
Are you sure the Rick Strassmann's book can't be find on Amazon in italian ? I found it in french ! And I know this is a very known book in many countries. So, take a try !

I have the same problem too. To get informations about DMT on french. I had to resign. I found only few subtitled videos on Youtube. But anyways, this is a good way to improve your english ! I improved a lot in viewing as many english videos as I could, and now, I'll understand 95% of what it is said in these videos. But I know this is pretty hard to motivate ! ;)

To answer you (and I will do my best for it) :

1) Mushrooms (as point of start) changed my life, because they changed my point of view on life. I don't know if you like philosophy, but I do. And knowing some authors and their main thoughts help me to "build" a reasonnable, beneficient point of view on the world. Because, before that, I lived with my mind in a closet. What I mean is that I had a very limited point of view on things, on people, on myself, etc... I acted in my every day life like a robot. Wake up, dress up, eat, go to work, try to do friends, try to be efficient in my work, etc... Without really knowing why I did all that. Without ever take a minute to think and say : "Man, what are you doing ? Is this a good life for you ? What is happiness ? And how do I reach it ?"
In a nutshell, I lived for myself, by myself, only worrying about me, feeling disconnected from the others and from the nature... You know that our sense of "what is real" is only given by the informations that we see, we hear, we feel. We decode all that and we make a mix as coherent as possible. So, our senses are cheating us, because they're uncomplete. For example, we can't see Ultra-Violet colors that bees can.
So, basically, mushrooms reconnected me deeply with who I really am. I often say that was for me my "second birth", and I'm used to say that "I'm going back home", because this feeling of seeing myself as I'm really is the most intense feeling I've ever had. You could say, that is an "enlightment", as in the buddhist philosophy. I don't know if you ever taken trypatmines drugs, but the MAIN EFFECT for me, is that you see yourself in a mirror. For some people, it could be very disturbing, and some may fight against these ideas. Because we're not all angels. We did things in our lives we're not proud about it. And, in some way, ACCEPT that we made mistakes, or we were idiots can be very difficult. If you're not afraid to see yourself how you really are, go ahead. The secret, if you see what I mean, is NOT TO feel guilty, because you don't want to hurt yourself more with bad thoughts, such as "I'm not a good person... I deserve to die because I did suffer so much people... I won't be able to improve myself...". THESE automatic sentences are your worst ennemies. Stay away from them. But you can think : "Ok ! I did mistakes in my past. I forgive myself because only I can. I was young, I didn't had good models. I'm sorry for all this. But I want to learn a lesson here, and so I won't do again the same mistakes ! So I'll improve and I'll be a better man".
So, it changed my life because I totally changed my priorities on life (money, fame, woman and childs, nice car, beautiful house...). Now, I seek for Truth. I became a philosopher myself ! And that feels sooooo good to know what I'm for ! :)

2) When I smoke DMT, I know now that it will take maximum 30min. The visions last 10 minutes max, but I need after that to rest quiet, think about what I saw... Because none of the experience is the same before, I learn, or it teaches me every time new things. I understand things about my life, my bounds with my friends, my will for the future, the meanings of the sounds I hear, and many many others things...
During the trip, you always stay perfectly clear in your mind. You know where you are, what's the music you're listening, etc...
After that, I feel most of the time, a need to eat ! :) My mind is not confused and I can return to what I did before that (work, play, etc...). I thought some times ago, that I could smoke DMT once a day, because it don't affect you on short term, or middle term. Like smoking a good cigar or a good wine. But this is not a good advice, and I won't ever do it, because it shows you very intriguing things, and I want to do a break of 1 or 2 weeks between the takes.

3) Very hard question... For myself, it has been the most important thing that has happen in my life. It has been very difficult for the years after (I made a severe depression, thought I was schizophrenic...), but I'll do it again if I had to. Because it reconnects me with deep reality. With the deep meaning of life. "Seeking the light can burn your eyes" :)
It hurts me first, because I realized that Reality is waaaaaay more complex that what we think, and that what our friends, teachers and parents told us. I was desillusionnated, but that was necessary.
If you want to answer yourself this question, ask you, and think about that : "Am I ready to abandon old certainties (certezze)? Am I ready to gain a new point of view on life without that it make me feel I LOST something, but I GAIN something ?"
To give you a basic example, if you had to learn that : 2+2 is not equal 4 but 5. Would you accept it ? Or would you struggle against this idea ?
Because we often identify ourselves with the ideas we defend, this sort of "new software" that you'll play now will make you feel you loose your identity. But it's not the case. In fact, this is the absolute opposite. You could find your true identity.
There's no shame to be who you are. Absolutely no shame, no matter what you did.
Having tryptamines would make you ask a lot of questions. I ask myself for almost 10 years now, and I know it will take my entire life, because this is not the goal what matters, it is the PATH. So, if you feel curious about who you are, what is the sense of life, what is the universe, etc... It will help you to indicate the path where to go.
But, I would certainly recommend for a beginner to start with DMT, because mushrooms last much longer (about 6hours), and it makes you feel sick, your ideas goes so fast, you ahe the feeling that 1minute last 1 hour... It's very exhausting for a first time. But the DMT last only 15minutes max, and you don't feel sick. It is way more gentle for a first time. If you have a bad trip (which is for me only to reject what we are, or refuse to see ourself in a mirror !), you'll know it's not gonna be long.

