dear psychonaut, what can i say?

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
hmm, where to start... when i came to this forum, it was like a flower in bloom. one didn't have to go far to smell the lovely scent it put off. i didn't know much at the time, and so used it as a teacher and learned many valuable things. many lessons, not only about the outside world (of which there were/are plenty) but also sweet lessons about myself too, about life.

i have come a long way since joining this forum, really watching myself mature along the path. and it is in this observation, as with all things, that i eventually began to witness more and more aspects of (myself) and the site start to change. now i can't say where exactly the major turning point was, but somewhere along the line i noticed a different association going on with the site and myself. it isn't from anybody or anything in particular (really), because fundamentally everything is still the same-i just don't feel the same way about it, i cannot explain... this is not to say that i do not like it or feel bad about it, but there is a new energy at play (in the site, as well as myself) and i think i need some time to integrate what all of it means into my life.

so im taking a leave from the site. it may be permanent, it may not. this avatar has served me as well as it could for as long as it could and now i think for now it's time to move on. i wish ALL of you well, and hope that you may all continue to want to learn in the sincerest spirit of the word. i won't say bye, as i very well may still drop by to lurk in the shadows. :P but anywho, may peace be with you, namaste.

It was new, it was fresh, it was unexplored.

Now we have nothing else to teach you - at this point you are your own best teacher.

Best of luck to you friend
It will be a shame to see you go as you often have alot to contribute to the various discussions in here
but change is a good thing

wish you the best mate :D
Never above you, Never below you...

Always beside you! ;)

Good luck in your journeys mate 8)
Aemilius a dit:
What happened? Did you change your mind? You think you can just toy with peoples emotions? I paid a lot of money for that casket! Well, I guess you have the right to change your mind (not that there's anything wrong with the one you have).

So I just want you to know that whatever you decide now, or maybe if you’ve decided not to make a decision until later, or even if you should decide that based on the decision you decided to make earlier, that it might not end up being the same decision as the one you would have decided to make later had you not decided now to make a decision to decide what the best decision is that you could make, I, for one, have decided I will respect that decision.

Seriously though, I think you’re an asset to the site. You may not think you have much left to learn from other Psychonauts, but other Psychonauts may still have plenty to learn from you!

If I had a nickle for everytime I've said that I'm going to quit the site, then come back... I'd have like 20 cents.
Hey Allusion.
My pet ferret is just starting out here, but appreciates your contributions. She hopes your farewell isnt true, and is more of a attention ploy! :D Either way, Im sure youll do fine, there are sites that can consume lots of time, so maybe there is a new hobby you have found more interesting...
Thanks again.
Why quit when you can peruse occasionally?
yes, posting this has really helped me put some things in perspective, or perhaps some of it has just come around about the same time... i dont really think ill be leaving, sorry for messing with anybody... however, there may be times (as there have been in the past) where i may not be very actively involved. i know i didn't even really take much of a break-though i did intend to-that time has shown me another avenue, another way to contribute that i feel may bring back some of that sweet smelling freshness :D . i can't say that you will see an exaggerated changing in anything in particular, but i do hope that i can become much more agreeable to all and share as much as i can afford. thanks for all of your wishes, even though it was a short lived idea for me, your posts still meant alot.


(im still master of the shadows) :ninja: :P
haha, i thought of leaving a few times too, but didn't do so too, as you see :P it'd be too absolute, and there are hardly any absolutes in my life, so why would i put this restriction on myself? fuck that.

you are quite agreeable already if you ask me, no need to go into great efforts :D