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conscious dreaming


10 Oct 2004
oh yah and freyja is right on too about the dream journal thing. even if you are lucid dreaming you will inevitably forget your dream if you don't write it down immediately.

let me share a lucid dream that i had with you folks from the technique that i mentioned in my earlier post (sleep fasting):

i was in my dorm and there was a room accross the hall that had 4 girls in it. they had a special closet where the hid their candy. it was a single box of candy or cookies on a table in the middle of a room so i guess it wasn't really a closet more like a "candy room". it was locked with a high security lock. don't ask me how i knew the candy was in there, somehow i just knew. so everytime they would go to the bathroom (they would all go together of course) i would sneak over and try to pick the lock. finally while i was sitting reading emails (in the dream) i got an email from this girl who said that she was going to be smoking weed with some paramedics tonite and was beaming out this email to see if anyone wanted to join her. i didn't really want to but i did have to go somewhere (didn't know where). so i took this bus (dont know where too... yet). the driver was this demon-looking chinese dood who obviously didn't speak english. this guy had no sympathy for carsick (errr bussick?) people. he was going crazy with the steering and the acceleration and what not. then i look over and i see chinese characters on a marquee on the side of a building that looks like some sort of stock ticker the only two characters that i recognized were da (big) and xiao (small) and there were no numbers next to them. i made some crack about the bus driver like "this guy's got finesse". then one of the weirdest parts of the dream: everyone on the bus starts laughing even people who obviously didn't hear me (there was a guy wearing headphones and the bus driver didn't speak english). then they all start clapping and nodding and i look up and the driver is clapping and nodding (hands firmly NOT on the wheel). then suddenly the bus makes a sharp 90-degree turn and stops in the middle of the road. we all get off. i still don't know what the place was that i arrived at, it was some sort of three level nite club or something. there was like an all ages level (the ground floor), an 18-20 level (basement level 1) and a 21+ level (basement level 2). i opted for the latter. but my keys kept getting stuck on the railing. i was for some reason fixated on jumping down the stairs a flight at a time and everytime my keys would get caught. but they wouldn't make me fall. they would end up tied to the railing the same way i tie them to my pants. then when i finally got to the 21+ level there were these guys watching me jump down the stairs and they noticed my keys get stuck. then some other guy started asking me why my keys were getting stuck. i told him it was because the stairs were really narrow. then suddenly i was barely able to move up and down the stairs because they were only as wide as one of my legs. then the guy said, that's no reason for your keys to get caught tho! the stairs relaxed... then i look up and see two guys playing with my keys trying to untie them from the railing. as i got closer i noticed they were playing some sort of game with my keys. they were changing the knot without untieing (spelling?) the keys. then i got up to them and as soon as i got there the guy handed me my keys, or so i thought, but they were different keys so i gave them back and found my keys laying on the ground. then the guy who i'd been talking to earlier asked me something along the lines of "are you interesting?" (yes that says are you interesting? its not a typo) "i always see you around and wonder what you are doing." then i responded "sure i'll hang out with you for awhile." so we go into this room at the bottom of the stairs (or the stairs may have kept going, i didn't check) and its like all cement walls dirty floor (with drain) but this really elegant king size bed that one guy is sitting on, there's another sitting on the floor with me. and there's a girl stuffed in what i can only call a cubby. she's really jammed in there and she's got all these bandages on with blood soaking through. so anyway me and the dudes start talking and one starts philosiphizing about alcoholics anonymous (aka AA). he starts talking about the 12 steps and how good they are and how they help your li(f)e (oops, almost typed 'lie' there). then he pauses to see what i want to say so i'm like "yah the steps are good because they help addicts spend time doing something besides drugs." the dude looked puzzled, so i quickly recited some of the steps and gave examples of what i was talking about: "like step 2 where you go around apologizing to everyone that you've wronged." then seeing that i knew what the 12 steps were the man jumped right back into his rant(?) about how good AA is. then the bloodied girl next to us who had been quiet the whole time suddenly awoke and asked me:
"you don't mind smoking with paramedics do you?"
I was like "no, why?"
"because there's some paramedics on the way that are going to be smoking me up."
"aren't paramedics supposed to give you regular medicine?"
"they will but they are also 'unofficially' going to smoke with me."
suddenly i had a flash of a newspaper clipping with the headline 'Paramedics Give Wounded Girl 'Unofficial' Medication'
that's when i realized:
"hey you're the girl from the email aren't you!?"
i was not satisfied with her lack of enthusiasm.
"i didn't even mean to come here!" (or did i?)
she hadn't put her location in the email. strangely enough too, now that i think of it, she didn't have a computer nor was she in a position to use one.
"you don't understand how weird that is!"
then they all started looking at me like i was a freak. i woke up.

i have spent a lot of time trying to interpret what this dream means and i have come up with many different answers but i'd like to know what you all think if you care to share.


I have been active in lucid dreaming for about one year now. It has given me some incredible experiences! People who are really interested should look at www.ld4all.com (www.ld4all.nl for the dutch), there is a great forum for lucid dreamers there also!