4) None problem ! :) I just now have a TOTALLY DIFFERENT POINT OF VIEW of my friends and most of people. This is not sarcastic. In fact, I like to know that I have a life's philosophy that most don't have. I try to understand myself, the others, and the world. I am so curious about everything, I know that EVERYTHING that happens in my life is neither bad, nor good, it's just life, and it has a meaning and something to learn me.
What I mean by totally different point of view :
-I'm aware that we're probably living in a multi-dimmensionnal universe.
-It is very possible that aliens exists and they're almost like gods.
-Re-incarnation is probably real, as the law of karma. (did you see the last Wachowsky's movie ? Cloud Atlas ? Just amazing ! You'll know what I mean)
-Life here is only a long game, but others lives are waiting us after that.
-I'm aware of global state of the world, as the Illuminatis, the Rockefeller/Rotschild's tyranny.
-I don't seek useless things like money and fame, but I seek truth and happiness (or at least peace :) )

You'll note that I put probably in my sentences. Because, I'm very carefull and I don't want to be a sheep who follows a leader. Just want to be a free-mind, open-minded.

Everything's possible !

So, I hope I answered your questions well ! We could exchange a lot more, because there's so much things to say, so much to know... Because knowledge is power, become powerful ! :)

Ciao mio fratello ! :)


22 Mar 2013
RedKaktus a dit:
Hi InTrippo ! Come sta ? :)
No problemo mio amico ! I'm glad you appreciate my post ! I'm myself from Italian origin ! and I find your english very correct.
Are you sure the Rick Strassmann's book can't be find on Amazon in italian ? I found it in french ! And I know this is a very known book in many countries. So, take a try !

I have the same problem too. To get informations about DMT on french. I had to resign. I found only few subtitled videos on Youtube. But anyways, this is a good way to improve your english ! I improved a lot in viewing as many english videos as I could, and now, I'll understand 95% of what it is said in these videos. But I know this is pretty hard to motivate ! ;)

To answer you (and I will do my best for it) :

1) Mushrooms (as point of start) changed my life, because they changed my point of view on life. I don't know if you like philosophy, but I do. And knowing some authors and their main thoughts help me to "build" a reasonnable, beneficient point of view on the world. Because, before that, I lived with my mind in a closet. What I mean is that I had a very limited point of view on things, on people, on myself, etc... I acted in my every day life like a robot. Wake up, dress up, eat, go to work, try to do friends, try to be efficient in my work, etc... Without really knowing why I did all that. Without ever take a minute to think and say : "Man, what are you doing ? Is this a good life for you ? What is happiness ? And how do I reach it ?"
In a nutshell, I lived for myself, by myself, only worrying about me, feeling disconnected from the others and from the nature... You know that our sense of "what is real" is only given by the informations that we see, we hear, we feel. We decode all that and we make a mix as coherent as possible. So, our senses are cheating us, because they're uncomplete. For example, we can't see Ultra-Violet colors that bees can.
So, basically, mushrooms reconnected me deeply with who I really am. I often say that was for me my "second birth", and I'm used to say that "I'm going back home", because this feeling of seeing myself as I'm really is the most intense feeling I've ever had. You could say, that is an "enlightment", as in the buddhist philosophy. I don't know if you ever taken trypatmines drugs, but the MAIN EFFECT for me, is that you see yourself in a mirror. For some people, it could be very disturbing, and some may fight against these ideas. Because we're not all angels. We did things in our lives we're not proud about it. And, in some way, ACCEPT that we made mistakes, or we were idiots can be very difficult. If you're not afraid to see yourself how you really are, go ahead. The secret, if you see what I mean, is NOT TO feel guilty, because you don't want to hurt yourself more with bad thoughts, such as "I'm not a good person... I deserve to die because I did suffer so much people... I won't be able to improve myself...". THESE automatic sentences are your worst ennemies. Stay away from them. But you can think : "Ok ! I did mistakes in my past. I forgive myself because only I can. I was young, I didn't had good models. I'm sorry for all this. But I want to learn a lesson here, and so I won't do again the same mistakes ! So I'll improve and I'll be a better man".
So, it changed my life because I totally changed my priorities on life (money, fame, woman and childs, nice car, beautiful house...). Now, I seek for Truth. I became a philosopher myself ! And that feels sooooo good to know what I'm for ! :)

