creative flash meditation

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Creative Flash Meditations

This is meant to cultivate the ability to create wholly new things with our minds. It does this by repetition of what are called Creative Flashes. These are vivid, complex creative thoughts. Variables to play with are the speed of repititions, intensity of vividness, complexity, and exotic features.

A creative flash is something you create in your imagination that is wholly unique, and previously unknown to you. It can include many features, but should have a minimum of 3 distinct features. Features can include anything you can think of. Objects are a feature, actions are a feature, appearance, feelings, colors, beasts, sex acts, intoxication, god, angels, new creatures never seen, explosions, planets getting ripped in two under your feet, mars falling onto earth at lunchtime while your feet are swollen with artichoke dip you stuffed into the boils growing there because of the fire ants who attacked you earlier for sponging their territory, for example. It can be as pleasant or unpleasant as you like. It can be beautiful, or hideous. The objective is to create a thought you've never had before.

It is important that as one goes they are using their mind to "see" it as thoroughly as they can. What does Mars smell like? What does it sound like falling onto earth? Vividness is a key factor. Your mind should burn with the intensity of it. Feel the emotions of Awe and Fear as mars plummets on top of the earth in front of your eyes. See what I'm getting at?

Applying Creative Flashes to meditation is a whole other thing. What I'm trying at the moment is to have a short creative flash with each breath, then STOP the flash in the moment between breaths. The next flash should be unassociated, not built upon, the previous one. In other words, not a string of things, but each with a fresh beginning. This is actually very tough for me to keep up at a meditative breath pace. I can string together a bunch of random things but "opening the box" over and over again is actually much harder for me. One way I'm thinking to boost my ability here is to do a theme. I could do unique beasts over and over (I like this one). Or, I start with a scene and each time something unique happens there. It's kind of a mid-point to the big boy version.

BTW, I have not a clue what the result of this meditation would be. The most obvious assumption is that it would increase my creative ability and perhaps focus as well. Once I can last 5 minutes, or even 10, I wonder if the nature of the creative images will start to change. I think it's also possible that if I can lose myself in it for a moment, then I'll find myself in a unique state of mind
this actually sounds like a very effective method
and i also think, as you presumed, that in time this will increase your creative thought boundaries
and also will give you more room for entirely new creative ideas

i like it, i may even give it a shot for some inspiration
did this last night - couldn't keep it up.

GREAT for art though. I used to do this when I had more free time. Every day I was like "Shit, I gotta draw that one!"
yea good point
meditation is the emptying of your mind and not following thoughts
whereas this would be a mental exercise, a useful one nonetheless though
can't meditation be anything or at least about anything???
what you say is in my opinion because you have prejudices towards meditation, but you are obviously not as aware of that as i seem to be hehe.. anyway i guess it's a nice technique... as it seems to be working for you and you are getting results... it reminded me of some times when i listened to brainsync visuals/sounds kind of shit on youtube. maybe you could experiment with that too.. most importantly i just think it's always better to let the experience or whatever unfold naturally.. :wink: :)

peace 8)
BrainEater a dit:
can't meditation be anything or at least about anything???

well, when it becomes "about anything", that would mean that it is becoming about a thought(or some other form), which is not meditation. meditation is the one thing that is done for it's own sake and is formless, not to benefit from in some way, or, in other words, it is not a means to an end, it simply just is. even "done" is misleading when one talks about meditation, because one isn't doing anything
well said man, but maybe even if you're effectively doing nothing it could be that nothing becomes something?? so you'd be mentally/emotionally or so constantly trying to transform something into nothing?? however i guess i am only speculating anyway..
don't get me wrong i think i get your point about the goal to reach a inner and/or outer state of unity during meditiation, but if you don't transcend the mind while meditating you are probably following its plans even tho you might not be aware of that. exactly in the same way that you nevertheless might have a plan for your meditation even tho you might think you don't. so it's also about self honesty in a way. mind you, you can lie to yourself, but you can't lie to god.
if you would not be thinking you'd probably merge your consciousness with the surroundings, but that's probably easier said than done for most people at least, as they identify with the mind and therefore can't stop it. poor devils... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :!:

It's a sort of interesting idea but I think you should look up Hypnagogia. The reason is that I don't think your forced creative flashes will be really all that original... but the images and phrases that come to people in hypnagogia are very original and straight from the subconscious. Dali used this to power his artwork.
It can probably still be considered meditation because it is following one thought repeadedtly. Just as in some yoga meditations,and meditative quiessnce from spiratual practicees like tibetan buddhism an object of meditation is used such as a chant, an image,particular chakra, ectera. If it was a changing thought with a conscious narrative and input then it wouldnt be very mediataive, but by repeating a single thought or idea over and over again your conscoius mind looses interest and gives up control, which is one of the main goals of any meditation.
not meditation, but rather a way to meditation, possibly. remember, a mantra (or rather the repeating of one) is not meditation. :)
I do this with music alot. I'm guessing that it's an attempt to make reduce thought to pure intuition as much as possible. Te problem with this and music is that, If you have a hard time writing sheet music, retaining those 'creative music flashes' is hard. I wonder if this would help one to maintain a continuity of those flashes, kind of like a parallel state of trance...