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DMT Extraction?


Glandeuse pinéale
15 Déc 2005
I've reed alot about it but it looks all so difficult, what is the most simple way to
extract DMT from plants? 8) And has anyone experience with DMT extraction?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
I recently discovered that all the people on the e-dot forums are talking about an easy DMT extraction from Mimosa Hostilis root bark. I'll have to read into it further, but it seems you can get smokable DMT cristals in like 18 hours with only kitchen equipment and no chemistry knowledge.


Glandeuse pinéale
15 Déc 2005
Sounds interesting, the extraction methods from Erowid are to hard for people like me without any chemistry knowledge hehe. I've heard about a petroleum ether based extraction wich looks very simple to me and its pretty fast to, like 3 days dude. But I dont believe it works well, its just too simple :P


11 Jan 2006
It's so easy a highschool kid could do it.check out the teks in the chemistry forum at entheogen.com forums


Glandeuse pinéale
15 Déc 2005
Hey thanx man! that recept looks crystal clear to me :D
And dude 1 post above me i think its for N,N-DMT because Mimosa does not contain 5-MeO-DMT if you ask me.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
Ok a request...

I have 120 grams of hostilis ready for extraction.

Can someone who tried an easy extraction method please post a direct link to that specific tek for me?

Many thanks ;)



I'm also looking forward for extracting dmt. The problem is that in Finland dmt containing plants are illegal and I've failed to order seeds for Diplopterys Cabrerana, Mimosa Hostilis, Psychotria viridis etc. The way I see it, the only possibility is Phalaris Arundinacea, wich is quite common and easily aquired. I know, there's very little DMT in it, but I don't know what else would I do. There I would be trying propably the erowids extraction method, wich seemds relatively easy. I'll propably have some problems with getting all that stuff needed for extraction despite they are lega.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
HeartCore a dit:
Ok a request...

I have 120 grams of hostilis ready for extraction.

Can someone who tried an easy extraction method please post a direct link to that specific tek for me?

Many thanks ;)

Answering my own question:

I've started extraction with 120g MHRB last saturday and tomorrow evening I should be able to harvest. I used this technique:

http://tribes.tribe.net/ethnobotany/thr ... 6bbbc5d603

Which was pointed out by my best friend who knew Terence Mckenna and his brother personally. I've chatted last weekend with the guys who developed this method and they swear by it. The process is very simple and as we speak, I can see the crystals appear on the bottom of the jar in my freezer.

Everything you need for this is readily available in shops in Holland. Lye-> Natrium Hydroxyde -> gootsteenonstopper. White vinegar-> witte azijn. Naptha-> zippo lighter fluid.

I will post more info when the process is done and I've had the opportunity to smoke.



Matrice périnatale
25 Fev 2006
If a person were to use phalaris arundinacea, how much grass should they use for the tek that HeartCore linked on his previous reply???


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
I think a more important question, if you value your health, is if you really want to extract bufotenine together with the DMT from the phalaris. Bufotenine seems a nasty stuff to get into your body (although I've never experienced it myself).

I would love to learn a method that makes it possible to seperate the bufotenine from the other alkaloids.


PS You should be able to find info about how much dmt is in phalaris on erowid.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Juin 2004
1 974
i`ve read the whole link
but I seem to miss the part where I need to use the lighter fluid ??


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Juin 2004
1 974
how much DMT "in grams" did u get from the 120 grams of mhrb ??
cause in the link they use like almost 500gram of MHRB
that is kinda much and expensive :P


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
Not much...... I dont have a very good scale (digital scale, 0.1,0.2 up to 200 grams. It looks like I got about 150mg out of it. Not much, probably some has been lost because of my procedure (dont have a seperator funnel).

I'm planning in getting a kilo of mhrb next month and some good equipment for a more reliable extraction.

However, I still hope to experience the dmt trip tonight ;)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Déc 2005
1 264
well I hope it's not wrong of me to be expecting and hoping on a little report of your trip?
that would be great.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Juin 2004
1 974
Great :D
good luck tonight
and uh a kilooo ??
where are u gonna get that from ??
cuz I wanna know ;) hehe


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
Back to eart...

Ok smoking dmt is a technique that is not easy to master the first time. Add to that the fact that I had enough for one, good dose, you can imagine the 'stress; I was under.

So I got my glass pipe from *******, not perfect but I read it was possible to smoke dmt with a pipe like that. I loaded some ash in it and sprinkled a tiny bit of dmt on it, I then held my lighter just above the powder and inhaled the white smoke. Klabaam, like a mushroom trip coming up, very intense, visual accompanied by the buzz which is typical (at least to me) to a mushroom buzz. ( I always refer to this noise as 'they are coming! they are coming! :) ). I lay back and enjoyed.

I then had dinner and talked on msn with a guy who refered me to the extraction method I used. He gave some advice for smoking the larger dose. The idea was to put the dmt in the pipe, through the hole on the bottom. Then heat the pipe from below and vaporize. So I went back to bed, asked my girlfriend to take the pipe from me and started to heat. In a split second, all dmt disappeared and I freaked out. Went on msn and talked to the guy. He told me the dmt WILL melt and that I had to keep heating it. So back to bed and I tried the method. After two tokes, I started to feel something strong coming up, passed the pipe to my girlfriend and lay down. 30 seconds later I realzied I should have smoked more but I didnt do it at that point since it was already close to a minute and I feared tolerance would kick in.

This was a very intense trip but nowhere near the experience described by, for example, Terence Mckenna. I let the pipe cool down and noticed most of the crystals where still in the pipe but spread out along the steel, I realized at that point this pipe was way to inefficient to smoke dmt. I waited an hour, made some sirian rue tea, drank that and let it settle. I then tried to smoke the remainder of the dmt. Still no breakthrough but I had a nice psychedelic buzz for about half an hour.

So conclusion, it was a great day. I have been able to extract dmt and got it right the first time. For next extaction, I'm gonna get a better pipe or maybe build one myself. I have some ideas for a perfeft dmt pipe which I'm gonna work out in a 3d app fist.

To be continued....


Glandeuse pinéale
2 Avr 2006
...So HC?

Any news?