2) When I smoke DMT, I know now that it will take maximum 30min. The visions last 10 minutes max, but I need after that to rest quiet, think about what I saw... Because none of the experience is the same before, I learn, or it teaches me every time new things. I understand things about my life, my bounds with my friends, my will for the future, the meanings of the sounds I hear, and many many others things...
During the trip, you always stay perfectly clear in your mind. You know where you are, what's the music you're listening, etc...
After that, I feel most of the time, a need to eat ! :) My mind is not confused and I can return to what I did before that (work, play, etc...). I thought some times ago, that I could smoke DMT once a day, because it don't affect you on short term, or middle term. Like smoking a good cigar or a good wine. But this is not a good advice, and I won't ever do it, because it shows you very intriguing things, and I want to do a break of 1 or 2 weeks between the takes.

3) Very hard question... For myself, it has been the most important thing that has happen in my life. It has been very difficult for the years after (I made a severe depression, thought I was schizophrenic...), but I'll do it again if I had to. Because it reconnects me with deep reality. With the deep meaning of life. "Seeking the light can burn your eyes" :)
It hurts me first, because I realized that Reality is waaaaaay more complex that what we think, and that what our friends, teachers and parents told us. I was desillusionnated, but that was necessary.
If you want to answer yourself this question, ask you, and think about that : "Am I ready to abandon old certainties (certezze)? Am I ready to gain a new point of view on life without that it make me feel I LOST something, but I GAIN something ?"
To give you a basic example, if you had to learn that : 2+2 is not equal 4 but 5. Would you accept it ? Or would you struggle against this idea ?
Because we often identify ourselves with the ideas we defend, this sort of "new software" that you'll play now will make you feel you loose your identity. But it's not the case. In fact, this is the absolute opposite. You could find your true identity.
There's no shame to be who you are. Absolutely no shame, no matter what you did.
Having tryptamines would make you ask a lot of questions. I ask myself for almost 10 years now, and I know it will take my entire life, because this is not the goal what matters, it is the PATH. So, if you feel curious about who you are, what is the sense of life, what is the universe, etc... It will help you to indicate the path where to go.
But, I would certainly recommend for a beginner to start with DMT, because mushrooms last much longer (about 6hours), and it makes you feel sick, your ideas goes so fast, you ahe the feeling that 1minute last 1 hour... It's very exhausting for a first time. But the DMT last only 15minutes max, and you don't feel sick. It is way more gentle for a first time. If you have a bad trip (which is for me only to reject what we are, or refuse to see ourself in a mirror !), you'll know it's not gonna be long.

4) None problem ! :) I just now have a TOTALLY DIFFERENT POINT OF VIEW of my friends and most of people. This is not sarcastic. In fact, I like to know that I have a life's philosophy that most don't have. I try to understand myself, the others, and the world. I am so curious about everything, I know that EVERYTHING that happens in my life is neither bad, nor good, it's just life, and it has a meaning and something to learn me.
What I mean by totally different point of view :
-I'm aware that we're probably living in a multi-dimmensionnal universe.
-It is very possible that aliens exists and they're almost like gods.
-Re-incarnation is probably real, as the law of karma. (did you see the last Wachowsky's movie ? Cloud Atlas ? Just amazing ! You'll know what I mean)
-Life here is only a long game, but others lives are waiting us after that.
-I'm aware of global state of the world, as the Illuminatis, the Rockefeller/Rotschild's tyranny.
-I don't seek useless things like money and fame, but I seek truth and happiness (or at least peace :) )

You'll note that I put probably in my sentences. Because, I'm very carefull and I don't want to be a sheep who follows a leader. Just want to be a free-mind, open-minded.

Everything's possible !

So, I hope I answered your questions well ! We could exchange a lot more, because there's so much things to say, so much to know... Because knowledge is power, become powerful ! :)

Ciao mio fratello ! :)

Ciao RedKaktus! Really you have Italian origin?? Wonderful, you are French (I love French language even though I do not know it very well and my current girlfriend is French), you have Italian origin and you know English so well! I know that writing a so long answer to my questions should have required much time to you, I'm very thankful to you!

Speaking about the Rick Strassman's book, it has never been translated in Italian, I tried to ask for it in a library where I usually go to search "uncommon books" but it is said to me that it's impossible find this book in Italian. I search it also on the web, but without success. When my knowledge of English will be more specific, I'll try to read it in English, I hope that it can happen soon! And about the movie that you suggest me, I have heard something about it, I hope that I will be able to watch it soon!

And now I am going to talk about your answers. I have found very interesting the answers which you gave me, they are very deep in my opinion. They are exactly the answers that I wanted to get. Not exactly for the type of answers, but for the substance. Now I try to be more precise: I wanted to know information about the questions that a person asks himself after the trip and if these questions could be difficult to support. I like philosophy and I believe that this subject could really change what happens in everybody’s mind: it is able to give you the ability to put everything into question without accepting passively what you are taught. It is a beautiful thing in my opinion, but it is able to create huge doubts in the mind. I am not sure about taking DMT o mushrooms because I have earnest found matters opening my mind to others points of view simply reading, studying and think about what I have red or what I have studied. It's difficult think in alternatives ways, but I love doing it, everybody should think with his own mind and know everything there is to know. I’ll be eighteen in a week and I believe that before taking substances like DMT or mushrooms I need to know what I do. So I am taking much information about these two things: I have chosen mainly DMT and mushrooms first intrigued me because natural substances, not like LSD. It is a difficult choice, because instinctively I would try them, but before I need to think a lot. It is very important the help that you are giving me, I want and I need to know what is waiting for me taking these substances and you have answered my question so really right, if the word “right” is able to mean what I am saying.

Thanks a lot, I am very very very grateful to you! Ciao fratello! :)


Glandeuse pinéale
24 Oct 2012
You're welcome ! :)

I'm glad you appreciate my answers. However, I must say that my friends, with whom I took mushrooms sometimes, have not become so much spiritual than I am. So, I guess what matters is : what do you finally learn ? And how do you rely this experience with global sense of reality. Because I can't stop to think that this "experience" is real in some way, and if so, I find it ivery important to think about and dig deeper to find answers.
I find very funny, that you're like "naturally attracted" toward having experience with psychedelics. :) It's like it seems that you want it, but don't really know why ? Maybe your instinct, or a past life which tends you to act like this now. (This would be my instinct but can't say it's truth :) )
I tell you that, because I had the same story with them.
Anyway, you're still quite young. I did mushrooms at age of 20. So, don't be hurry. You'll know when you'll be ready. Try not to... (how do I say that in english ?...) see this experience like something too big, that will change you so deeply you'll not be the same anymore (see my friends !). Take it light ! If you feel to do it, do it ! But don't stress. Don't see this like a competition or something. Be simply open-minded, confident, happy and relax.
Very important thing also : Do you know about "Set & setting" when you take this drugs ? Take this drugs with very close friends that you know they will not judge you, in a quiet place in which you know you'll not gonna be disturbed. No important things to do (work, drive, family's dinner) few hours after. And of course, you have to feel good in your head when you take it (no love split, no family crisis, etc...).

Don't hesitate if you have others questions. I'm happy I can help an italian brother ! :)
Have a good trip ! May the force be with you ! ;)


22 Mar 2013
RedKaktus a dit:
You're welcome ! :)

I'm glad you appreciate my answers. However, I must say that my friends, with whom I took mushrooms sometimes, have not become so much spiritual than I am. So, I guess what matters is : what do you finally learn ? And how do you rely this experience with global sense of reality. Because I can't stop to think that this "experience" is real in some way, and if so, I find it ivery important to think about and dig deeper to find answers.
I find very funny, that you're like "naturally attracted" toward having experience with psychedelics. :) It's like it seems that you want it, but don't really know why ? Maybe your instinct, or a past life which tends you to act like this now. (This would be my instinct but can't say it's truth :) )
I tell you that, because I had the same story with them.
Anyway, you're still quite young. I did mushrooms at age of 20. So, don't be hurry. You'll know when you'll be ready. Try not to... (how do I say that in english ?...) see this experience like something too big, that will change you so deeply you'll not be the same anymore (see my friends !). Take it light ! If you feel to do it, do it ! But don't stress. Don't see this like a competition or something. Be simply open-minded, confident, happy and relax.
Very important thing also : Do you know about "Set & setting" when you take this drugs ? Take this drugs with very close friends that you know they will not judge you, in a quiet place in which you know you'll not gonna be disturbed. No important things to do (work, drive, family's dinner) few hours after. And of course, you have to feel good in your head when you take it (no love split, no family crisis, etc...).

Don't hesitate if you have others questions. I'm happy I can help an italian brother ! :)
Have a good trip ! May the force be with you ! ;)

Hi! :) I believe to have understood what I have said me, I will remember all of it when I will decide to take something! You have been very helpful to me and I thank you again! If I will need more information, I will ask you about my doubts.

Ciao RedKaktus, you have helped me as a true brother! :)


8 Mai 2013
I find these posts to have been incredibly insightful and helpful. Thank you very much!